Chapter 23

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Arthit knocked the door to grab the attention of Kongpob and his guests. He smiled and wai-ed at Krist who just smiled as an acknowledgement and disappeared. Krist is not supposed to have any connect before the actual ritual and on top of it, if his childish partner, Singto, got to know about this, then he's going to sulk for decades. Krist and Singto always compete with each other to get the attention of Kongpob.

Kongpob, as usual smiled towards Arthit and said nothing, waiting for the other to speak something.

"I bought dinner from your favourite restaurant. Let's have dinner once I freshen up?" Arthit spoke, raising his hands to show the food parcels. Kongpob nodded and took the package from Arthit' s hand to prepare the table.

They didn't spoke much and are in their own thinking. Kongpob is thinking of confronting Arthit before taking any decision while Arthit is thinking about what he heard before. The only thing Arthit is sure about is, he can't live without Kongpob.


Next day morning, Kongpob woke up before Arthit as usual. They got habituated with a daily routine. Kongpob' s day starts with kissing Arthit on his forehead. He's the one who always prepares breakfast (magically😄 though) after knowing that Arthit usually skips his breakfast which Rome defined it as unhealthy habit.

Kongpob is in the middle of arranging everything by waving his hands in air, when two pale white arms wrapped around his waist. He was startled as this is the first time Arthit is doing it but soon relaxed after feeling the warmth of the latter.

"After breakfast, we have an appointment" Arthit said while keeping his chin on the other's shoulder.

"Where?" Kongpob replied stiffly.

"Surprise!! We're going to be late, prepare the best dress for both of us... and please use Magic or else you'll take entire day" Kongpob pouted at the other's remark but nodded.


Arthit stopped the car in front of a Mansion and looked at Kongpob who is fidgeting nervously. He is sure the other know what exactly this place is. So, instead of clarifying it, Arthit chose to tease other

"I thought you wanted to meet my parents. But now when the time came, you're... nervous?" Kongpob slapped on the other's arm playfully and pouted

"You could have given a heads-up."

"Ow!! I thought you can read my mind?"

"I can... but I use that power only when its emergency. I want to respect your privacy" Kongpob replied and Arthit can see the honesty and respect in other's eyes. He couldn't stop himself from kissing the other. Kongpob' s nervousness vanished when his lips touched his lover's. He wounded his arms around Arthit' s nape, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.

Kong, I won't let you go. You're MINE!!

Kongpob heard it clearly and couldn't be happier with it. He guessed Krist would have let the protective spell down so that Arthit can hear what is in his own mind. He thanked his P'Krist mentally.

"How come you changed your mind suddenly? Aren't you ashamed of me before?" Kongpob asked after breaking the kiss. Arthit can sense Kongpob's sadness in his voice. Arthit held Kongpob's chin and turned his face towards him.

"I was never ashamed of you Kong. I was doubtful about my father's reaction. When my mother narrated their love story, she explained me how difficult it was for my father to accept with her identity. He was always cautious around her and it took around 2 months to ease. He is a normal human being who never believed in those things and it was too much for him at that time. I don't want my father to be cautious about you as well. I want my family to accept you with open arms" Arthit explained everything

"Was it difficult for you also... after knowing my identity?" Kongpob questioned back. Arthit chuckled and replied

"No... I actually wanted an angel to be my partner" Arthit smiled remembering how he wished to give an angel as his special one on full moon day. "But instead, I got to-be King of all Angels" Kongpob pecked on Arthit's lips as response, expressing how happy he's.


Kongpob and Arthit entered the mansion when an old servant opened the door. She bowed to Arthit, her young master as a greeting. Kongpob observed how Arthit is acknowledging each and every greeting of lined up servants and appreciated the other for his ground to earth nature.

They both sat on a sofa waiting for Arthit' s parents.

"Why are we waiting here?" Kongpob asked as he assumed, he'll get a chance to look into Arthit' s room where he spent his childhood in but to his disappointment, Arthit told that they'll be waiting at the living room

"Servant told right, my parents are in board meeting and will be here in 5-10 minutes" Arthit replied not understanding the original question

"I got that. What I mean is... we can wait in your room!!" Kongpob said the last part in a low voice

"Don't tell me, you're having dirty thoughts after our kiss" Arthit whispered, leaning more towards Kongpob' s ear

"NO... I want to look around this place" Kongpob replied with a high pitch voice. Arthit first chuckled but replied nonetheless

"This is the first time I visited this house after going out for exile. So, I am not sure of the changes done in this place and also I doubt if my room is still the same." Arthit said casually and continued with a small smile on his face "Let's wait here and after meeting Mae and Por... we can roam" Kongpob nodded in reply.

After about 15 minutes, Kongpob suddenly felt weak. It's as if someone else more powerful is around and he never experienced this intense feeling before.

"Oon... Oon" Arthit heard a tensed voice and looked at Kongpob who is clutching the armrest too tightly. He can see the uneasiness the other is feeling. He cupped Kongpob' s cheeks and asked to relax

"Is there... anyone... who is not... human other... than... your mother?" Kongpob questioned with much difficulty

"No... Only my Mae. What is happening Kong?"

"I don't know Oon. I am feeling weak and unable to mind link with P'Singto or P'Krist also. There's someone more powerful around and they're stopping me from using my powers" By the time Kongpob finished, he's already on the floor, Kneeling, facing towards the main entrance

Arthit, not understanding what to do, he also kneeled beside Kongpob and side-hugged him, assuring that he's with him. Kongpob looked at Arthit who is surprisingly not affected at all.

What is happening to me? Why am I feeling this weak all of the sudden? P'KRIST!!... P'SINGTO!!

A/N: Thanks for all your wishes!!! I felt content, having such great readers who not only supports my work and encourage to write more but also wishes for my well being!! 

Even though, my health is not back on track completely, I started working... so, thought of publishing new update. Hope you're all safe and healthy 😊

Thanks for reading!!

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