Chapter 28: The mall

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Carta POV

TW: cussing

*knock knock* The sound was coming from my door. I had just gotten my crutches off a few days ago and it felt great to be able to walk. I stood up and opened the door. "Hey so like do you have any plans today?" The blue haired girl asked. "What if I do?" I questioned back. "Cancel them." She said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of my door. "Hey I have to lock up first." I yelled at her. "UGHHHHH fine just hurry" she said as let me go. I ran up to my door and locked it, then I went back to the car. "Ready?" She asked. "Does it matter?" I said. "No. We haven't  hung out in forever and then you ended up in a hospital for two and a half months. We are hanging out today." "Fair enough. So where are we going mista?" "Literally anywhere away from my boyfriend." She said. "So the mall." "Ugggh whatever" she fake groaned with a smile on her face as she started the car and began to drive.

[Time skip to the mall]

We pull up to the mall and there's a huge banner over the front if the store. "Hey mista, what's that for?" I asked her. "How should I know, read it yourself" she says. "Nah it's to far away." I say as I shrug my shoulders. "Whatever" she replies. We get out of her car and she locks it before we head up to the doors. We walk inside and it's the busiest I have ever seen it. "Wow it's really busy." I say. "Yup now let's go." Mermista says. "The arcade where else." "Cool, but if you pull a Glimmer I'm leaving" I mumble. " I didn't hear what you just said and I don't care. Let's go." She says. I chuckle as we begin to walk in the direction of the arcade. "What's up Cat." Mermista asks. "I'm just remembering why I like you. It's your whole "fuck life, fuck you, I don't care attitude." I say. "Yeah that pretty much sums it up." She says as we both share a laugh. "So what made you like me?" I asked her. "Ugggh. Well your feisty, you don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks, your a badass, and I just felt like we would get along. The big one though, the whole reason for this friendship is" she paused. "What what is it?" I ask. She laughs "you called my boyfriend a loud fire starter". We both laugh louder than last time, so loud a few people looked at us. "O-Okay there's the arcade." I said as I tried to control my laughter. "Y-Yup" Mermista said. After we both stopped laughing we walked inside and started playing games.

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