Chapter 22: Nice to meet you while you're sober

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After a while I sat up and Adora followed. "Where are you going Catra?" She asked. "It's late. I think I should get you home. After all, I don't want your mom and Mrs.Moon to be mad at me." I said. "Wait Angella is my mom so what are you? Oh!" Adora said. She started laughing. "O-okay that's fair. Glimmer does act like a mom sometimes." She said between laughs. I joined in on the laughter. After we were done laughing I stood up and started walking. Adora ran to catch up with me and grabbed my hand. "Jeez what's with you and hand holding tonight" I asked her jokingly. "I guess it makes me feel like we're closer." She said. "Alright but no holding hands on the bike." I told her. She groaned but agreed. We got on the bike and she grabbed my waist. I started the bike and started driving.

We pulled up to Adora's house where Mrs.Moon and sparkles were sitting outside. I parked my bike and Mrs.Moon and sparkles ran up to Adora and hugged her. "Adora I was so worried, " Mrs.moon said. "yeah you just left and didn't tell me where you were going." Sparkles said. "Relax guys I wasn't even gone that long." Adora said. "Adora it's 2 am" Mrs.moon said. "wait really?" Adora said shocked. "Yeah that's my fault." I said. Mrs.moon and Sparkles looked shocked when I spoke like they hadn't noticed my presence. "And you are?" Mrs.moon asked me. "Catra. We've met before " I said. "Oh you're the one who knocked out that purple haired girl and my daughter " she said. I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. "Angella relax she only hit us because we were fighting." Adora said as she got off the bike. "So what did you two lovebirds do?" Sparkles asked with a smug look. I could feel my face heating up and when I looked at Adora I could see that her face was red thanks to the outside lights that were on. "Lovebirds?" Mrs.moon said questioningly. I was shocked. She doesn't know? Did Adora not tell her. Why wouldn't she tell her? Is she embarrassed of me? Thoughts raced through my mind until Adora spoke. "Yeah you've been really busy these past months so I didn't have time to tell you." Adora said nervously. "Tell me what exactly Adora?." Mrs.moon asked. I kicked the bike stand down and got off. Adora wrapped her hand around my waist and pulled me close to her. "Me and Catra are dating." Adora said. "So wait were you and that purple haired girl actually fighting over her?" She asks as she points at me. "Yeah. I may have overreacted." Adora said. "Wow.i thought she was making up some story because she was drunk." Mrs.moon said. "Yeah I was really drunk and what happened was kinda crazy." I said. "You called me by my name that night." Sparkles said as she leaned closer to me. "Yeah and I said don't get too cocky" I told her. " Ahh whatever you like me and you know it" she said. "Whatever sparkles '' I said. ''You didn't deny it " she said. I scoffed and shook my head. "So how long have you guys been dating?" Mrs.moon asked us. "A few months," Adora said. "Okay and what did you do while you were out tonight?" She asked us. "Not much" Adora said. " Okay let me rephrase that. Did you do anything inappropriate tonight? She said as she turned to face me. "ANGELA!" Adora yelled. She put a finger up and said " shh Adora I want an answer from her." She pointed at me. "No Mrs.Moon I can promise you we didn't do anything inappropriate." I said. "what exactly did you do then?" She asked. "After we left the party I gave Adora the gifts I got her for Christmas. Then we drove to an empty park and talked. After that we danced because she wanted to. Next we played down and watched the stars. Then I drove her home." I said. "And can you confirm this?" She asked adora. Adora nodded her head. Sparkles was laughing and Adora was sweating. "Okay then where are the presents?" She asked us. "Well this is the present she gave me" I said as I pointed to the mask on my face. "And this is what she gave me." Adora said as she pointed to the jacket and showed her necklace to her mom. "Is that the Horde logo?" Mrs moon asked. Adora nodded her head. She turned to face me before saying "so you went to the Horde?" I nodded my head. "alright. Well do you want to stay over for the night. On our couch of course." Mrs.moon said. Adora and Sparkles were both nodding their heads up and down. "Thanks for the offer Mrs.Moon but I'm going to have to decline. I have work tomorrow morning and my work clothes are at my apartment." I told her. "Oh where do you work?" She asked. "Brightmoon mechanics." I told her. She nodded her head. "Well it was nice to meet you when you were sober." She said. I laughed and said " likewise." I walked up to Adora and hugged her. Adora looked upset and said "I hate your job just so you know." I laughed and said "sorry but we can hangout after I'm done working." "Promise" she asked. "Promise" I said. I fist bumped Sparkles and got on my bike. "Bye also don't forget to tell your boyfriend I said hi'' I said as I drove off.

Angela pov

I turned around and said "I like her". Adora smiled a big smile and laughed. "Also you could have told me that even if I was working because that comes nts as important." I told her. She nodded her head. I turned to Glimmer and said "boyfriend huh? Who is it." I asked her. She just groaned and ran inside. "GLIMA GET BACK HERE. THIS CONVERSATION IS NOT OVER GLIMA. GET BACK HERE." I yelled. Adora laughed. "Hey you seems like you really like that girl. Catra '' I said. "Of course i like her, she's my girlfriend." Adora said. I just nodded my head. It seems like you liked her more than that.

Catra's pov

Today went fairly well and I had a lot of fun with Adora. She makes everything better and she listens to me. She didn't leave, she stayed there and supported me even when I cried. I hope that one day I can tell her tha-

Cliffhangers hehehe.

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