Chapter 10: Security footage

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TW swearing and Adora saying she is going to kill Rachel repeatedly. Also this chapter is kinda odd?? I guess?

Catra pov

I woke up and screamed. I looked around and had no idea where I was. The last thing I remember from last night was being in a shot contest with Rachel. "Oh my God did I black out or was I kidnapped" I started to freak out when I heard a voice say "Yes you have been kidnapped by me" I screamed again and curled up into a ball. I then heard laughter. Who the hell would think this is funny. "Wow you really fell for it" I looked over to see Sparkles laughing. "You freaking sparkling disaster where am I". She looked at me like was stupid and said " my house" I was shocked and said "wait WHAT when did this happen." She looked at me concerned and said "Catra what is the last thing you remember". "The last thing I remember was being in a shot contest with Rachel" I told her. Sparkles mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. I started laughing because she looked stupid. "You're serious," she asked me. "Yeah why" I said. "You have a lot to catch up on. luckily me and DT have the power of security cameras." She said I was so confused but I just nodded my head. She dragged me into another room where everyone was except Adora. Sparkles sat me down on the floor and ran back into the kitchen where I woke up at. She came out with a pot and a metal spatula and started hitting them together. "Bang bang bang" everyone woke up with a groans except Rachel who was still asleep. "Why would you do that Glimmer" Crop top yelled at her. "To wake you up duh and there is ibuprofen in the bathroom and water in the kitchen." She yelled. Just as she said that I realized I had a throbbing pain in my head. I walked into the bathroom and came out with the bottle of Ibuprofen and put two in everyone's hand. We all went into the kitchen and got glasses of water and took the pills.

I went back into the living room and went next to Rachel. "WAKE UP STUPID'' I yelled in Rachel's ear. She didn't wake up so I tried again "WAKE UP STUPID". She started to stir and opened her eyes. "Hey Catra~" she says. "Hey sleepyhead" I tell her. I grab the ibuprofen bottle I left in the kitchen along with a cup of water and bring it over to her. "Here for your headache" I tell her. She nodes her head and takes the medicine and then says "thanks". I nod my head back and forth "No need for thanks your my friend" I tell her. Sparkles comes in and yells "Everyone get in your cars we're going to DT's." "Ugh whyy" Mermista asks. "To look at the security footage" Sparkles says, overly happy. Entrapta says "makes sense because if my data is correct and it is most of us blacked out so this will let us see the events that happened last night" We all just kinda nod our heads in agreement. "Wait" I say. Everyone turns around and looks at me "What about Adora" I ask. Sparkles and Crop top start to laugh as they say "We totally forgot about Adora." Sparkles says "She is in her room you can go wake her up." She pointed up the stairs at a door. I walk up the stairs and knock. There is no response so I open the door and see Adora sleeping. I walk over there and shake her awake. She groans and says "Fuck you Rachel shes mine" and punches me in the face.

Glimmers pov

Me and the gang we're all talking about what we remember last night when I heard Adora yell something and Catra scream. I ran up the stairs and into Adoras room only to see her in a head lock and Catra with a swollen eye."What is going on here" I yell. "I woke Adora up and she punched me in the face". Catra pointed at her swollen eye. "I said I was sorry, please let me go" Adora pleaded. "Fine," Catra says, letting Adora go. Adora ran over to me and hid behind me. I sigh and say "Alright guys let's go". "Go where" Adora asked. "DT's". "Whyy" Adora whined. I get a devious smile on my face and said "To look at the security footage of course because most of us have no idea what happened last night." Adora groaned and we all walked downstairs.

Rachel's pov

Adora, Glimmer, and Catra walked down the stairs. Catra and Glimmer went ahead of Adora to put in their shoes and such, but Adora stayed behind and gave me the death glare. Great, she remembers what happened last night so I am dead. She glared at me until Bow yelled "Adora get ready we are going." She walked away still looking at me like she wanted me dead. "Let's go everybody chop chop I want my daily dose of DRAMA."DT says as they go outside. Everybody else got up and went outside. I saw Adora talking to Catra and my heart hurt. She said she didn't want me so why should I stay. I got in my mustang and before anyone could say anything I started my car and backed up hoping I wouldn't hit anyone. Nobody came chasing me thankfully. I blocked Catra's phone number and decided I would talk to her when I was ready. I cried myself home and decided I should move.

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