Chapter 6: The King?

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??? pov

I decided to find out where the mystery girl aka my crush sat so I could sit next to her. I spotted her standing up at Adoras table. Ugh she's always with Adora whatever you got this I told myself as I walked over to the table. Right before I said hey I told myself you got this be cool, be cool you got this Scorpia.

??? pov

I walked into the cafeteria and saw her and decided to talk to her.

Catra's pov

"My name is Catra" I said

"No wonder I like you" Mermaid Girl said

"OOO can I fight you" Ice-Cube says

"No fight me so I can prove my worth to my dearest Mermista" The animal hybrid says

"Can you teach me how to fight my King" Crop top says as he bows, then laughs

" Can you help me improve my fighting stance" Sparkles says

"Can you join on of meditation classes" Flower perfume says

"I am friends with the KING no way!" Scorpia says

"What are you guys talking about" Adora yelled

Everyone turned and looked at Adora. "Are you STUPID" they all yelled at her. Adora had a confused look on her face. She turned to look at me and I busted out laughing. When I stopped laughing Adora asked me "What are they talking about Catra". Everyone looked at Adora dumbfounded. Mermista finally spoke up and said :"the legendary King". "The best fighter known in Etheria" Sea Hawk added. "The super cool and all mighty King" Bow practically yells causing me to snicker. "The undefeated warrior" Frosta says as she punches her fists into the air. "The one who has beat a hundred people in a row" Glimmer adds. Then they all start chanting "The King The King" Adora takes a deep breath and yells "WHAT DO YOU MEAN". I started chuckling because she seriously didn't know who I was. I stopped chuckling when I heard someone say "She's the almighty King Catra". I gasped. I knew that voice. I turned around and said "Lonnie?" "The one and only" She snickered. "What are you doing here" I asked her. "Oh yeah that's right you didn't know I mean you wouldn't would you." "Don't bring THAT up" I told her. "Or what you gonna punch me. Oh wait you cant because we aren't in the horde anymore are we Catra." "You think I care Lonnie." I asked her getting ready to fight. "Honestly no I don't but I do know you won't do that in front of your friends." She says with a smirk. "I did it in front of you didn't I," I told her. "Yeah you did and I fell in love with you only to have you break my heart later." She said looking like she was about to cry. "I did it to protect you. You know what they would have done to anyone who dated the King." I told her. "Why did you have to be the King, why couldn't you just be my girlfriend huh." she yelled at me. "That school would have gone mad without a King. It would have gone back to the riots and arguing over who was the leader which would have hurt more people and you know that.' I growled at her. "Yeah I do know, but we could have dated in secret you didn't have to break my heart. You.. you could have given me a chance. She started to cry. I looked in her eyes and saw a pain and sadness that I knew all too well. I couldn't help myself. I hugged her, something I rarely did and people who received them were considered untouchable in the Horde. "I'm sorry" I told her. I pulled back from the hug and said "there was another reason I couldn't date you that was just the cover." Her eyes widened "Wait are you not gay?" I started laughing at her expression "That's not it at all I am 100% gay my god Lonnie geez." I said between laughs. I pulled her closer and whispered in her ear "It's because of my Parental Guardian she didn't approve of me being gay and beat me for it along with a bunch of other things." I told her before pulling back and looking into her wide eyes. "Oh I-I'm sorry my King" She said and then bowed at me. "It's fine Lonnie you didn't know and I did break your heart and even though it wasn't on purpose it was still a jerky thing to do to you. I am happy you got to go here, you didn't belong in the Horde, you were too smart and cute to be in that horrible place, this place however suits you." I told her and gave her a smile. "You know I can't accept that no one can accept an apology from the king." she told me as a tint of red appeared on her cheeks. "This is the one apology I want someone to accept." I told her. "Okay I accept your apology, thank you my King' She said before she turned around and walked away. I took my seat next to Adora and saw that everyone was staring at me with their mouths open. "What?" I said. They all looked at each other and yelled "YOU'RE GAY!!". "Yeah you guys didn't know that" I said, a little confused. "NO" they all shouted at me. "Well yes I am gay and now you know" I said returning to eat my food. Everyone looked at each other and smiled before Bow yelled "I SHIP IT" at me. "Wait what" I said. Bow yelled again "I SHIP IT" pointing his finger at me and Adora. "What NO you guys know I'm not gay." Adora said. I busted out laughing and said "Yeah keep telling yourself that princess." Everyone else joined in on the laughter as Adora yelled "I'M NOT GAY GUYS" trying to make us believe her but that only made us laugh harder. The laughter slowly died down into chuckles as the bell signaling the end of lunch rang. I said goodbye to everyone except Sparkles,Adora,and Crop top since we all had History together and I found out that one of Crop top dads teaches the class. We started to walk towards room 217 when sparkles asked me "So who was that?". I looked at her and asked "Who?". "That girl with brown dreads pulled into a ponytail" She tells me. "OH Lonnie. Yeah she had a crush on me back in the horde." Sparkles laughed at this and then said "Who would ever like you? "She got it when I beat up a guy that was chasing her because she kicked his car so shut up glitter bomb." Her eyes widened and said "Where did glitter bomb come from". I laughed at her expression and said "Dunno just thought of it". "How old are you because you act like your 5" She tells me and then proceeds to stick her tongue out at me. "You're not much better yourself glitter bomb, but if you know I am 17 and my birthday is October 28th." She stopped walking and her mouth was wide opened. She said "17?". "Yeah aren't all seniors 17 or 18" I asked. She looked like she was about to cry as she said "Yeah well i'm 16 and the youngest senior here other than Entrapta." "Oh how old is Entrapta?" "15" She tells me. "Yeah and she is super smart and really good at Robotics, I look up to her and am very happy I am on her Robotics team." Crop top butts in with an overly enthusiastic voice cracked tone as always. He then looks at me and says "YOU have to meet her and also wouldn't Glimmer Bomb make more sense than Glitter Bomb." I laugh and tell him "Yes but sparkle explosion could be better". He starts laughing and says "YeS ThaT wouLd be AmazInG." His voice cracks a lot. Sparkle explosion butted in and said "Don't encourage her Bow!". This earned a laugh from Adora. It was the most beautiful and Heartwarming laugh I had heard. I realized I was staring at her and said "You must be overly pure." "Huh? What does that mean." She says. She crosses her arms trying to look intimidating but just ends up looking cuter than normal. "I just mean that you have the most heartwarming laugh, so you must not have a single regret." I tell her. "Oh I thought that you were-." She was cut off as my phone chimed. I looked at it and saw it was from Rachel and that it read are you coming over tonight or tomorrow morning? I responded I'll come after school. I saw the three dots meaning she was responding. Can I ride it to your school and have you drive it back. I texted her yeah just DON'T CRASH IT OR YOU WILL BUY ME A NEW ONE AND I WILL KILL YOU AFTER. She responded I'll do my best. I let out a groan and Bow asked me "What's wrong?" Nothing, it's just a friend of mine who has my ride and asked if she could drive it to my school." "Oh what type of car do you have" Glimmer bomb asked me. "How about you see after school" I told them. She groaned and said "why does everything with you have to be a mystery". I let out a chuckle as I say "That's the way I am, deal with it." She groans and we walk towards the class.

Time skip I choose you

Catras pov

I was at my locker waiting for Glimmer bomb, Crop top, and Adora when I was tackled to the ground. I kicked whoever it was off of me and looked up to see a girl with long purple hair put into ponytails with a recorder. "I am so sorry" She tells me. "What do you want" I ask her as I feel a scowl creep across my face. She puts the recorder up to my face and bamboozles me with questions "What's your name". "Catra". "Are you new". "Yes" "Do you like it here". "It's alright I guess and why are you recording this?" I ask her. "I wanted to question you because my friend told me about a girl with heterochromia and I wanted to examine her eyes." "Whoa who told you about me and why do you want to examine my eyes." "My friend Scorpia told me about you and I want to examine your eyes FOR SCIENCE and because they're cool." I gasped, everyone had called me a freak for my eyes until I became the king. "Okay then what do you want to know". I ask her "Can I just look at them?" She asks me. I shrug my shoulders as she starts talking to her recorder. "Log day 173 Subject appears to have one blue eye and one amber eye. The blue one is on the right while the amber one is on the left....." She started rambling on about my eyes and I did not understand a word and then Crop top, Adora, and Glimmer bomb showed up. "I see you two have met each other already" I hear Crop top say. The purple haired girl stops everything, looks up and yells "Bow". They then get into a long talk about code and stuff that no one understands. I hear running footsteps and turn around to see Scorpia running towards us. She sees the purple haired girl and yells "Entrapta you were supposed to wait for me." "But I wanted to meet the girl with heterochromia" She says pointing at me. She turns and sees me and says "Oh Catra didn't see you there. I'm sorry did she study you and ask you a bunch of questions?" "It's fine and yes" I tell her. She immediately picks me up and says " I am so sorry I told her about you and how you were the king and had heterochromia." I am trying to get out of her embrace. "Stop it, put me down I said it's fine just stop please." She puts me down and says "You sure?". "Yes it's fine and who is she?" I say pointing at the purple haired girl. She must have heard me because she looked at me and said "I'm Entrapta". "So your the girl Crop top was talking about." She gave me a confused look and said "Who?" I pointed at him. "But his name is Bow," She said. I started laughing and said "you really can't take a joke can you. It's my nickname for him", "Oh. what's a nickname." I looked at her dumbfounded. " it's a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name." I tell her. She nods in response "so what's my nickname Catra." She asks. "You already told her your Name" Glitter yells at me. "Yeah she already knew I was the King so no point is there eh Glimmer bomb." She growled and said "Yeah I guess". I turned back to Entrapta and said "Give me time, I'll figure one out." "Okay" She responds. Bow asks "So do you and Scorpia want to see Catra's ride." Scorpia yelled ''YES". "Alright let's go" I said. We headed for the door. When we got outside a fist was headed for my face.

So how did you like it? This took me a long time to type so I hope you all enjoyed it, also tell me in the comments which nickname you like for Glimmer out of Sparkles,Glimmer/Glitter bomb and Sparkle explosion. Also give me nickname suggestions for Entrapta if possible. Till next time bye.

Word count=2242

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