Chapter 2: My Name??

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Just tell me everything that's wrong and i'm sorry if you're reading this

??? pov

Beep beep be- I groan and turn off my alarm clock by unplugging it and get up. I throw on a black rock shirt that says NIN on the front in a bold gray font, a pair of black ripped jeans, my leather jacket, my leather boots, and a pair of fingerless gloves. I grab my phone off my dresser and grab my shades and put them on and run downstairs. I know my parental guardian has not made food and I know that she is not here mainly because I didn't get woken up by my name being yelled or a belt to my back. I run back up the stairs to my room, grab my wallet and run downstairs grabbing my backpack and heading to the nearest cafe. I plug in my headphones, turn on Spotify and start to mumble the words while I'm walking. I am singing along to my song and then i see the cafe. I go inside order a sandwich and a coffee. I went to sit down but then decided to check the time. "Oh no I'm going to be late" I mumbled to myself. I grab my order and dart out the door towards the school. I finish my food and coffee after I arrive at the school. "Man I would have enough time to go home and grab my ride now I have to walk back, dang it." I go into the school and the receptionist asks me the stupidest question ever "What are you here for?" "I'm the new kid," I responded. "Oh, well go through that door right there the principal has been waiting for you." she tells me. I walk through the door and am met with a tall lady with dark pink-ish hair looking at some papers...MY papers. "Um hello" I say trying to get her attention. "Oh sorry I didn't even notice you my bad. You're the new transfer right" she says looking at me. "That's right," I say to her. "Well then here is your schedule, it has your classes,locker number, and combo." she says as she hands me the paper. I nod my head in agreement showing her I understand. "You will also be given a guide who will show you around the school." she says looking directly at me. I nod my head and she says "can you wait outside the door." I nod my head, walk out the door and lean against the wall. Soon a blonde girl walks into the office but, not before she looks at me like she is examining me trying to figure out who or more likely what I am. Soon the Blondie walks out. She is wearing a white shirt with a letter varsity jacket over it, plain old blue jeans, and a pair of red vans. In other words she was wearing your basic everyday clothes at your not so basic everyday school so she definitely stood out. I looked at her jacket and thought what sports they had more along the lines of did they have football. She walked up to me and I said "so you must be my tour guide." We got into a conversation about what her name was. She wanted to be called Adora because it was her name but I wanted to call her Blondie or princess. I let her choose. She chose princess but seemed shocked when I called her that. She asked me to call her Adora. I said "No" and will forever call her princess. Then she asked me the question that I dreaded someone would ask me. "Ugh fine what's your name" she asks and I froze. I hoped no one would ask me that because if they knew my name I would be alone. again.

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