Chapt 27: Her apartment

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Adoras POV

I turn around and see the brown haired girl standing over me. A cast on her arm, a brace on her leg, a neck brace, and she was holding crutches. "Catra!" I gasp as I shoot up and hug my girlfriend. "OW! My neck adora" Catra semi yells. I pull away and say "sorry!" She laughs and says " its alright. Its almost healed now anyway. " "oh thats good" i tell her. Catra puts her hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes. Her face serious. "I have a question adora and its very important." " what is it? " i ask nervously. "What day is it?" "ARE YOU SERIOUS! THATS YOUR FIRST QUESTION? NOT WHAT HAPPENED TO ME OR I LOVE YOU!" I yell at her with tears running down my face. She laughs and says "I know what happened the doctors explained it and you already know i love you dummy." " Oh. " i say. "So i repeat what day is it?" She asked. " its March 5th" i tell her. "WHAT! It was literally Christmas eve like two hours ago! Fucking coma." I laugh and hug her again. Thus time i let my emotions flow out and just cry into her shoulder, but they're different tears. They're tears of happiness. "I missed you" i say into her shoulder . She wraps one arm around me and says "i missed you too Adora" i pull away and i see Scorpia behind Catra. It looked like her eyes had sparkles in them she was smiling so much. I point to Scorpia and Catra turns around. "Heya Scorps." She says and she outstretched her arms. Scorpias eyes widened at the sight but she said " no". "What", catra scoffed, "you never turn down a hug." " i dont want to but you have broken bones, and i dont want to hurt you. " Scorpia says. "Allright just know im expecting one later." Catra says. Scorpia laughs and says "okay. Im gonna let you two catch up okay." " Okay. See ya Scorps. " Catra says. Scorpia walks away waving at Catra and me. After Scorpia rounds the corner Catra turns around. "Alright let's go." " Go? Go where? " i ask. "To my apartment dummy. They already excused me, and ive apparently been here for 3 months." "Um, okay." We started walking towards the exit. We reached the car and I opened the passenger seat door for catra and then proceeded to open mine. "Alright where to?" I asked her. She handed me her phone. "Just open up google maps and hit the button that says home." I did as she instructed and started driving.

(Time skip)

I pulled up to the apartment complex and parked the car. I got out and ran over to Catras door to open it. She grabbed onto my shoulder and pulled herself out. "Thank she-ra i only have to deal with this for a week. That coma did some good after all." I chuckled. "Alright which ones yours?" I asked her. " second door on the second floor. " When we got to the foot of the stairs i told catra to stop. "Why?" She asked. I picked her up bridal style and said " im not letting my girlfriend with a broken leg walk up the stairs. " She rolled her eyes and then said "okay ms. Chivalrous" i walked up the stairs and set her down when i reached the second door. She pulled out her keys and unlocked the door reveling a small one bedroom apartment with a small kitchen and living room. She walked in and sarcastically said " welcome to my humble abode" I walked up to the book case and saw a picture of what looked like a younger Catra, but she had black hair with a red streak in it, and beside her was a green haired girl. "Hey is this you?" I asked her. She came over to where i was to see what i was looking at. "Yeah thats me in middle school" she said. "You look so different." " well you didn't think thus was the emoest i looked did you? " "You know thats a fair point. Whos this beside you?" I asked. " oh thats rachel. " The mention of her name made my blood boil, but i snapped out of my anger trance when Catra started laughing. "Whats so funny?"  "this was taken after Rachel first dyed her hair. It was so bad she had green hair dye all over her face and neck. It took hour's for me to get it all off." " where is she? " i asked her. "I dont know i heard she moved, but she blocked me from her stuff so I dont know where she is" "oh, well im sure she'll come back at some point." I said. " yeah maybe" Catra said as she returned the picture to it's spot on the book shelf. "Well im hungry how about you Adora." Catra asked. " sure i could eat. " "what's you're favorite type of T.V dinner?" she asked. " uh i dont care. " i responded. "Okay well you're getting chicken." She said. " Okay. " i responded as i started to look around her apartment. I saw many pictures, but one other one intrigued me. "Whos this?" I asked her. Catra came out of the kitchen , hed crutches making a loud noise every time they hit the ground. I showed her a picture of two black haired girl standing next to each other with their tounges sticking out, and they were throwing up devil horns. They were both  dressed all black, one of them wearing a leather spiked vest and the other had a Mohawk. "Oh thats me and Brittany" " What? " I said shocked. "Why do you seemed so shocked?" " i cant see Brittany looking like either of the people in this picture. " "yeah i now we both looked so different but believe it or not shes the one with the Mohawk." " seriously? " "yup. This was where we met actually. It was at a Rancid concert and we looked fly." " well i cant argue with that last part" I said. "Damn right you cant" Catra said as she chuckled. The timer on the microwave went of and she walked back over to the kitchen. "Dinners ready if thats wht you want to call it" she said. I walked over and sat down at the table in front of her. "Im screwed ain't I?" She asked. "Hm?"  " i missed three months of school im gonna have so much homework. " "oh im sure you'll bee fine they let me turn in work late." Catra started coughing . "You. Late? I don't believe it." "Well i kinda hit a slump when you got hit." I said nervously . "What kind of a slump did you hit exactly Adora?" " a-a depression slump" i mumbled. "Adora! Are you braindamaged!?" " No!... Maybe.... Yes? " i said uncertainly. "My god you are." Catra says as she throws her trash into the trashcan before standing up on her crutches and walking over to the couch. "Come on Adora you're telling me everything i missed from the past three months."

Ha ha b*ches you thought. Your comments had me laughing and tempting me. I wanted change it so that she was dead. Also i had no idea what to write for this chapter because i know how i want to end it but no idea how to get there so hang in there with me. If you want me to write a different ending where she does die tell me and i'll gladly write it.

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