Chapter 26: Catra?

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Adora's POV

Me and Scorpia both stand up, not even caring about our food. No no no no no NO. Scorpia stopped in front of the elevator. "NO TIME SCORPIA" I yell as my voice breaks and tears come out of my eyes. I open the door and start running down the stairs. I hear Scorpia running behind me, but I tune out everything and get sucked into my thoughts. Catra please be okay. Please please don't be dead. I need you. I can't lose you now. There's still something I need to say to you. I see the door with a number 2 on it and push it open. It closes and opens again as Scorpia comes out her breath heavy. I run around the corner closer to the noise. Closer to Catra's room. I see almost 5 people running to her door as I round the final corner. One of the nurses notices us and run's to us. "You need to leave." He says. "But that's my GIRLFRIEND" I yell at him. "I'm sorry ladys, but as I said you need to leave. We have the situation under control. She will be fine." Scorpia grabs me and I try to get out, but it's no use she has the strength of a giant. She sets me down on a bench, and I start crying. I can still hear the noise. The "beeeeeeep" of the flatline. The flatline it's coming from her room. She can't die, she can't die SHE CAN'T DIE. "Hey," Scorpia says, pulling me out of my thoughts. I turn to look at her and my eyes widen. Her normal cherry face is gone, and instead there is a girl I don't know sitting in front of me. One with tears in her eyes, a frown on her face, and one who is shaking. "She's a fighter and there's not a doubt in my mind that she'll make it. She's been on the bri-ink o-of d-death bef-fore ok-okay?" She says as her voice breaks. I can't tell if she's lying or not, but I'm still crying. I feel Scorpia's arms wrap around me. I lean my head into her shoulder and just let go and let all of the emotions from the past few months out. After what felt like hours of crying I noticed that the noise was gone. The noise of the doctors. The noise of the flatline. All the noise was gone. Then I heard footsteps. The same nurse from before rounded the corner and asked "Which one of you is Scorpia?" Scorpia stood up and said "that would be me why?" The man just said "Follow me." Scorpia looked at me and smiled "i'll be right back" I nodded my head and she left with the man. I heard a door open and then I heard crying. Scorpia started crying and so did I. She's gone. Catra's gone. NO NO NO NO. I can't make it without her. She makes me feel free. She makes me feel happy. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around because I still heard Scorpia crying so it couldn't be her. My eyes widened at the figure.

"Hey Adora"


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