Chapter 1: Who is she?

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The cover art is mine. This is my first piece of writing that I wrote for fun and showed to somebody. I would really enjoy it if you give positive feedback and tell me my mistakes and what I can do to make the little project of mine something that you can all enjoy and choose to read. Thank you!

Adora pov

Beep beep my alarm clock went off. "Ugh five more minutes" I rolled over and hit snooze and tried to fall back asleep but to no avail. Soon after I hit snooze I heard BEEP BEEP and got hit with water. "GLIMMER" I groaned "Why are you so frickin annoying" she started laughing

"It's not my fault someone decided to sleep past their alarm" she said smugly. You know sometimes she really gets on my nerves.

"I only wanted FIVE MINUTES Glimmer".

"Adora... it's 7:43"


"hahahahaha" she busted out laughing

"I thought I hit the snooze button"

"Apparently not Adora" she said still laughing

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner then"

"Because I wanted to see the look on your face when you realized you were going to be late for the first time since I have known you" she said happily

"Get out Glimmer I will deal with you when I am dressed" I said angrily

I put on a white shirt with some plain blue jeans, grabbed my letter varsity jacket since I was on the track team, a pair of red vans, and then looked at the time it was 7:54. I looked at a photo, the only photo or possession I had from the horrible place in which I had grown up in. The photo was of me and a person I was never going to see again it made me sad, but also happy that i could at least look at her everyday, my BFF, my first friend, the person who protected me, a person who's name I no longer spoke for it only brought tears upon my eyes and memory's of the past. I got out of my room and smelled something, something delicious. "FOOD" I yelled.

I could hear my foster mother laugh and say "yes food Adora dear"

I heard Glimmer laugh too as I walked down the stairs and saw a plate with eggs and bacon on it. I ran down, took my seat and ate it all as fast as I could yet still savoring each and every single bite. I then found my backpack and remembered to grab my phone from my room, went to the front door and decided to check my notifications. I received one from bow. It read "the gang is waiting for you guys where are you". I was confused until I read the previous message from bow saying "let's meet at 7:40 at the school tomorrow". Glimmer had responded "yea I'll tell Adora". She hadn't told me.

"Hey ready to go" I hear Glimmer say.

I turn to her with a very upset look on my face and say "yes" by the time I finished saying that word Glimmer had run out the door and started down the road. "Oh no you don't" I say and bolt out the door closing it and yelled at the top of my lungs "GLIMMAAAAAAAAAA". I caught up to her and tackled her and with a bam we hit the ground.

"Ouch what was that for Adora" she asked

"That was for bat telling me about the group wanting to meet early, waking me up late and then running away when you knew you were guilty". I stated

" YOU slept past your alarm"

"Fair point but what about the other two" I said


"There was know way you weren't going to catch me miss head of the track team" she said.

"Okay" I said letting her off the ground and continuing to walk to school with her.

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