Chapter 5: The Mysteries solved

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??? pov

The bell rang and I tried to get all my stuff into my bag as fast as I could so I could catch up with the mystery girl. When I got all of my supplies into my bag and stood up she was gone. I went out the door of the classroom and saw Adora talking to the brunette. When I looked closer I got mad Adora's hand was on her shoulder and the girl was okay with that. She was supposed to be mine. I turned around and started to walk away when I heard running footsteps. I turned around to see my crush, tht beautiful brunette running away from Adora as fast as she could. I wanted to walk up to Adora and shake her to knock some sense into her for scaring a beautiful girl away and I also wanted to know why the girl ran from her. I decided on the latter, but when I started to walk towards her Bow and Glimmer came out of the classroom and grabbed onto her shoulders and walked away with her. I decided to head to gym class and find the cute brunette at lunch.

Adoras pov

I was walking with Bow and Glimmer telling them what had happened as they tried to comfort me. "Maybe she just didn't want to tell you where she was from because she was afraid that you might think less of her "Bow told me. "OR she's just mean" Glimmer chipped in. "We are supposed to be ConFoRTinG her Glimmer. Not making her think she did something happen wrong or that this new friend of ours is a jerk. Bow almost yelled at Glimmer. "NOT a friend of ours". "She WILL be when we meet her, maybe she will even be a part of the best friends club." Bow tells her. The best friends club is a thing Bow made when I met him 5 years ago and consists of me, Bow, and Glimmer. "NO SHE WILL NOT" Glimmer yells at Bow. "Ya know that might not be such a bad idea." *gasp from Glimmer* "I wouldn't be the third wheel anymore." I tell them ignoring Glimmer. "Okay I am SO happy that you agree with me, bit Adora you're not the third wheel we all hang out together as equals." Bow tells me with a bright smile on his face. "Yeah" I say before chuckling nervously "equals''. I turn to look at a sad Glimmer looking at the floor like she has something to say to both of us not just Bow. We continued walking towards me and Glimmer's next class, math and and she kept the same look on her face. Bow and I gave each other a worried glance before asking Glimmer "you okay". She looked up at us and said "Umm yeah there's just this party today and I was wondering if you guys would go with me". Yeah of course what time does it start and where is it". Bow told her then looked at me. "Yeah sure" I said before asking "What's the party for''. Glimmer says "the party's for the first day back to school and I'll text you the info.'' "wait it is after 4:00 right" I ask. ''yeah why'' Glimmer asks me. ''cause today is tryout for football and track.'' I tell them as if they should know. "You still have to try out, but you're the fastest person in the school, '' Glimmer tells me. I nod at her statement, sigh and say "Yeah I know it sucks." Our classroom comes up and we say bye to Bow before we head in. I was hoping to see the brunette in the back of the class but I didn't. Glimmer must have noticed the look of disappointment because she asked me "you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine'' I told her. "What's wrong?" She said not giving up. *Sigh" "she's not here." I told her. "Who?" She asked me. "The mystery girl" I told her.

Irrelevants pov

Adora, that dumb blonde asked me where I was from and instead of acting cool I ran in the other direction. I am now sitting in the girls bathroom.

Having a panic attack. So that's great. I was sitting on the floor breathing heavy and thinking about that horrible school and all the horrible things I did there because I had to. All of a sudden a girl walks in. She had snow white hair cut short. It looked cute. She was really tall and buff, It made her look scary. She was coming towards me. Coming closer, I couldn't fight right now so I was a goner. Or so I thought until she hugged me. She hugged me tight and said "Hey hey don't cry. Tell me what's wrong and I'll see what I can do" I didn't even realize but at the time I was crying. Dang it now she's going to think I'm weak. I couldn't speak and I was still freaking out. The girl never stopped hugging me. I didn't like hugs but I couldn't do anything about it or anything really. I could cry, flich,blink, and breathe heavily.After 30 minutes I calmed down,stopped crying and my breathing went back to normal and I finally talked to her. "What is your name?" *Gasp* "your okay and you talked.'' "yeah I'm fine now answer my question." I snapped at her. "Oh my name is Scorpia what's yours?" She said. "Irrelevant is my name." I said flatly. "If you don't want to tell me that's cool but what happened." She asked me with a hint of concern in her voice. "Panic attack," I told her. She smiled oddly at me and said "Well I'm happy you're okay." Well that makes one of us. "Oo can I see your schedule?" she asks me. "Why" I respond. "I want to see if we have any classes together." I hand her my schedule and hear a gasp. "We have music together" she says over enthusiastically."mkay" I say and she hands me back my schedule. "We should probably get to class" I tell her though I have no intention of going to the one I had right now. Freaking math. "Yeah okay" she stood up and we headed towards the door and walked out. "It was nice to meet you irrelevant" she said looking at me. "The feeling is mutual" I tell her. She smiled and then headed in the opposite direction of me. I head up to the roof and sit on the edge looking at the parking lot and the city. It was in situations like this where I am at peace or at least feel at peace. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale it. I look at my schedule as I hear the bell ring. "Language arts I can do that on" I mumble to myself. I open the door to the roof and go down the stairs and head to class.

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