Chapter 20: Tying up loose ends

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Did you think I was just going to give you the next part. *Insert me laughing* NO. I have to tie up loose ends

Time skip back to when Rachel said she was going to move

Third person pov

"I guess I should move." Rachel told herself as she looked at her house. She and Catra had been friends for years and she screwed it all up with just a few words. Catra knew where she lived and Rachel really didn't feel like facing Catra now or maybe ever again. She got out of her purple mustang and went inside her house. She looked around, memories filling her mind so vividly that they could have happened yesterday. She looked at a picture of her and Catra when she had green hair. "Haha that looks horrible" as she laughed at Rachel's hair. "Oh come on Catra its my first time dying my hair myself." Rachel said as she stared at her reflection. She had green hair all over her neck, hands, arms, and face. "Dude you look like an alien" Catra told her as she held her stomach from laughing so hard. "Thanks. Got any more comments to make me feel bad?"Rachel asked as she rolled her eyes. "You know I do so don't push me" Catra said as she playfully glared at Rachel. Rachel looked in the mirror and sighed "I really do look like an Alien don't I ?" They both laughed. "Yeah you do. Now let's get you cleaned up." Catra said as she wet a rag and tried to scrub the dye off of Rachel. Rachel had a smile on her face as she reminisced. She looked at another picture. This time it was them next to her car. "Hello and what can I help you young lady's with today?" The realtor asked. "Um I don't know much about cars, I just want it to be purple. Do you have anything like that" she asked him. "Yes we do if you'll follow me please." he said as he started to walk. The three of them arrived at a section of purple cars. There were only five but Rachel immediately knew which one she wanted. "How much is that one?" She asked the man as she pointed towards the dark purple mustang. "Uh that's 26,670.00 dollars." He said. Rachel wasn't surprised at all because that was a normal price for a car. "Okay so can I buy it?" She asked the man. "Of course. If you follow me I can have you fill out the papers" He told her. They followed him back to the desk where she filled out the papers. "Here you go" The man said as he handed Rachel the keys. Catra gave Rachel a pat on the back and said "Wow my best friends just made her first adult decision." "Oh shut up" Rachel said as she playfully shoved Catra. Rachel giggled as she recalled the events. "She was always there for me whether I needed her or not" She told herself. She sighed and grabbed a box. She filled that box with the pictures of her and Catra from when they were young, when they were stupid, and when they were happy. She moved the next day.

I don't know cars. I got the price from the inter webs and I have never been to a dealership before so if this was wrong i'm sorry.

This is Rachel

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This is Rachel. IDK i just started drawing. \_(-_-)_/. If you want to see more drawing I have a book called stuff I drew.

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