Chapter 3: Irrelevant

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Adora pov

She looked shocked that I asked for her name but the look quickly faded and she responded "My name hmm my name. My name is irrelevant". I can't help but laugh at her remark and say "Yeah okay whatever". I noticed that she smirked at my laugh and started laughing herself before she said "well lead the way princess". I walked her to her locker which was number 66. Dang it mine is number 77 and I was hoping they were close so I could get to know her. I asked her if I could see her schedule and she handed it to me and I smiled and yelled "YESSS". She looks at me confused. I tell her rather excitedly "we have all of our classes together this is great". She groans "yay not only do I get to spend 8 hours in prison I get to spend 8 hours in prison with a princess who thinks she's better than everyone else woo freaking hoo." She says sarcastically while rolling her eyes. "Whatever let's get to our first class, art." I say. "Fine by me, " she says. We walk to art class and I see Bow and Glimmer there. I wave to them excitingly and they wave back. I turn my attention to the teacher and the brunette "Ah, so you're the new kid," the teacher asks looking at the girl. "Yeah" I hear her say. "Well Adora take your seat and you can introduce yourself." she says and turns her attention back to the brunette. I sit down next to Glimmer and Bow. Bow looks at me and asks "So that the new kid." "Yeah." I respond. "Shh. She is trying to introduce herself" Glimmer states glaring at us. Glimmer is my foster sister. I've lived with her for about 5 years now. She can be nice when she wants to but, when she gets angry it can be funny or chaotic depending on who she's mad at. Bow and I look towards the front of the room at the brunette who is trying to tell the class who she is. "Hello everybody, it's a given that I am new here, but I wanted to say that for those of you who don't know that." that earned her a few snickers. "My name is irrelevant as are my likes and dislikes." She says and then sits in the very back of the room smirking as if she thought her introduction was funny. The teacher looks at her like she is trying to contemplate whether she should tell her to say her real name or if she should laugh at her introduction. I guess she decided on the latter because she started busting out in a fit of laughter. "Okay Irrelevant. " she puts an emphasis on the word irrelevant. "Welcome to our class and just so you know I'm putting that as your name." "Fine by me, teach" I hear the brunette say as she starts to laugh. I look back to the teacher as she starts to speak. "Okay so we will be having a free day since it's the first day of school and I want to see your artistic personality and capabilities." She walks around the room and hands each of us a piece of blank paper to draw on. She returns to the front of the classroom and says "I want these turned in by the end of class. They don't have to be complete, they just have to have a drawing of some sort on it. You will be given them back by Wednesday" I look down at my paper and just start drawing. I don't even know what I'm drawing until I draw the hair and eyes. Her beautiful heterochromia eyes and her wild untamed hair that looks like a beautiful flowing mane. Wait why am I thinking like that I don't like her. I don't even know her name and I'm definitely not gay.


I look down at the black and white drawing and decide to color it. I finish coloring the drawing and look at the brunette that I have drawn and smile. It looks great in my opinion, but how does it look compared to the real thing. I glance back at the brunette and look at her then compare her to my drawing. I look back at her one more time but, I think she noticed because she was looking at me and smirking. I quickly turn around and feel my face heat up. I take a deep breath and sigh before looking at my drawing again and deciding that they looked very similar and that the teacher would know what it was or who it was I guess. I stand up and walk towards the basket and set my drawing in it before heading back to my seat. I notice a paper underneath it. It was a drawing of the brunette but in much more detail like whoever made it was just staring at her as they drew the picture and didn't look away unless they were drawing her. I wonder who drew this.

Who drew the picture maybe you already know or maybe you'll find out in the next chapter. Why did they draw the brunette. Who is the brunette so many questions but, so few answers. I just want to say thank you to all of the people who are actually taking the time to read this and I would really appreciate it if you could tell me how to improve my writing in the comments so anyone reading this will enjoy it as much as possible. Till the next chapter.

Word count=948

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