Chapter 18: She returns

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So for those of you who don't follow me why I've been long is I am grounded. So yes I am currently breaking the rules but who cares. Not me. Also we broke 4k wow! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really appreciate all of the people who are reading this. Hope y'all have a great day.

Catra's pov

I had just finished work and it was 4:00pm. I have one hour until I have to be at Adora's party. I got on my bike and drove back to the apartment. I went in my room and looked at the gift I had got for Adora. It was my old Letterman Jacket from the Horde and a necklace with a sword on it. I was planning on giving her the present tomorrow but I was going to bring it just in case. This is a really stupid present so I just have to hope that she likes it. I went to my closet and started to change. After about 15 minutes I decided on black pants with a black crop top that says 'I hate the world'. I put on black eyeliner and lipstick. I had chains on my pants and a pair of black vans. I looked at the clock. It was 4:25 so I decided to go to a cafe to get something. It took me about ten minutes to get to the cafe so I only had 25 minutes to get my order and get to Adora's house. Adora's house was 10 minutes away which would have cut my time down to 15 but I decided to keep it the same. Nothing wrong with worrying my girlfriend and being fashionably late is there? I went inside and waited in line. When I got to the front of the line my eyes widened. I saw the blonde female behind the counter with her back facing me. She turned around and gasped. "Catra?" She asked me. "Hey Brittany" I said, trying to avoid contact with her.

Adora's pov

I was putting the fake snow around the tree and on the banister. It was already 4:30. I was waiting for Glimmer to tell me and Bow to do next. "Alright that's good Adora now can you hang the mistletoe's" She said with a devilish smile. I could feel my face turning red. "I- W- WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME" I yelled at her. "Because I'm your sister and I am supposed to help you" She said. "This isn't helping, it's just embarrassing," I told her. She smiled and said "Lucky me that's also a part of my job as your sister." I sighed and grabbed the three mistletoes from her and went to find spots to hang them. I hung one in the doorway from the living room into the kitchen. I hung one on the porch outside and I hung one above Glimmers room. Her and Bow were having a sleepover after the party tonight. After all it is my job as her sister to help her. I walked down to the living room where Bow was and whispered in his ear. "Look at the top of Glimmer's doorway before you guys enter" He just gave me a confused look and shrugged his shoulders. I heard a timer go off and Bow shoot into the kitchen. He went up to the oven and pulled out two trays filled with Christmas cookies. Glimmer brought over the frosting, normal sprinkles, and sparkling sprinkles. I grabbed one of the cookies and put it in my pocket. Glimmer and Bow didn't seem to notice, they were too busy decorating the cookies to care. We finished decorating all of them and it was 4:55 and no one was here yet. Bow and Glimmer went to do some touch ups and make sure everything was perfect. I pulled the cookie out of my pocket. It was shaped like a candy cane. I put white frosting all the way down it and then put black sprinkles on it to look like stripes. I put it on its own plate and took it to my room. I fished around my closet for the gift I had for Catra. It wasn't anything special so I just had to hope she likes it. I set my gift next to the cookie. I was planning on giving it to her during the gift exchange. I heard the door bell ring and some yelled "ADVENTURE" while the other one groaned. Sea hawk and Mermista are here. Soon one by one people arrived but no Catra. It was already 5:10 and I was starting to wonder if she was even going to show up. I walked around the party asking my friends if they had seen Catra but they all said no.

Catra's pov

I had ordered a Caramel Macchiato and talked with Brittany. She wanted to know why I broke up with her and I told her "Because we never really hung out or went out on dates. We just hung out occasionally like friends do and to be honest I never really felt a spark with you but I met someone who I did feel a spark with." She nodded her head and said "Yeah that's true. I want you to know that I have no hard feelings and I am hoping that we can still be friends" I looked at her and said "Yeah that's fine". "So where are you going" She asked me. "Huh?". "Where are you going you look like you're going to an MCR concert or something". I laughed and said "Actually I am going to a party that my Girlfriend and her sister are hosting" I covered up my mouth realizing what I just said but Brittany just smiled. "So she felt the spark with you too?" She asked me "I guess so" "well that's good I wouldn't want you getting your heart broken" She said. "Okay? Hey did you find anyone that you like?" I asked her. "No I haven't" She responded with no emotion in her voice. "Well I'm sure you will". "Eh maybe maybe not only time will tell". She said. "Yeah probably not with you talking like that" I said. She laughed and said "Well I'm sorry someone doesn't like ethics". "Yeah I don't think anyone but you likes ethics ms 'I'm going to major in it and bore everyone ''" I said. She stood up and hit me in the arm before saying "Well I have to get back to work and i'm glad that we were able to get things cleared up between us". "Yeah me two see you around?" I asked her. "Maybe not only time will tell" She said. I laughed and said "Okay i'll make sure that I talk to time the next time i see them" I said. She just chuckled and laughed. I looked at my phone and noticed that it was already 5:15. I chugged my drink and ran out of the shop. I jumped on my motorcycle and drove towards Adoras house ignoring all speed limits and traffic laws as I drove towards her house.


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