Chapter 29: Getting ready

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(short chapter)

Adora POV

The weeks had gone by fast and prom was coming up fast. Glimmer had 'volunteered' to help me with. By volunteering I mean she forced me into saying yes. Catra said that she was going to get ready with Scorpia because she had someone she wanted to impress. I was happy that Catra and Mermista hadn't overheard the conversation that Glimmer, Bow, and I were having at the mall otherwise I'd be screwed. I knew that this was a risky move, but I just needed to do it.

"Come on Adora we need to get ready. You want to impress Catra right." Glimmer shouted at me from her room.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming" I shouted as I opened her door. Glimmer was dressed in this pretty pink-purple dress that was all sparkly. "So what are you planning on doing?" I asked.

"You'll see" She said as she went through her closet. She turned around and threw a red dress in my face. "Put it on" She said.

"Okay." I walked to the bathroom and changed into the dress. "Hey not bad." i said as i looked into the mirror. I walked out and into Glimmers room.

"Alright now for the touch up's." Glimmer said as she pointed to the chair. She put me in 50 different pairs of shoes, tied a piece of golden ribbon around my waste, and put a hair pin in my ponytail. When she was satisfied she told me to go look. I looked in her full body mirror and I looked amazing.

"Wow thanks Glimmer I look great." I said.

"Aww thanks." She said with a smile.

"Hey what time is it?" I asked.

"Uh," Glimmer looked at her phone, "6:00 pm we got an hour left and bow should be here to pick us up in 30 minutes." She said.
"And Perfuma's gonna be with him right?" I asked.

"Yeah." Glimmer said.

"Good" I said as I put on my purse.

Mean while at Scorpia's

Catra POV

Some did look good on her though.

"Hey Catra I think I found the perfect one" Scorpia yelled down the stairs.

"That's what you said about the last five." I yelled back up. Scorpia had tried on so many dresses. So looked good other looked like they should be thrown into a dumpster fire. Okay they all did, but my opinion is very biased because I despise dresses.

"I think this is the one though." She yelled.

"Well let me see it then." I heard Scorpia walk down the stairs and when she stepped infront of me I couldn't help but stare.

"So what do you think." She asked as she rubbed her head.

"I think Perfuma's gonna have some competition." I said. Scorpia laughed a little.

"So it looks good?' She asked.

"No it looks fantastic." I said.


"Now i'm gonna go put mine on and then I'll do your make up okay." I said.

"You got it Cat." I ran upstairs and slid on my suit. It was a purple almost magenta colored suit with a black tie. I put on matching pants and slicked my short hair back. I walked down stairs.

"So how do I look." I asked cousin Scorpia to turn around.

"YOU LOOK SO GOOD" Scorpia yelled and hugged me.

"I- can't" I gasped as Scorpia set me down.

"Breathe I got it." She said with a smile. I smirked.

"Alright lets do your make up" I said. I set her down in the chair and put some lipstick and eye shadow on her. (I know nothing about make up) . "well take a look" I said

She looked in the mirror and smiled one of her classic big smiles. "It looks great."

I looked down at my phone and realized it was 6:30. "Heya Scorp's we gotta go. It's 6:30"

"Oh okay." We ran out the door and got into Scorpia's car.

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