Chapter 17: Flashbacks part 3

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TW talking about death and killing someone

Catra's pov

It had been a week since Alex died in the crash. I had called Rogelio, Kyle, and Rachel to tell them about it. Alex was the only one I hung out around at my foster house since Rachel had moved out and Kyle and Rogelio and Lonnie had all been adopted by the same person. Her parents, Me, and the rest of Alex's friends verified that the body was hers. I was getting ready for later tonight. I looked at the invitation and then at the mirror. I was in black dress pants with a black suit on. Fitting for a funeral right? I sniffled at the thought of attending a funeral. Alex's funeral. It was so hard to understand how she was fine at night and then dead in the morning. The last thing I said to her was 'k see ya' I didn't even get to say bye. Then it clicked. It's my fault she's dead. 'Cool see you tomorrow and i'll pick you up.' She was on her way to pick me up to go to the beach. The beach. It's my fault she's dead. I killed my best friend. I KILLED MY BEST FRIEND. I covered my mouth and felt the tears start to roll down my face. I wiped them away and walked out of my foster home. I walked all the way to the funeral home and when I arrived I saw all my old house mates waiting outside for me. "Hey guys" I said. "Hey Catra a suit eh" Rachel said. "Yeah" I responded with no emotion. "Hey I know it's a funeral but you looked depressed" Lonnie said. "Yeah my BEST FRIEND IS DEAD and I figured something out." I screamed. "What did you figure out?" Kyle asked with kindness in his voice. "Shut up Kyle" I yelled at him. I walked inside the funeral home and sat down near the front. The coffin was open and I could see Alex laying there. Her body was burned and black in some places. In others it was red but overall she was pale. She was really pale. She was wearing the same outfit that she had worn on the first day of school. A button up plaid shirt with black pants. Her hair was parted on the right making her hair kinda poof up. I saw a figure walking up to the podium and looked to see who it was. It was her mom. Her mom had been nothing but kind to me and accepting and I repaid her by practically killing her daughter. She started talking. "Alexandra was a great daughter but a greater person. She was kind to everyone. I had never met anyone who said anything negative about her. They all said stuff like 'yeah she helped me pick my stuff up when I dropped it' or 'yeah she's the one who gave me a tour around the school, she was really nice'. She didn't deserve to die. She was too nice to die." She started crying and ran off the podium and into Alex's father's arms. A man came up and said "thank you for that mrs Hamilton." Next to give us a speech is Mr. Hamilton. We went through many speeches and many tears and tissues. Then the man said "Next to give a speech is Catra". I panicked but walked up to the podium anyway. I was already crying but when I looked out at all the people I saw them crying. I saw Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio, and Rachel all giving me a reassuring look and a thumbs up. I took a deep breath and started "I may have not known Alex for as long as all of you but she was still a good friend. I knew her for a year. She came up to me and asked me if I was okay when I fell off the back of a truck" I said and laughed a little. "She looked so worried about me even though it was only a few cuts but the blood coming out of them made them look worse than they were. After that I invited her to McDonalds and we all hit it off. She started hanging out with me and my housemates a lot and we soon became best friends. We started hanging out after school and watching T.V together or just talking about our days." I started crying. "The last time I got to talk to her was last night" I could feel all of the peoples eyes staring at me. "She asked me if I wanted to go to the beach with her and I agreed. The last thing she said to me was 'Cool see you tomorrow and i'll pick you up' and the last thing I said to her was 'K see ya'. I didn't even gey to say a proper goodbye." I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Alex's father. He pushed me and said "get out". "W-What?" I asked her. "GET OUT YOU ARE THE REASON MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD." I started crying even harder. "IF SHE HADN'T BEEN GOING TO PICK YOU UP SHE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN HIT AND SHE WOULDN'T BE DEAD RIGHT NOW" He yelled at me. I stood up as fast as I could and ran out of the funeral home. I ran all the way home and started crying.

I shot up straight and looked around. I was in my bed at my apartment. I could feel the tears running down my face. I got out of bed and went to get a drink. In the fridge I saw a water bottle. Water. I took the water bottle and went out to my front yard. I looked at it again and felt my heart speed up. I threw the bottle up and drop kicked it down the street. I went back inside and poured a glass of milk. I finished the milk and just sat on the counter thinking. Why is she back in my mind again. Why am I thinking about her. Why? Is this why I have been having more panic attacks. Why I am finally happy. I am away from Shadow weaver. I am dating the most wonderful girl in the world and I have my old friends back along with some new one. I still haven't told Adora about my panic attacks and she hasn't brought it up because she knows it's a sensitive topic. Maybe if I tell someone they will go away. Just then I got a call. I looked down and saw that it was Adora. "Merry Christmas eve Catra" She said. I smiled. That was the first time I had a merry Christmas in 4 years. "Merry Christmas eve to you to Adora" I said. I had a present for Adora and I couldn't wait to give it to her and she her reaction. "Are you coming to the party Glimmer and I are hosting?" She asked. "Hmm I don't know I'll think about it" I said. "CATRAAAAAA" Adora whined. "I was kidding of course i'll be there, I wouldn't miss out on an opportunity to be with you" I said. "Aww I can't wait to see you too" She said. I smiled and said "Alright I better get going I have work" "Oh okay" Adora said with disappointment in her voice. "I'll see you at 5 tonight so don't sound so disappointed." I told her. "Yeah I know but it's only 6:00am i wont see you for another 9 hours" She said. "Well jeez I didn't know someone could like me that much" I said. 'Well I can" She shot back. "Yeah I guess you're right by Adora" I told her. "Bye Catra" She said. I hung up and started getting ready for work. "6:00 huh I woke up at 1" I said out loud. I walked outside, got on my motorcycle, and drove to Brightmoon mechanics.


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