Chapter 36: Christmas Party

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 Poison Ivy's Pov: 


     The kiss was nothing but a small gesture; and yet, it had felt like my world was whole again. Almost as if a part of me was missing with Harley being gone, and now that I had her in my arms again,  everything was perfect. 

     With my carefully crafted vaccines, Harley and Selina healed remarkably fast. In just a few weeks, they were both better than ever and were ready to make some more trouble. I, of course, refused to allow my Harley to dive headfirst into another heist. After all, she was still pregnant and although she tried to hide it, it was obvious she was in pain. The constantly growing pain told me that the baby was almost ready, which didn't seem to calm my nerves. 

     "You're being too protective." Harley would tell me. 

      She was right, not that I would ever admit it aloud. In my defense, though, I wanted to make sure the baby stayed safe. I was constantly on guard, afraid that Harley would somehow hurt herself before the baby got here. Then, of course, there was always her water breaking. I was starting to have trouble sleeping, afraid that if the baby decided he was ready, I wouldn't be awake. I had to stay alert. I had to be ready for anything. 

      Harley wanted to go back home with me, but Selina and I agreed that the more people she surrounds herself with, the better it will be for the baby. So, we continued to stay at Selina's place until Harley would go to the hospital.

     I looked down at Harley, who was laying on her side, back towards me. Her baby bump was too big to cuddle properly anymore, so we had to make do with what we had. I had been awake for the past few hours, stressing too much to actually sleep. I sighed as I left the room, being as quiet as possible. I didn't want to disturb the sleeping blonde, but I was bored out of my mind and couldn't continue staring at the wall until she woke. 

      I tip-toed my way into the kitchen, making sure not to wake anyone in the house. I grabbed a cup from the top cabinet and filled it with tap water.  I quickly drank the water, practically hearing my previously dry throat thank me. I set the cup in the sink when I heard a sound come from the front door. 

     I quickly turned around, placing my hands on the counter and pressing my back against it. With my right hand, I grabbed the biggest knife I could find. With my remaining hand, I prepared myself to have to control Selina's house plant in the corner of the living room. Whoever it was breaking in had messed with the wrong house. There was no one that I was going to let endanger neither my bestfriend nor my fiancé and her baby.

     I rounded the corner, knife and hand raised for battle. My hands, however, quickly dropped back down to my side as a frightened Selina stood at the door. I quickly returned the plant back to it's previous position as I shook my head.

      "Jesus Christ, Pamela! You gave me a heart attack!" Selina angrily whispered, putting her hand on her chest as she felt her heart beat. "And what the hell are you doing with a knife? Put that down!" 

     "I gave YOU a heart attack?! I thought you were a robber!" I whispered loudly back as I walked  into the kitchen to put the knife back. "Wait....why are you in your catsuit?" 

      "I just....." Selina smiled up at me sheepishly as she removed her mask. "..went for a midnight walk?"

      "Oh, bullshit." I rolled my eyes, hand on hip. "Oh my god....were you with BATMAN!?"

       "Who's Batman?" Selina asked, smirking. 

      I couldn't believe this. Selina knew that Harley was pregnant and still left to go see her beloved dark knight. I shook my head. I guess I couldn't fully blame her; I would have done the same thing to see Harley. 

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