chapter 13: Things that go Bump in the night

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Harley Quinn's pov:

     "Ivy?" I called out to the empty room. No answer.

     I walked outside of the room, finding myself in Arkham again.  I looked down at my clothes. My once white lab coat was now covered in splotches of blood. It wasnt the only thing. My palms were stained red with somebodies blood, but who's?

     I walked through the halls of Arkham Asylum, following a trail of blood. I took a left at the end of the hallway, running right into Killer Croc. I fell backwards on the floor, closing my eyes upon impact.

     When I realized who I ran into, I immediately scrambled to my feet and stepped backwards.  Killer croc was known for his hunger for humans. He never showed mercy. Even though I was in heels, his tall figure made me look fragile. I closed my eyes realizing this was the end.

     "I'm a monster... but even I wouldnt do something like that. I've never had friends before, but I dont think that's what normally happens." Killer croc said stepping back in fear of me.

     I watched as he walked away leaving me alone in the hallway. What was he talking about? The floor fell from beneath me and I found myself in pure darkness. I saw a small candle shining in what looked like a corner. I grabbed the candle and started to make my way around the room, trying to figure out where I was. As I scanned the ceiling, I tripped over something and fell hard to the ground.

     I picked up the candle and put it towards the direction that I tripped from. There, on the ground, laid Ivy facing her back towards me. Her red hair fell perfectly over her body and onto the ground. She was so hot, even in her sleep.

     "Where are we?" I asked, not hearing an answer. "Ivy?"

     No answer. Nothing but the echo of my voice to break the silence. I put my hand on her arm and rolled her onto her back. I felt my stomach flip. A huge gaping hole of missing organs sat where her stomach used to be. I looked at her face, her eyes were missing and her mouth was cut on the sides into a huge smile. I stepped backwards, running my back into a wall.

     I turned to face the wall, seeing a horrible sight. 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA' was written in Ivy's blood handwriting? I looked down at my hands, seeing blood dripping down. I turned back around seeing Ivy's corpse sitting straight up.

     "Hiya, Harls!" She exclaimed in a high pitched voice as she turned her head to the side facing me.

     I screamed as Ivy walked towards me with a limp.


     I screamed, sitting upright in bed. I looked around frantically, seeing Ivy by my side. I felt my body, making sure I was still alive. I put my hand over my chest, feeling my heart beat as it practically leapt out of my body. Ivy opened her eyes and looked up at me. Her eyes widened and she sat up next to me as she put an arm around my side.

     "You okay?" She asked looking me in the eyes.

     "Yeah, I'm fine." I said getting up and heading out of the room. "Just a dream."

     I could hear Ivy trying to get me to stay in the room, but I ignored her. I shut the bedroom door and made my way to the bathroom. I bent over the sink and splashed water in my face. I put my hand over my forehead, trying to calm down. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror only to realize I wasnt alone.

     I turned around to see the Joker standing in the shower. He was leaning against the wall as he flipped a knife around in his hand. I reached for the closest thing my hand touched and held it out in front of me as a weapon.

     "A.....tampon?" He asked confused as he looked into my hands.

     "Shit." I cursed under my breath as I threw the tampon at him and reached for the door.

     My hand wrapped around the door knob, but the Joker but his hand around mine before I could open the door. I thought my skin was pale, but compared to his, I was tan. I threw my free elbow into his chest, knocking him into the shower curtain as he fell into the tub. I flew open the door and started to run. Joker grabbed my ankle and pulled me back towards him. I tried screaming for Ivy, but his hand cupped my mouth and stopped me.

     I kicked and threw punches in his direction, trying to get free. He tossed me over his shoulder as he hopped out of the bathroom window. He threw me into the trunk of his tacky purple car and tied my hands behind my back with rope.

     "You picked one hell of a night for a face wash." He cackled as he slammed the trunk shut, leaving me cramped in the dark.

     I tried to untie the ropes, but couldn't do anything in the small space. I screamed as I kicked the trunks opening, trying to knock it open. Nothing was working and I was running out of oxegyn. I felt my head grow heavy and my mind go light as my head hit the floor and knocked me out.


     "Wake up, cunt. It's not fun if you're asleep." A malicious voice called out.

     I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry as I waited for my vision to adjust to the intense lighting shining in my eyes. I tried looking around, but was met with a hard slap across the face. My head rolled forward, but was forced back by a hand gripping my hair.

     "Who the fuck are you?" I said barely above a whisper. He laughed, sending chills down my spine.

     "Ah, there she is. That's the fire I've been waiting for." The joker said, kneeling down in front of me and pushing the hair out of my face. "Wait a minute........I recognize you. Holy shit! Dr.Quinzel?"

     His eyes widened in shock as he pushed my face around, trying to figure out if it really was me. He slapped his hand on his forehead as he laughed hysterically.

     "Harleen Quinzel. Harley Quinn. So similar I should have known!" He chuckled shaking his head.

     I tried to kick him, but I was tied up to a chair. Being annoyed, I spit in his face. His smile instantly fell as he wiped off my saliva. I smirked at him, which was a mistake. I watched as his arm lifted up and backhanded me across the face, filling my mouth with blood. I spit the blood on the floor as I dramatically licked my teeth.

     "What are ya gonna do...ya gonna kill me, Joker?" I asked wanting to get this over with.

     "Oh, no Harley gal. No no no. I'm not gonna kill you." He said getting close as possible to my face. " I'm just gonna make your life a living hell and then..........daddy's gonna have his fun."

     Fear struck through me as Joker took off his belt and folded it inhalf. He snapped it a few times before whipping me with it. With each strike, my body screamed in pain, but I didnt. I refused to give him the satisfaction. I just stared at him with no emotion. I appeared fearless and determined, which was exactly what I wanted.

     "I see you're breathing quite hard.....not enjoying it, Quinn?" He asked looking at my breasts and flipping out a pocket knife. "I promise they looked at me first."

     He chuckled to himself as he cut open my shirt, revealing my bra. His eyes widened at the sight of my cleavage. His face twisted into a smile as he took off his shirt.

     "No! No!" I screamed trying to get scoot the chair away from him. He grabbed me by the throat as he held a knife up to my neck.

     "I told you Harley girl....." he paused for dramatic effect. "Daddy's gonna have his fun with you."

     I started to panic and my eyes widened as Joker started to drop his pants.

     'Please, Ivy. Please help.' I thought, wishing she was here to save me.

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