chapter 14: Joker Cards

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**A/N: hey guys! Sorry I'm a little late on this chapter. Got wrapped into some stuff. But I have a legitimate schedule now for this story. I will post a new chapter every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until the book is finishes. Happy reading!**

Poison Ivy's pov:

     Harley had been away for awhile. I didnt want to baby her, but I had to make sure she was okay. I let my feet his the cold floor as I stood up, only wearing a sports bra and boxers. Wearing actual clothes to bed was overrated anyways.

     I slowly opened the bedroom door as I poked my head in the hallway. Harley wasnt there. That wasnt a big surprise. I made my way down the hallway, headed towards the kitchen. I only made it halfway there before I noticed the bathroom door was creaked open and the light was on.

     "Harl?" I called out giving the door a slight knock. "You alright in there?"

     No answer. I slowly pushed the door farther open. No one was in there. The room was empty. It was not like Harley to leave a room and not turn off the light. That was a huge pet peeve of hers. I looked up, noticing the bathroom window was open. Did she run away? Why would she run away? It made no sense.

     I was walking towards the window when something caught my eye. A small rectangular thing was laying at the bottom of the bathtub. I bent down and picked it up, examining it. I flipped it over and felt my stomach sink. It was a playing card, but not just any card. There, in the middle of the card, was a jester. A Joker card.

     I could feel myself start to panic as I ran through the house calling Harley's name. There was no answer. The house was empty. Joker had kidnapped my girl and I was going to get her back no matter what.

      I didn't even bother to change. I hurried to my truck and took off down the road towards the Joker's hideout. I parked the truck about a block away, so I could gain the element of surprise.

     I stuck to the side of the building, trying to stay in the shadows of the abandoned warehouse. I could hear Harley's screams coming from inside the building as well as laughter. Anyone and everyone in Gotham knew that laugh. It sent chills down the toughest spines. I balled my hands into fists as I made my way towards a side entrance.

     I knew my way around. This was where I originally had my hideout before I died and Joker took over. Now I just lived with Harley. No need for a hideout when it looked like a regular house and worked just fine.

     I pushed on the side door. It didnt budge. I closed my eyes and rammed my shoulder against the door until it gave away. I could hear footsteps start to close around me. I should have known the clown's goons would have heard me breaking in. They walked into the light, revealing their shiny guns. I looked around, counting them in my mind.

     "Six against one....I dont mind those odds." I said before dropping seeds out of my pocket.

     The goons' faces turned to horror as the seeds sprouted at my command and grabbed them by the waist, lifting them into the air. Their guns dropped to the ground.

     "Now that we've gotten that taken care of..." I said turning them upside down. "Where the hell is my girlfriend?"

      "F-first door on t-the left" one of the men squeaked.

     I smirked and nodded my head. His face washed with relief before I let my babies snap all of their necks. Their bodies dropped to the floor as their decapitated heads spewed blood. I reached down and picked up one of their pistols. I released the clip, making sure it was full, before cocking the gun and heading towards the room the goon had pointed out.

     I pressed my back against the wall and took a final deep breath before entering the room. I held the gun steadily with two hands as I pointed it everywhere I looked. I made my way to what looked like a closet within the room. I quickly opened it, revealing a small room with nearly blinding lights. I squinted as I held my gun back up.

     Relief washed over me as I saw Harley. She was tied to a chair in the corner of the room, her back facing me. I rushed towards her. I turned her chair to where she was facing me. She flinched and shut her eyes, not realizing who I was.

     "Oh Harls......" I sighed looking at her torn shirt that revealed her body full of bruises.

     "I-ivy?" Harley opened her eyes when she heard my voice.

     I nodded, giving her a slight smile. I took out a pocket knife and starting cutting the ropes. Once lose, I helped Harley to her feet. Once she was steady, I tried to get her to take a step, but she instantly dropped down to the floor.

     "I cant walk, Red." She grimaced, holding her busted up knee.

     "Shit. Okay new plan then." I said as I bent down and picked Harley up into my arms.

     I made my way to the exit without a problem. I had already killed the guard goons and Joker was no where in sight. I laid Harley down as gently as I could in the backseat of the truck as I drove home.

     Once we pulled into the driveway, I started carrying Harley inside. I took off her bra and underwear and laid her in the tub filled with hot water.

     "It stings." Harley grimaced as the water hit her cuts.

     "I know, babe. But the sooner it starts stinging, the sooner you'll be used to it." I reasoned as I sat down next to her.

     Harley reached for the soap, but I stopped her when I saw her arms were shaking in pain. I grabbed the soap bottle for her and started cleaning her cuts and washing her body.

     "You're so hot, babe. You know that?" I rhetorically asked as I started to wash her hair.

     "Not the time, Red. Not the time." She said barely above a whisper.

     I nodded as I rinsed the soap out of her hair. I helped her into some loose clothes and dried her hair before carrying her to bed. I knew that I had to talk to her about all that happened, but not now. I could tell she was tired, so I just let her sleep. She started dozing off next to me, but I stayed awake. I was paranoid. Joker would never let us get away that easily. It was only a matter of time before he returned.

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