Chapter 9: Touch Starved

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**Warning: Things are about to get really detailed so viewer discretion is advised. This is also the last warning for the rest of the book. Happy reading!**

Harleen's pov:

     After a few minutes of crying on each other's shoulders, we decided to go back inside. As soon as I stepped inside, Ivy pushed me against the door by my throat. I gasped out of surprise as she ran her fingers over my lips. She connected her soft lips to mine as she pressed into my body. My lips were spread apart by Ivy's tounge as she slipped it into my mouth. Her tounge twirled with mine as she sucked all the air from my lungs. I used my hand to lock the door before I grabbed her by the head with two hands and pulled her in closer. I could feel her smile as she grabbed below my butt. I jumped up as I wrapped my legs around her body, pushing my lips against hers even harder.

     She carried me around her waist all the way to the bed, where she threw my back down, making sure my legs stayed wrapped around her. She removed her lips from mine as she pushed my head to the side. I felt Ivy's gentle lips start to travel down my neck as she kissed and pinched my skin. She soon found my sweet spot and started kissing right below the right side of my jawline. I could feel my pussy start tingling as I let out a soft moan from the kissing. Ivy's beautiful eyes blazed with excitement as she took off my shirt revealing my push-up bra.

     She kissed the top of my boobs, leaving a trail of hickeys wherever she went. Her soft hands reached behind my back and unclipped my bra. She tossed it across the room as she returned her lips to my breast. I let out another soft moan to tease Ivy. It must have worked because the next thing I know, her hands are removing my panties.

     I stared at the ceiling as I felt her lips go down my stomach as she kissed me all over. She stared into my eyes as she rubbed the inside of my thigh, inches away from my throbbing pussy. I knew she was teasing me, but it was painful with her being so close to where I wanted her.

     "You're killing me, Ivy." I pleaded as she giggled.

     "Oh, is this what you want?" She teased as she ran her fingertips over my clit.

     "Oh my god, yes. Pleaseee." I begged taking off her shirt.

     She smiled before putting her lips to my lips. Only it wasn't my mouth. Her fingers spread apart my pussy as her tounge worked its magic. Her warm tounge swirled around my clit and played with my vagina. Ivy sent waves of pleasure through my body. I could feel an orgasm coming and I prepared myself.

     "Ivy, I'm..." my breathing started getting heavier and faster. "I'm gonna......I think I'm gonna cum."

     "I haven't given you permission yet." She teased before continuing.

     "May I?" My breathing continued getting deeper until my breasts were rising very dramatically.

     "Not yet, kitten. Not yet." Ivy said as she put her hands on my thighs, pulling me closer.

     "Please, Ivy.....I....I can't....." my breathing got so fast I was starting to see stars. "I can't....I can't hold it in..........oh no....I...........I............AHHHHH!"

     I couldn't take it any longer. I exploded all over Ivy's face, urging her on. As I found my release, my body was paralyzed with pleasure. I had been trying to keep my moans in the whole time, but it was impossible. I gripped the sheets as I threw my head backwards and arched my back. I let out a very loud moan as my legs shook around Ivy's head.

     "I can't take it...UHHH.......stop!" I begged gripping the sheets as hard as I could.

     "I'm not through with you yet." Ivy smiled as she shoved her fingers in.

     I could feel another orgasm coming, but I tried to surpress it deep inside of me.

     "I'm gonna....I'm gonna cum again." I announced in defeat.

     "Come on you can hold out a little longer." Ivy said twisting her fingers around.

     "I..I don't think.....don't think I can......please just" I begged biting my lip.

     "You've held out long enough I guess.Now cum." Ivy commanded moving her fingers faster. "I said cum!"

     I felt my body tense up right before another big release. I punched the mattress as I screamed Ivy's name. It was so painful, but it was so good.

     "You're gonna have to quit all that screaming now." Ivy said removing her fingers from my pussy and wrapping them around my throat.

     "Make me." I smiled.

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