Chapter 19: For the kid

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Harley Quinn's pov:

     I flushed the toilet as I groaned. It had been 2 weeks since I had told Ivy about the baby. I knew I had to tell Joker, but I was putting it off. As much as I didnt want to admit it, he scared me. My first ultrasound was tomorrow, so I knew time was running short. I looked at myself in the mirror.

     "You've got this, Harleen." I told my reflection before leaving the bathroom.

     I entered the kitchen to see Ivy making pancakes. She smiled and gave a small wave when she noticed me. She put down her whisk and made her way towards me. She gave me a small kiss on the cheek before putting her hands on my stomach. She was doing that alot recently.

     "And how are my two girls doing this morning?" She asked returning to the batter.

     "Two?" I repeated. "What makes ya think its gonna be a girl?"

     "Well I sure hope it is." Ivy replied. "I want her to have your beautiful looks."

     "Awww." I blushed, not making eye contact.

     "Why? Do you not want a girl?" Ivy asked flipping a pancake.

     "Honestly, I dont care what it is. I'm just so excited to be a mom." I admitted, rubbing my small baby bump that was starting to form.

    "Speaking of you being a mom...when are you going to tell Joker?" Ivy asked as she started stacking the pancakes on two separate plates.

     "Well, I was thinking about telling him today. My first ultrasound is tomorrow and I think that a father should have the chance to see his kids first ultrasound." I answered.

     "That's sweet, Harl. Really, it is. Just dont get your Hopes to high. After all, this is the Joker we are talking about. Theres no telling what he will do." Ivy warned. "By the way, I'm coming with you. Theres no way I'm staying at home while you talk to the Joker alone. It's just not gonna happen, captain."

     I nodded. I knew she was right. For all I knew, the Joker could beat me until the kid was dead if I went alone. I couldnt take that risk and Ivy knew it too. I would never admit it out loud to her, but I found it cute how protective Ivy was. She always made sure I was taken care of. I smiled realizing just how in love with her I really was.

     We ate our breakfast without saying anything to each other. We didnt need to. We were perfectly happy with just each other's company.
I put my plate and fork into the sink before making my way to the bedroom.

     I looked in the closet. There wasnt much that would fit me. I reached for a burgundy shirt that was normally to big to wear in public. I poked my head and arms through the holes, only to find that the shirt fit perfectly. It was a little loose on the bottom, but that was expected. I jumped into some black skinny Jeans and slipped on some flip-flops. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't look good, but I definitely didnt look horrific either. I gave the mirror a faint smile, accepting that this would be the cutest I would look for awhile. I made my way to the bathroom to do my makeup.

     "Hey, Ive!" I called from the bathroom.

     "Yea?" I heard her yell back as I blended my pale foundation.

     "We need to go shopping soon! This is the only shirt I have that fits!" I yelled through the walls.

     "Okay, baby! We can do that after we tell joker unless I end up back in Arkham for beating his ass!" She called back, a little too serious for my comfort.

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