Chapter 22: Mood Swings

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** hey guyssss. So you may have noticed I didn't post on Wednesday like normal...that was my bad. So to make up for it today is a double upload. This chapter is short and not a lot happens but, enjoy anyways!**

Poison Ivy's pov:

     "Well that was just a fantastic time. Great idea, babe." I joked as I locked the door after Joker left.

     "You dont think it went well?" Harley asked softly as she stood up from the couch.

     "No." I answered truthfully. "Dont you get it? This whole thing is a joke to him. Hes not ready to be a parent. I dont understand why you want that clown in your kids life."

     "I just...." harley hesitated, tears brimming her eyes. "I dont know...I wanted our kid to have what we never could."

      Harley bowed her head and looked at the floor. I just stood there looking at her with a blank expression. I was so confused. She was perfectly fine two seconds ago. It was not like Harley to cry as often as she had been lately.

     "Hey, I was just kidding." I said cautiously stepping towards her.

      She crossed her arms and turned her back towards me. I stared at her back as I saw it start to shake slightly. I was completely clueless as to what just happened, but hearing Harley quietly gasp for air made my heart sink.

     Still not knowing what I did wrong, I gently hugged her from behind as I slowly kissed her neck. She turned around and threw herself into me as she buried her face in my chest. I was momentarily shocked by the sudden movement, but I quickly recovered as I carried Harley to the bed.

     I laid her down on the right side as I climbed in on the left. She hid her face under my chin as it rested against my chest. I reached my hands around her and started to play with her hair. It smelled like her strawberry shampoo and felt soft against my fingers.

     "I want pickles." Harley randomly said, breaking the silence.

     "Why do you want pickles?" I asked confused.

     "I dont know. I just want fucking pickles is that to much to ask for?" Harley said as her voice slowly rose.

     "Okay, geez. I'll get you some pickles." I sighed as I got up from bed.

     On the way to the kitchen, I started thinking about Harley. Why was she acting so weird lately? Was this a pregnancy thing? I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe she was just on her period.

      "Wait a damn minute. She cant be on her period, shes pregnant." I thought out loud.

     I shook my head and brought the jar of pickles into the bedroom. I entered to find Harley curled up under a blanket. I smiled, looking down at her. How could one person be so cute?

"I'm sorry, Red. I don't know why I've been like this lately." Harley said as she slowly sat up.

"It's okay, Harls." I said as I sat next to her and put the pickle jar between us.

Harley picked out a scary movie to watch while she ate. The music started to get really loud before going quiet as the main character turned a corner. The killer jumped out in front of the main character suddenly, making Harley jump.

I giggled slightly at Harley being such a baby. She snuggled in close as she adjusted the blanket to where it was covering both of us. As the movie continued to get scarier, she pressed her head into my chest to avoid looking at the tv. I smiled as I started to play with her hair gently.

Once the movie was over, I looked over at Harley to see her reaction to the twist ending. Harley had her eyes closed in a deep sleep as her chest slowly rose and fell. I smiled.

"I'm so lucky to have you." I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

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