Chapter 30: Scarecrow

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Harley Quinn's pov:

     I was outside drinking fruit punch with Joker when Selina came running outside. She frantically came up to us as she breathed heavily. I met her halfway, seeing that she was in a panic and her face was ghostly pale.

     "Kitty? What happened?" I asked, trying not to panic myself as she caught her breath. "Wheres ivy?"

      "Ivy......she's..." Selina struggled as her eyes filled with tears. "Ivy's dying! And-and I dont know what's happening to her! I cant loose her i- I cant!"

     I felt my face lose all of its color as my heart sunk. I pushed past Selina as I ran towards the front door. I didnt stop until I made it to the bedroom door. I didnt know if anyone had followed me inside, but I could hear footsteps coming closer.

      I rushed over to Ivy who was laid on the floor, curled up in a fetal position. I could see tears streaming down her face as she screamed out in agony. Her hand was firmly gripped within her hair that she treasured so much as her body shook in pain. I had never seen her like this. She was so vulnerable I almost forgot it was Ivy.

      "Harls?" She grunted as I knelt down beside her.

      "Yes! It's me, Red." I whispered. "What's happening? How do I fix this?"

      "Why would you fix me? You left me." Ivy whispered as she looked around the room. "You all left me."

      "What are you talking about? we are all right here. Right here with you, Red." I reassured in confusion.

     "'re not. None of yall have ever liked me. You all just want me to go away..."Ivy mumbled as her voice broke. "And now I'm all alone."

     I looked back at Selina and Joker in the door way. They looked just as confused as I was. Ivy screamed out in pain, causing me to jerk my head back around towards her. I held her hand as bright green liquid shot through her veins.

     "Wait, I know this. This looks exactly like Scarecrow's fear gas did." I said remembering my time as a psychiatrist back in Arkham. "It looks like he transformed it into some type of liquid."

     "Well it would explain why Ivy is off the rails like this." Joker pointed out. "It looks like her worst fear is getting left behind. What a pussy."

      "Seriously? Not the time." Selina huffed as she backhanded Joker in the chest.

      "Can yall do this another time? Maybe when my fiance's life isnt on the line." I demanded. "If I remember correctly, Ivy has some type of antidote cure thingy in her lab. Watch her while I go get it."

      As I started to stand up and make my way towards the lab, ivy grabbed my ankle.

      "Please, dont leave me." Ivy cried out.

       Ivy looked up at me as tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked so helpless and broken. She never cries, so seeing her like this broke my heart. I didnt want to leave her. I wanted to stay by her side no matter what.

      "Harley, go." Selina said, putting her hand on my shoulder. "We will watch her."

      I sighed and nodded my head as I kicked free of Pamela's grip. She reached out for me as I walked away, but she was in too much pain to grab me. I could hear her screaming for me to come back as I left the bedroom, but I knew I had to stay focused. 

     If I remembered the files correctly, Scarecrow's gas should have worn off In an hour or so, but this seemed to be different. Ivy was supposed to be immune to all toxins, so Scarecrow must have made a new recipe. I couldnt take the risk of the new recipe being fatal.

     I entered Ivy's lab that she set up in the basement and immediately started rummaging through her drawers. I knew that once she was better she would hate me for messing up her organization, but I didnt care. I knew Ivy had an antidote for Scarecrow's old fear gas. I just had to hope that it worked on his new one too.

       Eventually I found a box labeled 'Fear Gas' tucked in one of the farthest drawers. I opened the lid and pulled out one of the tubes filled with a brownish liquid. I quickly made my way back towards the bedroom.

       "How is she?" I asked, shutting the door behind me.

       Selina and Joker were knelt down beside her as her chest rose and fell quickly. I could hear her breathing shallow as she squirmed uncomfortably. Selina played with Ivy's hair as she looked up at me with distant brown eyes that soon filled with tears. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

       "She's getting weaker." Joker answered for Selina as she tried not to break down in front of him.

     "Okay, well I cant be positive this will work, but it's our only option." I said, trying to remain calm.

       Selina and Joker backed up as I gently parted Ivy's lips and slipped the liquid down her throat. We all watched with anticipation as Ivy laid motionless. I looked over at Selina who was biting her bottom lip to keep it from quivering. After all, Selina had known her since they were kids.

       "Can you leave us for just a bit?" I asked Joker.

       He had a puzzled look on his face, but nodded his head and left the room. Once I heard the door click, I felt my knees give out as I sat down on the edge of the bed. Selina slowly sat down next to me as she laid her head on my shoulder. 5 long minutes had passed and Ivy still laid lifeless on the floor.

      "....Selina?" I whispered, feeling her head shaking slightly on my shoulder.

        Hearing her name, she looked up at me slowly before quickly turning her head to the side, out of view. Her body faced me, but her head leaned over her shoulder.

       "What if she-" Selina couldnt finish her sentence before bursting out into tears.

         She held her hand over her mouth as she kept face out of sight as if I didnt already know she was crying. I knew what she was thinking and as much as I hated it, I was thinking it too.

       "No dont say that." I said, feeling tears falling down my face as well. "She....she can pull through...she has to. Theres so much I want to do. We still h-have to walk down the aisle. She has to meet my baby boy! We have to grow old together I cant-"

      My words were interrupted by the sound of Ivy grumbling. We both turned to look over as Ivy slowly noticed we were in the room.

       "Geez, yall are messes." Ivy bluntly pointed out. "What happened?"

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