Chspter 17: The Jokes on You

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*at the time of me writing this, I'm ranked #1 under #Harlivy books and am really high ranked on my other tags.....I don't know what to say other than thank y'all so much for reading! Y'all have given me such a confidence boost. Much love <3*

Poison Ivy's pov:

     I looked down at Harley who was asleep on my chest. I hated seeing her like this. I wanted more than anything to take her pain away and to heal her scars, both mentally and physically. I could feel rage start to boil inside of me like never before. Harley was my one friend, the only human I had ever cared about, and Joker had hurt her. I wanted revenge. I wanted to break him to his knees. I wanted to see the fear in his eyes when he realizes that his life would be in my hands. I wanted to see him beg for mercy. I could feel my hands clenching into fists the more I thought about him. I knew what I had to do. I had to slowly and painfully kill Joker once and for all. I could feel something inside of me snap as I lost all connections to feelings other than anger. That night, I dreamed violent dreams filled with unexplainable pain and torture. I couldn't wait for it to be a reality.


     I felt Harley sit up, taking her weight off my chest. I opened my eyes as I looked at the time. It was only 6 in the morning. I groaned as I sat up.

     "What are you doing up so early? It's 6 o clock in the fucking morning." I mumbled.

     "I don't feel very good.." Harley admitted before running towards the bathroom with her hand over her mouth.

     My protective instincts kicked in as I took off behind her. As I entered the bathroom, Harley was holding herself over the toilet. I knelt down beside her and gently held her hair back.

     She flopped her hand on the handle and flushed the toilet as she forced herself to stand up. I knew she was perfectly capable of walking, but I was worried. I carried her to the couch where I took her temperature. She didn't have a fever and everything appeared normal.

     "I told you; I feel fine, red." Harley said giggling to herself at my overprotectivness.

"I guess so. You don't have a fever, so if you're fine then I guess it was just a weird thing that happened." I reasoned, still worried.

     "You worry to much, Red." She teased as she popped a piece of gum in her mouth.

     I smiled to myself and put my hand on her cheek. She stuck her tounge out at me like a 5 year old. I stuck my tounge back just to spite her and walked away. It was time.

     I zipped up my favorite jacket and grabbed some seeds, which I stuffed into my pockets. I thought about bringing a gun, but decided not to. Harley needed it here if someone tried to break in. Plus, I had my plants to protect me. I put a note on the counter saying that I was taking care of buisness. I kissed Harley, who was half asleep, on the forehead before heading out the door.


I could hear the clown prince of crime laughing his infamous laugh from outside of the warehouse walls. I decided that entering through a side exit would be the best approach to finding where exactly the Joker was in the building. I made my way around the outskirts of the warehouse until I found the side door. I dropped a seed on the ground and used my powers to make it grow into a beautiful flower the size of a king bed. I sat down on the petals as I kicked open the door and made a rather dramatic entarance, startling the goons in the room.

     "That's the lady boss was talkin about. Light her up!" One of the goons ordered as they all pulled out their guns.

Vines shot around me, acting as a shield from their bullets. Meanwhile, my other babies were hitting their guns away and stabbing their thorns through the men's hearts.

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