Chapter 25: Daddy's Little Girl

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Poison Ivy's pov:

     "M-mom?" I barely whispered as I heard my voice crack.

     "Mom?!" Harley repeated in full shock.

     "Can.....may I come in, Pam bear?" My mom said, still standing outside holding the pizza.

      I snapped out of it and stepped to the side, letting her in. Harley grabbed the box out of her hand and went to go set it on the counter. I closed the door and locked it. The thin lady in front of me stood awkwardly out of place as her eyes wandered around the living room.

     "Nice place you have here." She said, reaching out to touch one of my plants.

     "Dont touch those!" I ordered as I made my way over to my babies. "They arent meant to be handled by the likes of you."

     I stroked my fingers over the tips of the leaves, making sure they were alright. I looked back up at my poor excuse of a mother with fire in my eyes. She looked at the ground awkwardly to avoid eye contact. Who did she think she was anyways? No one, and I mean no one, touches my plants but me.

     "You have a lot of nerve showing up here." I said, taking a step towards her. "What do you want?"

     "I-im just a pizza deliverer. It's not like I meant to come here." She said as she rested her hands on her hips.

     Her words stung my heart, but I didnt show it. She didnt mean to come here? Of course she didnt, Pamela, how could you be so stupid? She left you. Sure, it was your father who threw you out, but your mother chose not to go back for you. She left you in that forest to rot, so why would she come back looking for you? You're just a stupid plant that means nothing to her.

     "Get out." I mumbled, refusing to let my voice crack again.

     I had to show her nothing but strength. I couldnt show her mercy. I had to prove to her that I wasnt the same 10 year old girl that she left in the woods to die.

     "What?" She gasped as if she thought she deserved a second chance.

     "I said get out!" I yelled as my vines starting swirling up around me, ready to attack.

     My mom took a step back in fear as she stared at me with wide eyes. I saw Harley come rushing over to my side. Her face was full of confusion as she searched me for an answer. I didnt give one.

     "Baby? Let her go." Harley soothed as she reached out to touch me.

     I slapped Harley across the face, sending her flying across the living room. I returned my gaze towards my mom, anger bubbling inside of me.

     "Why cant we just start over?" She cried out.


     This cant be happening. I dont cry. I forced the lump back down in my throat and felt the tears slowly disappear from my vision. I buried it deep inside and locked it up.

     "I wanted what was best for you, pammy. I always have!" She yelled back as she choked on her own tears.

     "You have no right to be crying. You had your chance to be a mother and you abandoned your kid. You abandoned me without a single thought. You didnt even glance back when you walked away, leaving me lost in the woods. So dry it the fuck up and get out of my house before I kill you." I said, feeling my anger slowly die down.

     "You're just like you're father." She sighed as she made her way to the door.

     "I am nothing like dad." I argued as my heart rate picked up.

     "Look at her." She pointed to Harley who was on the floor with her back against the wall. "Shes clearly pregnant and you just slapped her. I dont know if yall are a thing or not, which is disgusting if yall are, but regardless you should never hit her. Your father did the same. I know you remember. And look at you now. You really are daddy's little girl."

     I just stood there staring at my mom until she left. I locked the door behind her. I cautiously made my way towards Harley. She was scrunched on the floor with her back against the wall as she rubbed her hands over her stomach. I could see a red hand print slowly start to appear on Harley's cheek.

     "Harls I-" she flinched as I moved closer towards her.

     I couldnt believe it. I had hurt her I.....hit her. I was just so angry with memories that flooded back that I didnt even realize what I had done until it was too late. I didnt mean to. It was an accident. Staring down at the cowering girl, I felt my heart start to crumble.

     "I'm so sorry!" My voice quivered as I ran into the bathroom.

     The bathroom door didnt lock, so I pressed my back against it as I slid down the door. I felt my heart completely shatter as I reached for the knife that I kept under the sink in case someone tried kidnapping Harley again.

     My vision blurred with unshed tears as I considered my options. Do I do it or not? I gave up fighting as I felt the blade cut through my upper thigh. A single tear betrayed me as it glided down my cheek.

    After the first cut, it all became addicting. I felt better and better the more blood the knife spilt. I felt all my pain go away as did the urge to continue. I rinsed a piece of toilet paper with water as I ran It over my fresh cuts. The water seeped inside, stinging me in a calming way.

     Making sure I looked presentable and that I put my walls back up, I opened the bathroom door and came face to face with Harley.

     "Red, it's okay. I know that it wasnt your fault. It was mine if anything. I was just trying to- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?!" Harley screamed looking down at my thighs.

     Shit. I forgot to cover up. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders as I made my way to the bedroom.

     "Uh no. We need to talk about this." Harley said, grabbing my wrist.

     "Theres nothing to talk about." I giggled as I took my wrist back.


     "Just drop it. Please." My voice softened as I opened the bedroom door.

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