Chapter 33: A Dumb Plant

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Poison Ivy's pov:

      When I woke up, I found myself laying on the dirty floor of my lab. For a split second, I forgot everything that happened. As my brain adjusted to reality again, all of the memories started flooding back. I remembered everything. Harley's words grabbed hold of my heart and ripped it straight out of my chest.

      I hit my palms against the sides of my head, trying to get the memories to stop playing on repeat. I grimaced as I pushed the thoughts far away into a small little cage as I rebuilt my walls. Repressing everything constantly was exhausting; I needed a drink. I didn't know why I didn't start drinking before; it made everything so much easier.

       I slowly made my way over to my desk that stood in the corner of the room. I rummaged through the drawers, but came up empty handed. I didn't think too much on it, though, because I knew we had some more alcohol in the cabinet above the sink.

       I checked the time. It was only 5 o' clock, so I guessed that Harley probably wouldn't be awake. It's not that I was avoiding her, I just didn't want to talk to her after everything she said. I knew it was all just a hallucination, but it still felt real. The pain didn't just magically go away once I realized that it was just my imagination, but alcohol made it all temporarily numb, which was fine by me.

       I creaked open the basement door and looked around the room. All of the lights were off, which was a good sign. I made my way towards the kitchen, very cautiously as I tried not to run into anything. I found my way to the sink, where I immediately stood on my tippy-toes to look into the cabinets above. There was nothing there. I started to panic as I looked through all of the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen, but I couldn't find alcohol in any of them. I could feel my heart rate get faster by the minute as I struggled to keep the memories behind my walls.

      "Looking for something?" A voice called out from the darkness.

      I turned around as a lamp dramatically turned on, revealing a very tired looking Harley sitting on the living room couch. Her eyes had bags underneath them, proving that she had been up for awhile. How long was she waiting for me to come out?

      "Harley." I mumbled. "What have you done with all the drinks?"

      "Really? That's all I get? Just a 'Harley, where r the drinks'?" She asked as she did a horrible impression of my voice. "I haven't seen you in days and that's all you have to say?!"

       "What else am I supposed to do? Apologize? I'm not going to apologize for shit because I didn't do anything!" I raised my voice as the lack of alcohol made me feel things 10 times worse than I normally would have.

      "That's right! You didn't do anything! You won't talk to me, you won't let me see you, nothing! If it wasn't for the dishes you leave in the sink, I wouldn't even know that you are still alive!" Harley yelled.

        "Maybe it's better that way." I mumbled.

       "What's that supposed to mean?" Harley whispered, looking hurt.

       "Don't you get it, Harls? I hate you! I hate knowing that when I wake up, you are going to be the first thing I see! I hate that I'm stuck in this constant loop of misery and yet everything is about you! I hate that I care for you! I hate that I love you! I hate all of it! Why can't you see that?!" I yelled as I felt my walls slowly start to crumble as I forced them to stay up. "I feel like I am constantly suffocating in my own mind, but I still have to look out for you! I still have to care for you! Everyday it's something new! How is Harley going to be today? What's the first thing she'll cry over? What's the last thing she'll cry over? What will she bitch about today? WELL, DAMNIT HARLEY WHEN IS IT MY TIME?! WHEN DO I GET CARED FOR?! I AM SO ALONE AND YOU DONT EVEN REALIZE BECAUSE YOU ARE SO SELF ABSORBED WITH YOURSELF! But why would you care? It's just like you said..." -I sighed as I lowered my voice- "I'm just a dumb plant anyways.

       "I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE CALLED YOU A DUMB PLANT!" Harley yelled through tears.

       "But you did. You left. And now I'm doing the same." I said as I remembered her words.

       "What?" Harley whispered as her tears fell silent.

        "I'm leaving. No one ever stays in the end. I'm simply protecting myself." I said as I walked towards the front door.

       "Are you serious right now?" Harley asked as I opened the door.

       "I'm sorry, harls....." I whispered as I looked over my shoulder. "I love you."

       "Wait-" Harley called out before I shut the door behind me. "I LOVE YOU!"

      I could hear her screaming in pain through the door. I wanted to go back inside and never let go, but this was for the best. I couldnt allow myself to get hurt again. She didnt truly love me and she never will. No one will, because I'm just a dumb plant.

       I pulled out my phone as I pressed my back against the front door as I slid my way down to the ground. I called the only other contact in my phone as I held it up to my head, listening to the rings.

       "Hello?" Selina grumbled through her sleepiness.

       "I think.......I need help, Selina." I whispered as my voice cracked.

         "Pamela?" She realized, her voice awake with concern now.

          "Yea....I need a place to stay for a bit. Not long, just until I find somewhere else." I admitted as I could still hear Harley's cries coming from inside the house.

       "Uh...yea okay. I'll come pick you up. You can stay as long as you'd like." Selina said through the phone as I heard her grab her car keys.

       "I'll be here." I whispered before shutting off my phone.

       I crawled up into a fetal position as I grew the grass around me, sheltering my body from the outside world. I breathed heavily as I pushed everything away.

       It wasn't long before Selina came speeding up to the house as she threw herself out of her car. By this time, Harley had stopped screaming, so she had no clue what was happening. She knelt down next to me as she gently pushed away some grass that was covering me. I shuddered as her warm hands made contact with my freezing body. Gotham air was getting colder the closer it go to December. I looked up at her with a weak smile as I closed my eyes.

        "Let's go, Honey." She whispered like she was talking to a little kid.

        I shook my head no as I closed my eyes. I was so tired. I didn't want to move. She sighed as she knelt down and carried me like a baby all the way to her car where I fell asleep.

**a/n: please don't hate me too much guys :)**


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