Chapter 26: Alice's Threat

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Harley Quinn's pov:

     I sat frozen in the hallway, too shocked to move. She had hit me, but it wasnt her fault, right? I shouldn't have tried to get in the middle of them. I should have known Ivy wasnt in her right mind. I guess my psychiatrist skills were starting to gather dust in the back of my brain.

     "Harls I-" I flinched as she moved closer to me.

     Why did I flinch? What was wrong with me? I knew she wouldn't hit me again. She was in a good headspace now and I knew this. All I could think about was the baby growing inside of me. What if next time Ivy hurt the kid inside? I shook my head. There was no way that there would be a next time. She wouldnt let it happen again. I could see the guilt painted all over her.

     "I'm so sorry!" She gasped as she retreated into the bathroom.

     Were those tears in her eyes? No, it couldn't have been. Must have been the lighting. Why would Red be upset anyways? It was all my fault after all.

     After awhile, I decided to pick myself up off the floor. My knees felt like Jello, but I forced myself towards the bathroom door. Just as I reached for the handle, Ivy opened the door. She looked a hot mess. The hair that she valued so much was scrunched up and tangled. I could tell she felt bad, but was too stubborn to admit it.

     "Red, it's okay. I know that it wasnt your fault. It was mine if anything. I was just trying to-" I stopped as I looked down at her marked thighs. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?"

     Thin lines of blood covered her thighs as the skin around each cut started puffing up. I felt my heart stop for a minute before looking back up at Ivy. I tried to search for any sort of emotion in her eyes, but came up empty handed. What good was my PhD if I couldnt even read people?

     Ivy smiled and shrugged her shoulders as if it were no big deal. She turned to go walk towards the bedroom, but I grabbed her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.

     "Uh no. We need to talk about this." I said trying to sound determined.

     I knew she didnt want to talk about it. Ivy never wanted to talk about anything, but I couldnt just let her walk away without a fight. This wasnt like her.

     "There's nothing to talk about." She giggled as she snatched her wrist back.

     I shook my head in disbelief as she giggled. What was so funny about that? From what I could tell, she took all the anger out on herself. My mind was spinning. Did she laugh as a defence mechanism or did she genuinely find this humorous?

     "But-" I tried protesting, but was cut off.

     "Just drop it. Please." Ivy sighed as her voice softened.

     She opened the bedroom door and dissapeared from sight. My first instinct was to chase after her, but something told me not to.

     'Give her time, Harleen.' The little voice in my head reasoned.

     I sighed as I walked back towards the living room. I was curious to see if Ivy's mom was still outside or if she already left. I stood on my tippy-toes as I tried to peer into the peep hole. I was too short. I put my hand on my stomach.

     "I hope you get your daddy's height and not mine." I whispered as if it could hear me.

     I decided just to risk it and open the door. I cracked it open just a bit and saw a figure sitting on the sidewalk a few feet away. I knew instantly it was Ivy's mother. Her ginger hair stood out in the night.

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