Chapter 20: First Appearance

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Harley Quinn's pov:

     I gave the boys a cocky wink before exiting the warehouse. I hurried to Ivy's car with a skip in my step. I opened the door and sat down next to Ivy. I gave her a long passionate kiss before buckling my seat belt.

     "I take it things went well then?" Ivy asked, touching her lips.

     "Very well." I beamed. "Joker wants to be apart of the kids life. He wants to be a dad for realsies."

     "And you're okay with that?" Ivy questioned.

     "Well, yeah. It's what is best for the kid." I answered truthfully.

     "Well that's great then, babe. I hope things work out as well as you hope." Ivy said putting her seat belt on. "You up for some clothes shopping?"

     I nodded my head eagerly in response. Ivy smiled to herself before putting the car in gear and driving off. Ivy pulled into a parking space in front of the Gotham mall. I hopped out of the car and practically pulled Ivy out of her seat.

     Clothes shopping was one of my favorite things to do and Ivy was well aware of this. I could tell I was annoying Ivy with my excitement, but I couldnt help it. Shopping for clothes was just so much fun!

     "Slow down, Harls." Ivy begged as I pulled her into one of the stores. "The clothes arent going anywhere."

     Obviously, I knew that they werent going to grow legs and walk away, but I wanted to get straight into trying on outfits. I made my way around the store until I found the maternity section. My eyes immediately landed on a solid black jumpsuit with short sleeves that were loose at the end. I handed it to Ivy as I kept rummaging through more clothes.

     By the time we left the store, Ivy had 2 bags of clothes in her hand and that was only the beginning. We stopped to get Ice cream before going to the next store.

     "Uhh...lemme get a mint chocolate chip ice cream please." Ivy ordered off of the list of flavors. "What do you want, babe?"
     "Vanilla." I said to Ivy, too anxious to order for myself.

     "And one Vanilla." Ivy said, giving the lady some money and dropping the change in the tip jar.

     This particular ice cream stand had tiny tables and stools scattered around. Ivy and I sat down across from each other as we enjoyed our ice cream. After we were done, we cleaned up our messes and started walking towards the next store.

     As we were walking, our hands bumped into each other. I saw ivy blush a bit, so I grabbed her hand, interlocking our fingers, as we entered the next store.

     Ivy went to look at shoes while I browsed for more clothes. As I went through the racks of clothes, I saw a worker approaching me from the corner of my eye. I turned my head slightly to face her. I gave her a smile and she smiled back.

     "Anything I can help you with today?" The worker offered.

     "No thanks. Just tryna find some maternity clothes." I said making small talk.

     "Oou, I remember by first pregnancy. How far along are you?" She asked looking at my stomach through my shirt.

    "6 weeks. I get my first ultrasound tomorrow." I answered putting a hand on my baby bump.

     "How exciting! I'm sure you're happy." The worker guessed with a slight laugh.

     "Yea. I've always wanted to be a mom, but I'd be lying if I said I wasnt nervous." I admitted, smiling at her comment.

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