Chapter 8: Rebirth

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Harleen's pov:

     I parked my car at Arkham Asylum. I had spent the whole weekend building my mental walls back up, so I was ready for anything. Anything except what would come next. I approached the bottom of the staircase that led into the building only to be stopped by police men.

     "What's happening, officer?" I asked a nearby police man.

     "A visitor had a leaf stuck to the bottom of his shoe. Poison Ivy took advantage of the leaf and started terrorizing the workers. But don't worry; we sent a team of professionals in the building. They have guns armed with a poison that's only affective against plants. We will have the problem eliminated soon, ma'am." The police man explained before turning his gaze towards the building.

     I felt my face grow pale as everything started to spin around me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to face Lola.

     "D...Did they say they were using weed killers?" I asked feeling like I was going to faint.

     "Yes. But it's going to be okay. Poison Ivy will be taken care of soon." Lola reassured me.

     "Taken care of?" I said feeling my eyes water up. "They'll kill her, Lola!! THEY'LL KILL HER!!"

     "It's for our safety and it's for the best, Harleen." She said trying to call me down.

     "No. No, no, I can't." I said spinning around as I stared at the building.

     "Harleen, listen to me-"

     "No!! I can't lose her. I can't!! " I said kicking off my heels and running into the building at full speed.

     "Harleen, no!" I heard Lola scream out as I continued to run.

     I didn't care what they would do to me. I couldn't lose Ivy. She wasn't a monster. She was just a girl who was never given the chance at a normal life. My legs burned as I continued to run, but I didn't let that stop me as I ran through the dark halls.I had to jump over many vines before I saw a group of men standing over Ivy's body.

     "Get away from her!" I screamed as I dropped to the floor.

     I held the back of her neck up with my hand, feeling that her body was limp. I felt a stream of tears coming down my face, but I didn't care. All I could think about was Ivy.

     "You bastards!" I screamed as I punched one of them in the face.

     Watching as they all crowded around me, I picked up Ivy's body and ran out through the back exit. Ivy was a lot heavier when she was limp, but the adrenaline had sent me into overdrive. I burst through the back door and laid Ivy in the backseat of my car. I quickly got into the car and drove all the way home.

     Once inside, I threw Ivy's body onto my bed. I stared over her, not knowing what to do. I watched as her eyes struggled to open as she reached her hand out. I quickly grabbed it as tears continued to rain down.

     "I'm right here, Ivy. I'm right here." I said giving her hand a small squeeze.

     "For what it's worth, this isn't your fault. You were the best psychiatrist I ever had. You just can't fix some people I guess." She said grimacing as she let go of my hand.

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