Chapter 34: Heist Gone Wrong

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**a/n: sorry for last chapter, I got bored. But uh yea dont hate me too much. Happy reading!**

Poison Ivy's pov:

I woke up around mid-afternoon, not wanting to get out of bed. It was nothing new. Just the same stuff over and over again, only now, without Harley, I didn't feel any motivation to do anything.

It had been a month since I walked out on her. I thought that I didn't need her, but my mind continued to prove me wrong each day. I no longer looked both ways before crossing the street because nothing could hit me as hard as this. I stopped wearing my seatbelt when Selina drove me around. When I turned off the lights, I no longer ran up the stairs because the "monsters" that could "get me" werent as bad as the ones in my mind.

I very quickly found myself back in the same place I had fought so hard to get out of. Anytime I felt the slightest bit of happiness, I would get that feeling again. This feeling in my chest where I don't feel any desire to speak or move. All I would want to do is close my eyes and sleep, because the process of being broken was incredibly exhausting. I would always attempt to make my days fulfilling, but no matter how hard I would try, I couldn't seem to ever connect with anyone or anything, not even life itself.

Selina tried being supportive, but I wasn't dumb. I could tell she was annoyed by my pitiful mindset. If I was being completely honest, I was getting tired of myself too. The worst part of it all was that even though I could tell I was getting worse, I couldn't do anything to stop it. I felt like a burden to Selina and that's what I hated most. Selina had been through so much over the years, but she always pulled through. Why couldn't I do the same so she wouldn't have to deal with me?

"Goodmorning, sunshine!" Selina whispered as she cracked open the door.

I had been sleeping in Selina's spare room, but I never really felt comfortable roaming around her house, so I wouldn't leave the room until Selina came and got me. This, of course, only made me feel like an even bigger burden.

"Hey." I lazily said.

"How are you feeling?" Selina asked.

"Good." I lied as Selina came to sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure?" She questioned as she patted a spot next to her, signaling for me to sit with her. "Last night sounded pretty rough."

" heard that?" I asked, embarrassment displayed on my face.

Selina nodded. I groaned as I shoved a pillow into my face. After keeping it all in, I finally let go last night after I heard Selina go to bed. I must have cried for at least a couple of hours before I finally fell asleep. I didn't know that Selina could hear me. Once again, I have proved myself nothing but a chore to her.

"You want a hug?" Selina asked as she suppressed a giggle from me slamming my face into the pillow.

I hesitated before answering. All of my life I had been the tough one; the one who never needed anything. I had always shut myself out, away from everyone. But looking at Selina now, I didn't want to be the tough one anymore. Even if it was just for a moment, I wanted to let my walls down. I wanted to feel free, but a little voice in my head told me that I couldn't be vulnerable in front of Selina.

       "I'm okay, but thanks anyways." I softly smiled.

     "Okay. I'm always gonna be here for you if you need me." Selina sighed as she stood up.

       "I love you." I called out platonically as Selina walked back towards the door.

       "You getting soft on me, Pammy?" She giggled.

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