Chapter 10: Mystery

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*3 years later*

(For background knowledge, by this chapter, Harleen changed into Harley Quinn by jumping into acid just like in the comics. The only difference is, instead of doing it to prove herself to Joker, she did it to permenantley be immune to Ivy's toxins. I simply was just too lazy to write it.)

Poison Ivy's pov:

     I woke up to the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. My stomach growled, begging me to get up. I grumbled as I let my feet hit the floor as I made my way to the bathroom. I took a piss and brushed my hair before going out to the kitchen.

     "Good morning, baby boo!" Harley squealed rushing over to give me a kiss on the cheek.

     " 'mornin babe." I said still tired.

    Anyone who saw us on the streets would say we weren't compatible, but I knew we were. Her bubbly personality perfectly contrasted with my laid-back personality. Harley was such a morning person while I had to be up for awhile before you would see a smile on my face.

     "Watcha want for breakfast?" She asked turning back towards the stove.

     "Nothing, I'm not hungry." I lied pouring myself some morning coffee.

     Harley frowned as she cracked an egg on the counter and put it in the pan. She always had scrambled eggs for breakfast. It was an everyday thing.

     "What do ya wanna do today, Red? I heard the museum just got a new diamond in. Up for a heist?" Harley asked giving me a wink.

     "I uh.....actually have something planned for today." I admitted as I took another sip.

     "Oh." Harley's face fell into a slight frown. "Well then I'll come with ya."

     I gulped, choking on my tea. I scratched the back of my neck looking around the room nervously.

     "No can do, babe. This one I have to do by myself." I said, my voice wavering a bit.

     Harley was visibly confused and disappointed and I knew she would start asking questions, but I couldn't tell her what I was doing. Thankfully, my phone rang, saving me from the awkward situation.

     "Hello?" I answered, putting the phone to my ear.

     "I'm ready." The voice whispered. "Just come over whenever you get Harley out of your hair."

     "Alright, see you soon." I said ending the call.

     Harley looked at me with her arms crossed. She slid her eggs on a paper plate and stormed out of the kitchen, heading to eat in our room. I didn't care; she would get over it anyways.

     I went into the room and started changing out of my bed clothes. I took off my shirt and watched out of the corner of my eye as Harley admired my laced bra. I pertended I didn't notice and slipped on a solid black shirt with some ripped jeans.

     "I'm headed out. I'll be back shortly, babe." I said giving Harley a kiss on the forehead, which she wiped off.

     I frowned as I grabbed my car keys and drove to Lola's house. When I got there, everything was quiet. A little too quiet. I knocked on the door a few times before I heard a crash come from within the house. I rammed my shoulder into the door until I was inside and I immediately took off to Lola's room.

    I burst through the door to find Lola on the ground with her husband standing over her. I ran in front of Lola, taking a punch to the head as I fell down next to her. My head throbbed with pain, but I stood up, shielding her.

     "Of course your little bitch came and saved you." Her husband said rolling his eyes and walking away.

     "Careful there. I think your head is a little to far up your ass." I called out before he left the house.

     "You okay?" I ask shaking my head and reaching my hand out towards Lola.

     "Always am." She responded taking my hand and standing back up.

     "Why do you put up with him? I mean, men are pieces of shit anyways, but why him?" I asked touching my head where he hit me.

     "He loves me...just in his own way." She responded shaking her head. "Anyways, are you ready to get started?"

     I nodded my head excitedly as she led me to the garage. Inside was a gorgeous black motorcycle. I smiled running my fingers over it. Lola pulled out a small box and threw it at me as I caught it.

     "It was a hassle to keep hidden from your snooping girl, but there it is." Lola said laughing.

     "Thank you." I said actually meaning it (for once).

     She nodded as she handed me the keys to the motorcycle. She gave me a hug before I left, which I despised, but went along with it anyways. I lifted the motorcycle into the trunk of my eco-friendly truck. I took a deep breath as I locked the motorcycle into place.

     "Good luck tonight, Ivy." Lola called out as I climbed into my truck.

     I smiled and nodded before I drove away. I hid the box inside the glove department before parking the truck in the driveway.

     "Babe, I'm back!" I called out as I locked the front door.

     I walked into the living room to find Harley laying on the couch watching a movie on the tv. I popped some popcorn in the microwave before joining her on the couch. As soon as I sat down, she snuggled close to me as I rested the bowl onto my lap. I smiled as I played with her hair.

     After a few minutes, the movie had switched to a very intimate scene. I watched as Harley looked up at me with an excited look. I rolled my eyes as I started rubbing her back as she watched the two actresses make love. She leaned her head up, still laying down, and puckered her lips. I smiled and craned my neck down, meeting her halfway for a kiss. I put my neck back up, thinking it was going to be just a peck, but Harley whimpered as she pulled my face back down.

     Harley slowly sat up and started getting closer to me as she continued to lock lips with me. I moved the popcorn bowl onto the table in front of the couch as she slowly started to position herself on my lap. Her legs wrapped around my waist as she pulled herself close. She grabbed the sides of my face as her tounge danced with mine. I had my hands on the back of her hair, giving it a tight pull every now and then. I felt as her body started to move on mine as we met each other's rhythms. It started off slow but slowly gained speed as I heard her breathing get heavier. She leaned into me until my back was flat on the couch.

     She took off her shirt as she sat on top of me. I reached around her back when she got closer and unclipped her bra. I could feel her hands rubbing my inner thigh, getting closer and closer to what I wanted as we made out. I felt her hands unbutton my jeans and she slid them down my long green legs.  She smiled as she didn't bother to take off my panties. She moved my panties to the side as she started twirling with my clit. Before I knew it, I was screaming her name as my back arched in release. She smiled as I threw my head back, breathing short and fast.

     I couldn't take it anymore. I felt my body release before I grabbed Harley and threw her down on the couch. She squealed as her eyes widened in fear. She knew she wouldn't be in control forever. I stuck my fingers inside of her until she begged me to stop with tears of pleasure streaming down her face.

     "I have to go, Harls." I said removing her head from my lap.

     "But....but I thought we were having fun." She pouted.

     "Of course we were! But we can have some fun later. There is something I have to do." I said standing up and putting my clothes back on.

     I watched as Harley rolled her eyes before retreating to the room. I heard her scream in anger before smashing the door with her bat. I wasn't fazed; this was something that happened often.

     I walked out of the house and began to work. I knew Harley wouldn't come out of her room for awhile, so I had time. This was it. It was now or never. I gulped, feeling my hands start to sweat.

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