Chapter 24: Knock on The Door

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Harley Quinn's pov:

     When I woke up, I found myself alone in the bedroom. Red must have carried me in there while I was asleep. I rubbed my eyes as I made my way down the hall.

     When I rounded the corner, I saw Ivy hunched over the counter as she wrote something down. I skipped my way over to her and hugged her from behind. I felt her flinch at the sudden touch before she smiled over her shoulder at me.

     "Hiya." I whispered.

     "Hey." Ivy responded. "What are you doing up?"

     "I dont know; just woke up." I answered. "Why are you still awake?"

     "Just trying to figure some things out. Nothing to worry about though." Ivy smiled as she folded the piece of paper and slipped it into her pocket.

     "Well what is it? I wanna see!" I pouted as I made a pathetic swipe at the paper.

      "Its just a letter, babe." Ivy giggled as she held the note where I couldnt reach it.

     "You're..... you're writing letters to other girls?" I asked getting jealous, but sad.

     Ivy noticed the sudden change in my voice. She closed her eyes and slightly shook her head. She gave the letter one last look before holding it out to me.

     "Its um.....for my mom. I didnt plan on sending it out or anything I just-" Ivy looked at the letter. "I dont know. I guess it was for me. I havent seen her since-"

     "Since what?" I asked after a long pause.

     Ivy didnt make eye contact. I decided to put the letter back on the counter without reading it. It was none of my buisness anyways. I looked up at Ivy, waiting for a response. I saw the fidget in her fingers and I saw her change her body position ever so slightly. Whatever it was, it made her feel unsafe. I took a mental note of this.

     "Its nothing, Harls, really." She eventually said giving a faint smile. "Its getting late. Dont you think it's time for bed?"

     "You changed the subject." I stated very bluntly.

     "Meh, what can I say? I'm tired." She smiled slightly at her comment.
"And you should be too. So come on let's go to bed."

     Ivy grabbed my hands and playfully pulled me in the direction of the bedroom. I stood my ground and looked her in the eyes as if to say 'I know you're hiding something'.

     "Please, Harl." She sighed as her smile faded.

     I was too tired to fight her on this. I smiled and nodded my head as we walked towards the bedroom. Ivy stepped to the side, letting me enter first, before shutting the door behind her. I pulled off the shirt I was wearing and slipped on a pair of fuzzy pajama pants. I climbed on my side of the bed and sat criss-cross-applesauce as I waited for Red to get ready.

     I watched like a kid in the candy store as Red pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her black sports bra. My eyes travelled along her body as she stripped down to her boxers. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her green skin was always an even tone and it was so smooth. And her hair. Oh my God, I could stare at that hair for hours. It was stunning. Ivy cherished her hair more than anything and it showed. Her long red hair always seemed to have a light bounce to it, even when it was messy.

     "You're so pretty, baby." I thought out loud as she climbed into bed next to me.

     "That's all you, harls. All you." She said as she wrapped her arms around me.

     She started to gently rub my baby bump as I began to doze off. The last thing I remember before slipping away into dream land was Ivy planting a gentle kiss on my forehead.


     I woke up in a panic, thinking Ivy had abandoned me. I frantically opened my eyes to see my beautiful fiance holding me in her sleep. My heart rate slowed down as I watched Ivy's chest gently fall up and down with each breath she took.

     "Baby?" I whispered as I gently pushed a strand of hair away from her face.

     "Huh? What is it?" Ivy mumbled as she slowly started to stir.

     "Goodmorning." I smiled as my soft lips brushed against hers. "I'm hungry."

     "Okay." Ivy said as she slowly sat up in bed. "What do you want?"

     "Ummm" i thought for a moment. "Pizza!"

     "Pizza?" Ivy repeated. "For breakfast?"

     "Yes! Now let's order some. Pleaseeee" I begged.

     "You really are too much." Ivy teased as she made her way to the phone.


     We were hanging out in the kitchen as we waited for pizza to arrive. I decided that I wanted cupcakes for later on, so I started to measure out the flour.

     "Hang on. I think I just saw something crawl in the bag." Ivy said.

     Curious, I leaned over the opening and peered into the flour bag.

     "Baby, theres nothing he-"

     Ivy clapped the bottom of the bag, sending flour bursting all over my face. I wiped flour from my eyes as I laughed. My ribs started burning I was laughing so hard. I looked up and saw Ivy hunched over as she too held her sides as she laughed hysterically. Mid-laugh I sneezed, causing Ivy to laugh even harder until tears of joy were coming down her face.

     "You sneeze like a fucking kitten." Ivy wheezed as she fell to the floor laughing.

     "Oh shut up!" I cackled as I picked up an egg and threw it at her.

     The egg hit her on her forehead, causing yolk to get all in her hair. I looked in amusing horror as she realized it was in her precious hair.

     "Oh you've done it now. Come here!" She screamed as she lunged at me and started tickling me until I begged her to stop.

     She looked down at me as I slowly stopped laughing. My cheeks were in pain from smiling so much and I could feel my face burn. Ivy smiled and leaned down towards my lips. I leaned up to meet her halfway, but the sound of the door knocking interrupted us and ruined the moment.

     Ivy gave me a boop on the nose before heading to the front door. I heard the door open, but instead of a greeting, there was a long pause of awkward silence. I made my way towards the front door after not hearing anything for awhile.

     "Ivy?" I called her name as I saw her frozen by the door. "What's going on?"

     I approached her cautiously as I looked past her. There was a woman outside. She was short and unbelievably thin with ginger hair and freckles that covered her face. Other than the shocked look on her face, she looked like an ordinary pizza delivery girl.

     I put my hand on Ivy's back as I got close behind her. I was so confused as to what was happening. Did they know each other? Did she say something to Ivy? I looked at Ivy's face for a hint, but her expression was frozen in what looked like pure fear. This couldnt be right. Ivy was never afraid of anything and even when she was, she never showed it. I knew this had to be serious.

     "Been a long time, huh Pamela?" The lady said nervously as she scratched the back of her head.

     How did she know who Ivy was? And how did she know Ivy's real name? My thoughts were quickly interrupted.

     "Mom?" Ivy's voice was barely above a whisper as her voice cracked.

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