Chapter 29: The aftermath

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Catwoman's pov:

"Joker!!" I heard Harley scream.

Thinking she was hurt, I ran to Harley's side, as my eyes travelled over her body, looking for any hints of pains. I didnt see anything. Her hand shook slightly as she signaled for Joker to look over to where Lola and her husband were.

I looked over as well, seeing Lola knocked out on the ground with her husband standing over her. I looked at the broken beer bottle in his hands as his body slightly swayed. Everything happened so fast, it was almost as if it was all a huge blur of chaos.

Joker stepped between Lola's body and her husband. Harley ran from Ivy and I's side and knelt down next to Lola as she regained consciousness.I was too far away to hear what Lola's douchebag of a husband said, but it clearly wasnt very good since Joker knocked him out cold with a right hook to the face.

Ivy ran to go help Harley carry Lola inside while I made my way towards Joker. I put my hand on his shoulder as I tried to calm him down. I could still feel his chest rise up and down quickly with anger. He started to chuckle to himself before breaking out in his infamous laugh. He started to take another step towards Lola's husband. I put my hand on his chest and pulled him away, which made him laugh even more.

"I will kill you, ya son of a bitch!" Joker laughed as I dragged him away.

I was so confused. Why would Joker care so much about Lola? No, he wouldnt. Lola's husband must have said something to Joker to infuriate him like this.

I had Joker go wait in his purple Lamborghini while he cooled off. As I made my way back towards the house, I could see Ivy coming back outside. Maybe it was the lighting, but her skin looked a slightly paler shade of green than usual.

"Hey, Ivy, what's going on in there?" I asked as I found myself in front of the redhead.

"I- uh......"She said as she struggled to find words. "Harley is taking care of it. I....figured they wanted privacy."

I nodded in understatement as my eyes met hers. She quickly looked away and turned her attention to the waking husband. Fire blazed in Ivy's eyes as plants started to surround him.

"Ivy, stop." I demanded as I grabbed her wrist. "Let him go."

      "After everything he's done! Are you serious?" Ivy raised her voice at me.

      "He was drunk.." I tried to reason.

      Ivy slightly opened her mouth in disbelief. She shook her head as a smile crept onto her face. She started waving her finger in the air as a painful laugh spilled out of her mouth.

      "He was drunk...that's your excuse?" Ivy asked between laughs as she looked at me with narrow eyes. "No, see you wouldn't get it, would you?"

      "Pamela, I-"

      "No, of course you wouldn't get it. Of course not because you actually have love in your life." Ivy forced a laugh. "You've never had to fight for reassurance. You've never been manipulated or compelled to stay with someone for fear of your own life. You just wouldn't understand!"

      I didn't know what to say. I just stood there like an idiot with a blank expression on my face. Ivy looked at the ground as her fists balled in anger. She then let her hands drop as she stormed off towards the Joker's car.

     Still stunned, I walked into the house, searching for Harley and Lola. I eventually found my way towards the room they were in. The door was cracked open a bit, and I peered through the sliver. Seeing that everything seemed calm, I opened the door and entered the room slowly.

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