Part 5: Bruise

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**Fair warning: there is a LOT of crying within this chapter and the next, which is something I don't normally write a lot of. So I apologize in advance if it is awkward or uncomfortable to read. Because it definitely was to write. Happy reading!**

Harleen's pov:

     I tried to forget what had happened, but how could I when every step hurt to take? My legs were still shaking whenever I returned to my office. Lola was sitting in my chair waiting for me.

     "So how's Poison Ivy?" She asked staring me down.

     My heart stopped and a chill went down my back. Did she know? I was being as quiet as possible, but I just couldn't keep the moans in. It had felt so good. Ivy's warm tounge against my pussy and her soft fingers inside of me. She practically rearranged my insides and I wasn't even mad at her for it. How could I be?

     "She sure is something." I said looking down at my clipboard of scribbles. "We have another session the day after tomorrow around noon. May we have our session outside her cell?"

     "Are you being serious, Dr. Quinzel? You want Poison Ivy, a woman who can control plants, to go outside with you, a psychiatrist she doesn't even like." She snorted.

     I clenched my teeth together. I wanted to kick her out of my office and demand that Pamela got to go outside. I had full confidence that she wouldn't hurt me; not after everything that had happened.

     "Pamela is making real progress with me and she deserves a chance. A chance none of y'all have the balls to give her." I spat trying to keep my cool.

     "Fine. But Guards will escort you there and back. I'm not going to lose a psychiatrist just because you think you're all that." She rolled her eyes and left the room.

     I gave a sigh of relief as I closed the door behind her. Lola didn't know what she was talking about. Ivy trusted me and I trusted her. That's all it would take to get through to her. After all, my job wasn't to sleep with my patient. It was to help her. And I was losing sight of my goal; I had to refocus.

     I reviewed my notes and typed up what I knew on to Ivy's file. I recalled whenever I showed up in my funeral clothes. She insulted me at first, but then apologized whenever I said where I was going. She didn't know it at the time, but she was giving me sympathy. It may have been from deep within her subconscious, but that was fine. It meant she could still feel human emotions, meaning that there was still a little of Dr. Isley left within her. All I had to do was pull it out of her.

     I finished typing up my notes before resting my hands on my crossed legs. My mind drifted to none other than Poison Ivy herself. Why was she the way she was? From what I saw, it looked as if she had no friends , but then again neither did I. I remembered the look on all my friends faces when they found out what I had done. What we had done. They looked at me like I was a monster and left without another word, leaving me all alone without a friend in the world. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I quickly swatted it away. I pushed my fake glasses back up my face and did what I always did; I threw myself deeper into my work. I studied all of Poison Ivy's case files and recorded interviews. I noticed that all the tapes and notes had one thing missing. Ivy never talked about her childhood. Anytime the question was brought up, she either deflected it or avoided it completely. I made a mental note of this and packed my stuff up to go back home.

As I was passing by Lola's office to leave, I heard a muffled sound coming from her office. I stopped outside her door and peaked in the window to where she couldn't see me, but I could see her. She had her hand over her mouth as tears raced down her face. With her other hand, she poured another glass of wine. I didn't want to interrupt because it was clear she was trying to be sneaky about it. I frowned to myself and just kept walking past the front desk and out to my car.

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