Chapter 18: what youre up against

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Harley Quinn's pov:

"I'm pregnant!" I blurted out, not really thinking.

Ivy stared at me with a blank expression on her face. She blinked a few times, trying to see if I was serious. I stared back at her, making sure not to break eye contact.

"Are you sure?" Ivy asked looking at my nearly flat stomach.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I made my way to the bathroom where I took the pregnancy tests I saved out of the cabinet. I dumped 5 tests, all positive, on the counter to prove my point. Ivy cautiously made her way to the counter, almost as if it would attack her. She put her hand over her mouth, realizing they were all positive.

"Yea, I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant." I said being a smartass.

There was a long pause before Ivy said anything. I tried to read her body language, but she was just staring at the counter blankly. I started to get nervous. It had never crossed my mind that maybe Ivy didn't want to be a mother. I guess I always just assumed she would be happy with a child and never really gave it a second thought.

"What are you going to do with it?" Ivy asked finally breaking the silence.

"I......I was kinda wanting to keep it." I admitted as I started to fidget with my fingers. "I always wanted to be a mother. But if you arent okay with it-

"No." Ivy interrupted, putting her hand out in a stopping motion. "Dont start that. Its your body, harls. It's your choice. If you want to keep the baby, then I will support you no matter what. I just want to make sure you fully understand what that baby is gonna be like."

"What do ya mean?" I asked.

"Think about it this way. The Joker is a psychotic narcissist who battles so many demons that he turns it into a joke. And you.........well you have your own mental health issues whether you admit it or not. So, biologically speaking, this kid could end up in pretty mad mental shape if we arent careful. Its gonna need a lot more care than a regular child would. Not to mention it would be raised by not one, but TWO, villains. Not only that, but we are a lesbian couple too. This is gonna present a lot of controversy amongst people." Ivy explained rubbing her temples.

"Oh...I guess I didnt think about that." I admitted looking at the ground.

"I'm not saying you couldnt do it." Ivy said putting her finger under my chin and pushing my gaze up to her. "I think you would make a wonderful mom. And with you being an ex-psychiatrist, you could potentially help it if it did show signs of mental illnesses. I just want you to know what your up against. If you want to keep the baby, then let's keep the baby. Your body your choice. And it should always be that way. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise."

I nodded my head slowly. I thought about all of the different outcomes the pregnancy could have. I weighed the risks and the rewards. My mind raced with thoughts, imagining every equation. I eventually came to a decision.

"I think........." I paused making sure this was something I wanted to do. "I think I still want to keep the baby. I want the chance to be a mother. I know itll be risky, but it's what I want."

Ivy processed what I just said for a minute. She looked over at the pregnancy tests again before making her way towards me. She landed in close, her lips meeting mine in a slow kiss. When she pulled away, her soft hands wrapped around my waist as she pulled my stomach close to her. She gave my stomach a small rub before kissing it.

"You know, theres not much there right now silly goose." I giggled as her lips kissed my stomach again.

"I dont care." Ivy smiled. "I cant wait to be a mother with you....if you want me to be a second mother. After all, it's your child. I dont mean to intrude."

"Are you kidding me?" I rhetorically asked. "You're my fiance! Of course you're gonna be its mother too."

I watched as Ivy smiled, relief rushing over her. I giggled noticing a hint of blush creeping onto her cheeks. Her smile quickly dropped as she grabbed my hands.

"Harley....what are you going to do about Joker? That's his kid you're carrying. Are you going to tell him?" Ivy asked getting all serious again.

"I thought about keeping it a secret. Our child would be much safer away from its father." I sighed looking at ivy. "But I think we should tell him. I mean, everyone deserves a chance at a new start. Maybe he'll change his ways. Unlikely, of course, but it's worth a shot. He deserves the chance to be a father. I dont think I could live with myself if I never gave my kid a chance at a relationship with its dad."

"I wouldnt let my child go anywhere near that creep if I were you. But like I said before, it's your baby. I understand where your coming from, but at the same time you have to realize that this isnt just some random guy. It's the Joker. Do what you want, but please just be careful. When are you going to tell him?" Ivy asked.

"Well I'm scheduled to get an ultrasound in a few weeks. I want him to be there so he can see our baby at the same time I do. So sometime before then." I replied looking down at my stomach.

"Okay, but I'm coming with you. I'm not leaving you alone with him." Ivy said putting her hand on her hip.

I nodded and gave her a smile. She smiled in return and gave me a hug before putting her hands back on my belly as if trying to touch my growing baby. I smiled. I knew at that very moment just how great of a mother Ivy would actually be.

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