Chapter 35: The Talk

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Harley Quinn's pov:

      I closed my eyes as I laid still, pretending to fall asleep. I knew that even after everything that happened, Ivy would still wait until I was sound asleep before leaving me alone. That's just how she was.

        After a few minutes of laying motionless, I heard the quiet sound of the bedroom door closing. I opened one eye, making sure that the coast was clear. I soon switched positions and laid on my back, realizing Ivy was gone.

       I stared at the ceiling of the spare room, feeling completely lost. Ivy leaving me was honestly one of the most heartbreaking things. After several months of moping around, I finally had thought that I had put it all behind me. I thought that I had made peace with the breakup. Then, out of no where, here comes Ivy; running into a falling-apart building to swoop me off my feet and save me.

       At first, I was more than thrilled to see Ivy live and in the flesh. I was so comforted by her touch as she helped me out of the building, away from danger. I thought she was my knight in green shining armor. But then she took me to an alleyway where I saw Selina leaning against a motorcycle. Ivy's motorcycle.

        It was in that moment that I realized that Ivy never came to save me; she came to save Kitty. It was clear at this point that Ivy wouldn't have saved me at all if Selina hadn't begged her to. As reality set in, the memories came back. I quickly came down from my feeling of utopia and, once again, found myself feeling alone and empty.

       I closed my eyes as I felt my throat tighten up. I wanted to scream, cry, curse, anything other than lay alone with my thoughts. I felt my eyes fill with water, but I didn't allow any tears to fall. I had cried enough over Ivy in the past few months and I was sure that she didn't return the favor.

I don't remember falling asleep. One minute I was staring at the ceiling and the next I was waking up in Ivy's arms. It took me a minute to process, but when I realized where I was, I jumped back a bit,
out of Ivy's reach. Ivy jolted awake at the sudden movement and quickly stood up out of bed.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, surprising myself at the anger in my voice.

"I- I just......I came to check on you last night and you were having a nightmare and I-I don't know I guess it was just instinct. I held you tight a-and you started to calm down. I guess I just fell asleep like that. I'm so sorry. I should have just left you I guess. I-it won't happen again." Ivy quickly apologized, stumbling over her words in embarrassment.

"No. No, it's okay. I was just surprised that's all. Thank you for last night. I know it wasn't your choice to go back for me, but...thanks." I said as I felt my body relax.

"Not my choice?" Ivy questioned as she sat at the end of the bed, keeping distance between us.

"Well, yea. It's pretty obvious it wasn't your choice. I thought at first maybe it was, but when I saw Kitty, I knew it was her that asked you to come back for me." I admitted with an inaudible sigh. "Pretty stupid of me huh? You left and don't love me anymore, so I guess I should just get over it. I can be gone by morning and you can have your bed back."

I looked up from the bed sheets and met Ivy's gaze. She opened her mouth to talk, but nothing came out. She started shaking her head as she nervous laughed to herself.

"Don't love you? Aha- you think I don't love you?" Ivy repeated in between forced laughs. "Damnit Harley I've loved you since the first day you came to Arkham Asylum. The way you walked with your head held high, the way you talked with such confidence, even the way you gave me a chance when no one else had the balls to. It was all you, stupid. It was Selina's wish to go back and get you, yes, but I, and I alone, made the decision to listen to her."

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