Chapter 32: Are you drunk?

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**a/n: I am SO sorry guys that I haven't been posting as often as I usually do. I've been off lately with school starting and everything, but I should be back on track soon enough. Thank you for your patience and happy reading!**

Harley Quinn's Pov:

     I hadn't seen Ivy in days. After the whole crying incident, she locked herself up in her lab to do who knows what. The only clue I had that she was still alive were the dirty dishes she left in the sink. I was glad she was eating still, but I hadn't even gotten a glimpse of her in days. I missed her so much. I missed her deep brown eyes that could always read my mind, her silky soft hair that she took so much pride in, the way her body fit perfectly cuddled up next to mine like puzzle pieces, and even the way she pretended she was okay as long as I was happy. I missed everything about her and I was starting to lose my mind.

      I had begged both Selina and Joker to stay with me. I figured something like this would happen, so I hoped that if one of them stayed, then I wouldn't be so alone. I was counting on Selina since she was the most persuadable, but even she didn't stay. She said she couldn't leave her cats at home by themselves and that there was no way she could bring all of them over here. Joker, of course, didn't stay either. He didn't have a reason other than the fact that he simply didn't want to. He wanted to go back to his warehouse with his stupid goons and commit another heist. I could only hope that maybe Joker would be there for our son more than he would ever be for me.

      'You shouldn't have even told Ivy. If you would have told her that it was all just a bad dream then none of this would have ever happened. You just always find a way to screw everything up, don't you?'  I thought to myself.

       I was trying to give Ivy some time and all the space she needed, but I was never a patient woman. I found myself pacing outside of the basement door everyday, debating on wether to enter or not. Ivy was very particular on her rules about no one entering her lab on a normal day, so I could only imagine how she would react if I did it when she was still grieving the loss of her reputation.

      As I, once again, found myself in front of the basement door, I realized I couldn't take it anymore. I craved to see Ivy, even if it was just a quick glimpse. I was so lonley and tired of dishes being my only sign of her existence.

      I knocked on the door a few hard times before hearing some stumbling sounds coming from inside. After what seemed like an eternity of struggling to get to the door, a loopy Ivy stood in front of me as she parted the door. She squinted her eyes very dramatically as she studied my figure before her eyes suddenly opened wide.

      "HARLEY! YOU.........ARE WHITE." Ivy yelled in complete shock.

       "Shhh not so loud. I'm right here." I whispered as I put my finger over my mouth.

      "Shhhhhh" Ivy mimicked as her eyes drooped again.

      I stared at my fiancé as my eyes travelled around her body. The way she was standing, she was kind of hunched over in a sloutch as she had her head stuck out farther than her torso. Her eyes seemed to either get really wide or they stayed squinted, never normal. And her hair; oh my god her hair. It was thrown up into a messy bun and, by the looks of it, it had stayed in that bun over the course of the last few days.  It was unlike Ivy to care so little about her appearance. She looked like a totally different person.

      "What happened to you?" I asked.

       "What do you mean? I'm FINEEEE. I'm just peachy." Ivy giggled as she started doing the robot.

      "No." I said as I grabbed her arms and held them still. "Wheres my fiancé? This isn't her; this isn't you. I've never seen you like this."

      Ivy looked at me with a blank expression as she blinked at a quicker pace than usual.  I stared at her with concern, but for once in her life, she didn't seem to be able to read my mind.

       "Look what I can do!" She exclaimed as she crossed her eyes and stuck out her tounge before bursting out in laughter at herself.

      "How high are you?" I asked. Her eyes didn't seem red, but she was a biochemist after all, so I wouldn't put it past her. 

      "Nooooo, silly goose. It's hi, how are you?" Ivy corrected as she stared at me with a sideways smile.

       "Okay, so maybe you're not baked yet." I concluded as she wobbled slightly when I let her go. "Are you drunk?"

      "No, im Pamela." She mumbled in a pouty face.

      That was when I knew she was drunk. Although Selina still calls Ivy by her birth name, Ivy would never call herself Pamela. I started piecing the clues together before I was absolutley sure that I was correct.

      I moved past Ivy and into her lab. Normally, I would have asked for permission or just not have gone in the lab at all, but with Ivy being drunk, she wouldn't remember anyways. I walked through the rows of tables she had set up that were lined with all sorts of plants that I had never seen before. I eventually found where she kept her desk at as I made my way towards the corner of the room.

      The mini trash can that she kept next to her desk was overflowing with crumbled up papers and vodka bottles.  I counted them; 8 empty bottles over the course of 5 days. I knew this all to well since I was familiar with drowning out my sorrows with alcohol. I found the last bottle she had in her desk and I took a sip before tucking it under my shirt.

      "Okay, well have fun doing science stuff. Look at me." I said as I got her attention. "I love you, okay? And I will be waiting for you to come out whenever you are ready."

       "Okay, I come out. I'm a lesbian." Ivy said with full seriousness as if I didn't already know.

      "Congrats." I mumbled as I shut the basement door  behind me, leaving drunken Ivy alone in her lab.

      I walked over to the kitchen sink and pulled the bottle out from under my shirt. I wondered how long it would be before Ivy realized it was missing as I poured the remainder of the vodka down the drain. I knew that Vodka was expensive, but if I didn't dispose of it then, there's no telling what would have happened. 

      I decided that sleep was the best option. Even though it was only 4 in the afternoon, I put on my sleep clothes and went to lay in bed. I stared at the ceiling with my covers up to my chin. I wasn't tired, but there was nothing better to do than sleep with Ivy being drunk and everyone else being gone.

       I eventually began to doze off about an hour after laying down.  I could only hope that by tomorrow, Ivy would be more sober and that her hangover woudlnt be so bad so we can talk. As much as neither one of us wanted to have a conversation about it, it needed to happen. I had to know what went on when the fear gas was in her blood system.

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