Chapter 6: Big Baby

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Poison Ivy's pov:

     I woke up to Dr. Quinzel standing over my bed tapping her pen against my naked body. It had been two days since I last saw her and I've thought about her every second since.

     "Put this on." She commanded dropping my newly washed jumpsuit on the foot of my bed.

     "All you had to do was ask, Ms.Bossy." I rolled my eyes slipping into the  jumpsuit as Harleen giggled at my comment.

     "Let's go." Harleen encouraged grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the cell.

     Was she breaking me out of Arkham? Honestly, I wasn't sure if I was ready to leave yet. A few guards gave suspicious looks as we passed, but Harleen didn't pay attention. She led me out of the doors and only stopped me right before the sidewalk ended where it faded into grass.

     "Okay. I've been thinking about what you said. I need to get rid of my 'I'm the doctor and you're the patient' mindset. And truth be told, I don't have any real friends. But you do. I read in your file that you befriend plants. So, I figured we could have our sessions outside from now on. What do ya think?" She asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

     I noticed a slight accent change, but was too happy to point it out. I nodded my head and rushed past her into the field. I ran to the middle of the yard and dropped to my knees. I put my hands on the ground and revived the grass. I dug my nails into the rich grainy dirt and felt my eyes tear up. It felt so good to be back outside. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Harleen standing above me smiling. I wiped my tears quickly and sat up in the grass waiting for her long series of questions. She sat down in front of me.

     "Do you like being outside?" She asked gliding her fingers over the tips of the grass.

     "Very much. It's where me and my plants thrive best." I said keeping my voice steady from all the happiness.

     "Did you always think of the outside like this?" She asked writing who-knows-what on her clipboard.

     "Yes." I admitted. "I was never allowed outside as a kid, but the first time my feet hit the soil, it felt like heaven."

     "You were never allowed outside as a kid? Elaborate because I don't quite understand." She pressed.

     I felt a lump form in my throat, but I pushed it down, trying to keep my hands from shaking. People rarely got to me, but when they did, I never let them see that they did. I had to make sure that Harleen was the one feeling vulnerable, not me. If I broke her first, She couldn't break me.

     "That's not how friendships work, Harleen." I said forcing a smile on my face. "If I give you information, you have to give me information in return."

     "Fine. As long as you promise to give me what I need to help you." She reasoned after a long pause of thinking .

     I nodded thinking of what question I would ask her. I thought of everything that had happened in my previous two sessions with Dr.Quinzel. I searched my memory for any sign of weakness she let slip. That's when I remembered the Joker.

     "What is your connection with the word 'lady'?" I asked looking up into her eyes.

     She slightly flinched at the question, but pretended she didn't. She looked down and started drawing circles in the soil. I put my finger under her chin and guided her head back up to look at me.
Her nose turned a light red and I could see her fighting tears behind those perfect ocean eyes.

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