Chapter 4: Buzzkill

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Poison Ivy's Pov:

     I woke up to the sound of heels clicking rather violently against the tile floor. I groaned sitting up putting a hand on my head as Harleen entered my cell.

     "Interesting dream?" She asked looking in between my legs.

     My eyes widened as I looked down to see the fabric of my jumpsuit a darker color than usual. I grazed my fingers over the jumpsuit only to find out that my jump suit was wet. It wasn't the only thing. I slapped my palm against my forehead remembering my sex dream. Harleen giggled making me squint my eyes at her.

     "Why were you looking?" I asked giving her a wink.

     I watched as she quickly darted her eyes down to her clipboard. I smiled stripping down and tossing my wet clothes by her feet. Harleen scribbled randomly on her clipboard to try to avoid staring at my body. I made a mental note of this before sitting back down on my bed. I didn't care enough to cover up my body with the sheets; it was nothing she hadn't seen before.

     "So how are we feeling today, Pammy?" She asked making sure to look into my eyes and not anywhere else.

     "Pammy?" I questioned.

      "Is there a problem? Do you prefer Pamela?" She asked clicking her pen.

     "I prefer poison Ivy."

     "Come on, Pamela. There's gotta be something else I can call you. You're not a villan." Harleen rolled her eyes.

     "Fine. You can call me Red, but only because I want you to shut up." I said watching Harleen scribble the name down on her clipboard.

     "Okay, Red. How are you feeling?"

     "How are you feeling, Dr. Quinzel?" I asked getting closer to her.

     She flinched at the question, letting me know something was wrong. Every psychiatrist that had come before her all had a secret; something they didn't want to be exposed. All I had to do was find out Harleen's secret and use it to break her like I broke everyone else. Then, she would surely leave and I could be peacefully alone again. Most people didn't like being alone, but I preferred it.

     "Do you always avoid personal questions?" She asked looking up at me as I towered over her in the same dominant position as before.

     "Depends." I said leaning down until we were eye level. "Do your legs always shake like that?"

     She quickly crossed her legs trying to stop them, but I could tell she was too turned on. Her bottom lip quivered slightly before she bit it to keep it still. I let my fingers roll down her cheek before wrapping them around her throat. My green complexion looked vibrant compared to Harleen's pasty skin tone. I stared into Harleen's blue eyes as I slightly added more pressure. Her eyes widened with a mixture of excitement and fear. I stared at her mouth as she let a quiet moan slip from her lips.
Now it was my turn to be turned on. I put my face to the side of hers. I could hear her breaths getting  heavier. I pulled her chin towards mine, letting our lips touch. I slipped my tounge between her lips feeling it dance with hers.

     Harleen pushed my lips away, gasping for air. I thought that she would have ran away just like last time, but she grabbed my face and pulled me right back in. My hands instinctively went down to her legs and uncrossed them, rubbing her inner thigh as we kept going. She grabbed my long hair and pulled it tightly. It hurt, but in a good way. I pressed her into the wall, moving my hand under her skirt. I felt Harleen's kitty through her panties and pulled my lips away from hers.

     "Who does this beauty belong to?" I asked dropping to my knees for a better look.

     "You." She said closing her eyes and tossing her head against the wall as my tounge worked it's magic.

     "What's my name?" I asked slipping my two middle fingers inside of her.

     "Ivy." She gasped quickly.

     "Why so quiet? It's only us down here." I teased making my fingers go quicker. She tried to keep it in, but she just couldn't take it any longer.

     "IVYYYYYYY" she screamed letting a long moan out.

     She arched her back as her hands gripped the sides of the chair. I smiled pushing my hands deeper in, making her moan louder. I took my fingers out and licked her clit as I felt her legs tighten around my head as they shook violently. Surprisingly, I felt Harleen's hands pushing my head closer as she silently screamed in pleasure.

    I was about to go in further when I heard a sound coming from the hallway. I jerked my head up and put my hand over Harleen's mouth. I listened carefully as I heard the sound of boots walking down the hallway. I quickly pulled Harleen's panties back up as well as her skirt. I sat myself back on to my bed and put the covers over my wet pussy.

     "S-so, Pamela, why do you f-feel that way?" Harleen asked trying to steady her voice as well as her heart rate.

     I watched as Dr. Martinez stopped by the door to peak in on our session. I flicked her off before returning my gaze to Harleen.

     "Because I can, Harleen." I snapped, going along with Harleen's "therapy session".

     "I think that will be all for today, Ms.Isley." She said standing up as she flattened out her shirt.

     "It's Dr. Isley to you, Harleen. I have a PhD mother fucker." I smiled as she exited the room. 


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