Chapter 21: Family Meeting

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**sorry If this chapter seemed a little rushed. It is a shorter chapter that doesnt have as much meaning as the others, but it was one that had to be written. Better chapters coming in the future though. Happy reading!**

Joker's pov:

     There it was. I stared at the ultrasound in front of us. I couldnt belive it. I was going to be a real father. My insides got all warm and fuzzy for the first time in years. Harley reached out her hands to her sides. Ivy grabbed her left hand while I grabbed hold of her right.

     "It's so tiny!" Ivy squealed like a child who just saw a puppy.

     "Yea, no shit. It's only been there a few weeks." I remarked, making Ivy roll her eyes.

     "Can yall stop bitching and moaning for 5 minutes and just enjoy the moment?" Harley rhetorically asked.

     I smirked over at Ivy who was shooting daggers in my direction with her eyes. I winked and blew a kiss in her direction as she pretended to throw up. I returned my attention towards the screen. I loved pissing people off and getting a reaction out of them. It brought me great joy.

     "Ya know, we need to have a family meeting." Harley announced as the doctor took care of the gel.

     "What are we, a middle aged white family?" I teased, helping Harley off the table.

     Ivy noticed this and gave me a dirty look. It was obvious she didnt want me anywhere near Harley, but I didnt care. Nothing was going to keep me from my kid and as long as Harley carried it, I wanted to take care of her. Not because I cared about her, but because I cared for the child growing inside.

     "Come on, Joker. This is serious." Harley sighed.

     "Fine." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.


     "Want anything to drink?" Harley asked as we entered their house.

     "No, I dont plan on being here long." I answered. "So what exactly is it that we have to talk about?"

     "Well, if youd give her a second, then she'd tell you, dipshit." Ivy mumbled under her breath.

     "Huh? Whatd you say?" I asked. Ivy rolled her eyes, but stayed silent. "Oh okay, cause I thought Mrs. Shriveled pussy lips said something."

     Ivy stood up from the couch and marched her way over towards where I was sitting. She stood right in front of me, staring down. I was about a foot taller than her whenever I stood up in front of her. I could see Ivy's hands ball into fists as I smirked.

     "This is what I'm talking about." Harley said, appearing back in the room from the kitchen. "Ivy, come sit back down."

     "Yea, Ivy. Go sit your little ass back down." I repeated.

     Ivy squinted her eyes at me before taking a seat across from me next to Harley. They sat so weird. Harley sat hunched over with her elbows on her knees, while Ivy sat leaned back with her arm against the couch behind Harley. Who even sits like that? Freaks.

     "We need to talk about the kid. I want most of the custody over it." Harley said, making me grimace. "You know just as well as I do that the kid is better off with me and Ivy than it is with you and your goons, which reminds me. I don't want the kid to see all of that. I dont want my baby to see people getting shot and banks being robbed left and right. I dont want that for my kid."

     "Well, first of all,  it's not just your kid, Harley. It's our kid. So get that through your head real fast." I replied. "And if you want more custody, then fine. I dont care. But I WILL see my kid and I WILL play a big role in its life, which means if you have a concern, you bring it up with me. I have just as much right to this kid as you do."

     There was a long silence afterwards. Harley was thinking about whatever pregnant people think about and Ivy was thinking about all the different ways she could murder me. I could tell by the look on her face and the fire in her eyes.

     "What are yall going to do about gender?" Ivy asked, trying to break the silence.

     "Let's do a gender reveal party!" Harley perked up, looking at me for approval.

     "Okay, sounds good. As soon as we know the gender, me and plant bitch will go shopping and buy whatever we need." I said, wanting to speed this up.

     "Can yall please act like yall like each other? Or at least tolerate each other? Yall are going to be parents together, ya know. At least try for the kid." Harley said putting her hands on her hips.

     "We'll see. Look, I have some business to take care of back at the warehouse, so I gotta bounce. Harley, dont do anything stupid to hurt our kid. And Ivy," I said glancing over at the redhead. "take care of my Baby's mama for me."

     Ivy cringed, but nodded slightly. Harley just blushed as she looked down at the floor. I gave harley a pat on the shoulder, flicked Ivy off one last time, and headed out the door into the night.

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