Chapter 28: Whats the Gender?

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Harley Quinn's pov:

     I jolted my eyes open as my chest tightened. I frantically looked at my surroundings. Ughhhh it was another nightmare. I was getting really tired of those. I turned my attention towards Ivy as my heart rate slowed down.

      She looked so peaceful. Her messy red hair draped over her body. Her soft but firm hands tucked under her face. The way her chest slowly rose and fell to it's own rhythm. How could someone be so perfect even in their sleep? Ivy's eyes started to flutter open as she stirred awake.

     "How long did you plan on staring at me?" She mumbled with a smile.

     Woah. How did she do that? My voice in the mornings sounded like donkeys dying, but hers was so perfect. Her voice was naturally soothing and seductive, but when she first woke up, her voice always had this slight roughness to it that made my body tingle.

      "I mean could you blame me?" I teased as she kissed my forehead.

       I tossed the covers off of me as I made my way to the bedroom door. I reached for the handle, but Ivy's hand grabbed my wrist and playfully pulled me back.

      "Uh and where do you think you're going Harls?" She asked, letting my wrist go.

       "To go eat." I answered with a smirk. "Did you have something else in mind?"

      I tucked a loose strand of Ivy's hair behind her ear. I slowly looked her up and down as I bit my bottom lip. I tried to look as flirty as possible, but I was failing miserably. Red always made it look so easy, but I guess it comes naturally for her.

      "Knock it off, Harls." She snorted as she walked past me. "You stay in here until Joker and I finish the preparations."

      "But I'm hungry." I pouted as I flopped onto the bed.

      "I'll bring you food. Just wait up here." Ivy demanded as she shut the door behind her.

      I rolled over on my side, glancing at the clock. It was only 8 in the morning and the party didnt start until 12. What was I going to do for 4 hours? How could I possibly entertain myself for that long?

      I winced as the baby started kicking my stomach. I placed my hand on my bump as I felt its warmth. I couldnt really explain it, but it felt as if we were connected. When I touched my stomach, it felt like I was really touching my baby.

      "I wish I knew what you were." I sighed as I looked down at my growing baby bump. "But we will find out today, wont we? I dont care what you are as long as you're healthy. I just hope your daddy approves."

      That was another thing I had to consider. What will our baby call Ivy? Would it be too confusing to have two moms and a dad? I hoped not.

     My thoughts were interrupted by Ivy opening the door with a small tray in her hands. She set the tray down on the bed next to me as I stared in awe. There was so much food! There were scrambled eggs, bacon, sliced strawberries with whipped cream, a banana, and some crackers.

      "Baby, this is too much. Theres no way I'll be able to finish all that." I said still staring at the food.

      "You dont have to, but eat as much as you can. You're eating for two now, you know?" Ivy reminded me before leaving the bedroom again.


      Shortly after I finished eating, I heard a knock on the door. I got all excited, thinking that it was party time. I put the tray on the nightstand and sat up in the bed, smiling like an idiot.

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