Chapter 31: Ruined Reputation

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Poison Ivy's pov:

     Why was Harley leaving me? No one had ever stuck around as long as Harley did and now she was just leaving like it meant nothing. There had to be a reason.

       "I hate you." Harley yelled as she walked towards me until I was backed in a corner. "I never loved you. Hell, I didn't even like you. I was with you out of pure pity. You can never be good for me because you're just a dumb plant!"

        I could feel my breath start quickening as her words stung me. I watched as she narrowed her eyes at me. Joker came into the room with Selina trailing behind him. Harley ran to Joker and jumped into his arms as they started to make out right in front of me.

       The realization hit me harder than anything; Harley really did hate me. She was leaving me for the Joker. I sunk to the floor as I felt my heart shatter. I started sobbing as Harley continued to love on Joker. I was too broken to feel embarrassed.

       Seeing me vulnerable, Selina walked over to me and knelt down to my level. She put her finger under my chin and forced me to look at her.

        "This is all your fault, you weak bitch." Selina smirked before joining Joker and Harley in their laugh.

        "Thanks for the place to crash, but I'm done caring about you now." Harley laughed as she turned to leave the room.

       I lunged myself towards her, grabbing her ankle as I laid on the floor. I looked up at her through my tears.

       "Please stay!" I begged as I gripped her ankle harder.

        "Let her go." Selina demanded as Harley shook her ankle out of my grasp.

       I cried out her name as she left me alone in the room. I could feel myself getting light headed as I started to fade in and out of reality. I eventually closed my eyes as I curled myself up into a ball, sending me into a sleep.


     When I woke up, I saw Harley and Selina sitting on the bed next to each other. I smiled at the sight of them, realizing it was all just a bad dream. As my eyes adjusted to the bright light, I realized both the girls were crying. Selina was wrapped up in Harley's arms like the kitten she was as Harley desperately failed to stop crying.

     "Y'all are messes." I pointed out, as I slowly stood up. "What happened?"

       Selina picked herself up out of Harley's lap as they both turned to look at me. Their eyes immediately lit up at the sight of me as Harley tackled me back to the ground in one big embrace.

       "You're alive!" Harley squealed as she buried her face into my neck.

       "Uh...yea?" I said confused as to what happened. 

       Harley finished the hug as she stepped back to let me stand back up. Still confused as to what was happening, my eyes met Selina's. I saw a singular tear roll down her cheek before she looked to the side towards the wall.

      "Oh, Selina.." I whispered as I wrapped her in a hug. "What happened?"

        "Y-you almost died! I thought that I- I had lost you forever an-and-" Selina couldn't finish her poor excuse for an explanation as she started bawling into my arms.

      I gave Harley a confused look as I gently rubbed Selina's back. Selina was never very tough, even as a kid, so I was pretty used to situations like this.

      "What happened?" I mouthed the words as Selina clung on to me tightly. "Is it Batman?"

       Harley shook her head as she played with her hands; she always did that when she was nervous. I was so confused, it aggravated me. How come everyone else knew what happened except for me?

       "Ivy, do you remember anything?" Harley asked, not looking me in the eyes. "I would tell you, but I don't know the full story."

       "Yea. Lola's dead beat husband hit her, everyone freaked out, y'all went to go do some girly talk thing with her, they left, I went to the bedroom to sleep, had a sucky dream, and woke up. What am I missing?" I asked, recalling everything I could remember. 

       Selina let her arms fall from around my neck to her sides as she sighed. By the looks of it, she finally had regained control of herself as she stood in front of me all red faced.

     "Once Lola and her husband left, Joker and Harley went to go eat food at the table we had set up. I was going to join them, but you didn't move. A tear rolled down your cheek, which concerned me because everyone knows that you never cry. Like ever. And we went to the bedroom and as soon as we got inside, you completely just....broke down." Selina explained, making my heart stop. "I tried walking towards you, but you kept saying that I would leave you if I saw you in that condition. We know now that it was Scarecrow's fear gas, but he changed it somehow into a type of liquid that you aren't immune to."

      "You scared the shit out of us, baby. We all thought you were dead. I found an antidote in your lab, but we didn't know if it would work or not since it was a different recipe he used." Harley explained. "You stayed motionless on the ground for an eternity. We.......we were starting to lose hope."

       I didn't know what to say. It wasn't a bad dream after all? It actually happened? I looked over towards Selina as she looked at me in a different way than before. Looking at her now, I couldn't believe she saw me like that.

       "I....cried? In front of y'all?" I asked as I put my hands on my cheeks, feeling dried tears. "Please tell me you're kidding."

       Selina shook her head as she scratched the back of her neck. Harley tried telling me that it was okay, but I drowned her out in my mind. I couldn't believe it. I had let them see the weakness in me. They will never see me the same again. My reputation is ruined.

       "Fuck my life." I groaned as I slammed my hand against my forehead.

        "Pamela, it's okay, really. It wasn't your fault." Selina whispered as she put her hand on my shoulder.

       "It was my fault. I had one job and I couldn't even do that. It's like you said Harley, I'm just a weak plant." I mumbled as Harley looked at me confused. "Y'all have no reason to pity me. I won't let this happen again."

       I stormed off towards the bedroom door as the thought of them seeing me vulnerable burned my insides with anger and regret. Why was I like this?

       "I'm sorry for letting you down." I whispered before leaving them alone in the room.

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