Chapter 27: Party Shopping

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*15 weeks later*

Poison Ivy's pov:

     Harley flushed the toilet as I stopped holding her hair. She was 20 weeks into her pregnancy and her symptoms only seemed to be getting worse. I had never witnessed pregnancy in person, so I didnt know if this was normal or not.

     I heard my phone ring as I helped Harley to the bed. She was perfectly capable of walking, but she was a little slow. Her baby bump was getting bigger and bigger, weighing her down.

     "Knock knock." The voice said as I answered the call.

     "Who's there?" I asked with a sigh, knowing full well it was the one and only Clown Prince of Crime.

     "Its me, Joker." He announced, laughing to himself.

      "Wow havent heard that one before." I scoffed. "You've got the whole squad laughing over here."

     "Squad?" He questioned.

     "Yea, Selina's over here too. Wanted to see the baby more than us." I joked as I winked at Selina who was across the room. "Anyways, what do you want?"

     "Just wanted to check in on my baby momma." He answered.

     "Eew dont say it like that. You make it weird." Selina hissed in disgust from the corner of the room.

     "Easy, kitten. Dont whisker me to death." Joker mocked before letting out a long cackle.

     "Shes fine." I rolled my eyes. "Dont forget we have another ultrasound tomorrow. Dont be late."

     "Im not gonna be late, dipshit. Wouldnt miss it for the world." Joker said sincerely before ending the call.

     Harley put her hands over her face as she laid on her back. I sat laid next to her on the bed. Selina sat on the other side beside her.

     Haley instinctively rolled over on her side where she was facing me. She snuggled in as close as her stomach would allow her. Selina played with Harley's hair from the back until both girls fell asleep.


      "Okay, this is going to be quite cold, dear." The doctor said as he squeezed some gel onto Harley's stomach.

     I watched as she slightly winced from the coldness. I looked up at Joker to see him clenching his fists and shooting daggers at the doctor with his eyes. I could tell Joker was starting to become protective over Harley, or at least the baby inside her.

     Harley's eyes lit up with anticipation as she stared at the screen. When she's anxious, she normally likes to hold hands. I took a step forward before Harley grabbed hold of Joker's hand. I froze as I stared at the two of them.

      Jealousy took over as I looked at how perfectly their hands fit together. Why did Harley reach for Joker's hand and not mine? Did she love him now? Would she leave me for him? No, she wouldnt..........would she?

     "Would you like to know the gender m'lady?" The doc asked as he studied the screen.

     I knew the Doctor didnt mean anything by it. He was an older man, meaning he probably called women old timey names like that all the time. He was just trying to be polite, but I saw Harley's grip increase around Joker's fingers.

      Joker's eyes met mine and I shook my head to tell him to stay out of it. Joker didnt know about Harley's past and frankly it was none of his buisness even though It was all his fault that her past was coming back to haunt her.

      "N-no thanks." Harley whispered, trying to regain her calmness. "But they can know. T-they are doing a gender reveal for me."

     "Ah, I see." The doctor said tapping his pen against the monitor. "Well, I'll have to talk to you two in private then. Your baby is healthy, Ms.Quinzel, so if you are ready to go, I will ask you to please step outside while I talk to these two."
     Harley nodded as she pulled her shirt back down over her bump. Joker and I helped her down off the bed before she left the room.

     "Refrain from calling her lady from here on out please." I said softly.

      "Yes maam, you got it. I apologize for my use of the word before, but it wont happen again." The doctor said, guilt hidden behind his smile.

      "Yea it better not happen again if you want to live to see another day." Joker said, taking a step in the doctor's direction, eyes blazing.

      "J, calm down." I said putting my hand on his chest, creating distance between the two men. "He wont do it again. You need to chill."

     Joker stared down at the small doctor before huffing and stepping away. I returned my hand to my side and nodded at the doctor in reassurance.

     "Just tell us the gender." Joker sighed.


     "Baby!!" Harley squealed as if she hadn't seen us in months.

     She bounded up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck in a long hug. I took a step back from the impact the embrace brought as I smiled.

      "Red alert!" Joker screamed as all the people in the waiting room turned to us. "We have a couple of lesbos showing affection. I repeat lesbos showing affection! Everyone cover your eyes and take over."

      I rolled my eyes and grabbed Harleys hand as we walked outside. Joker was still laughing to himself when the cold winter breeze hit our faces.

      "Really?" Harley asked as she joined in on the laughter.

      I didnt find it amusing, but seeing the two laughing together brought a smile to my face.

      "Okay, so me and J are gonna go shopping for the gender reveal party. You are gonna stay home with Selina." I said as Harley got into the car. "Joker, I'll meet you there."


     I pulled into the parking lot of a dollar store. I stepped out of the car, spotting Joker. I made my way over to him.

      "Let's get this show on the road." He said.

     Gross. The baby wasnt even born and he was already saying cheesy dad lines. Someone just kill me now.

     As we entered the store, we started piling things into the shopping cart. We grabbed a pack of black water balloons, nails, a new baseball bat, and some food dye with colored glitter.

      Once we got up to the cash register, I reached in my back pocket and started to pull out some cash. Joker stopped me and paid for it himself. That surprised me since normally Joker never pays for anything. Normally, we would have just stole it all, but we wanted the gender reveal to be legal for once. Well, I didnt, but that's what Harley wanted.

     Once outside, I threw the bags into the back of my truck. I waved Joker goodbye as I made my way back home. I couldnt wait for the party tomorrow.

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