Ch. 25- The Kill by 30 Seconds of Mars

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I'm watching Easy A, so I'm pretty freaking happy right now. Like one of my favorite movies ever! Gah, I love this movie so much!

I figured that Ashton was going to be taking us out of our county, but he didn't. Instead he was driving me to the movie theater, which really shocked me.

"Umm, Ashton I know that we are going on our first date, but aren't most movie dates basically for making out in the back of the theater?" I asked him, making me extremely uncomfortable and a bit worried that that was all he wanted to do.

"Actually, my car's acting up. We weren't going to the movies, but I don't think my car is going to make it very far." He says, getting out of the vehicle and popping the hood to check on his car.

"Dammit, this is the first time it has ever acted up on me. You aren't supposed to start that shit until you are like ten years old!" He yells, kicking the tire on his left side.

"Ashton, it's alright. Just chill and we can try to fix it. Advanced Auto or Autozone isn't far from here. We can go and fix it." I say, getting out of the vehicle and walking over to Ashton to try and calm him down.

"No Ella, this was supposed to be the perfect date. I was going to take you on a cheesy bowling date, because I know that you like to bowl since you were on the team last year, and then I was going to take you to wherever you wanted to go out to eat and then I was going to something even cheesier probably knowing me, but now I can't because my car is acting up." He says, sighing incredibly loudly.

"Ashton no matter if we had just stayed at your house and watched Netflix, or went bowling, I would still enjoy the date, as long as it isn't going to the movies, cause just no." I say, looking towards the movie theater.

He however ignored me and continued to look around his car, trying to find the reason as to why it was acting up. A few minutes later there was a 'fuck you, Calum' and 'that damn prick' being muttered out of Ashton's mouth.

"Umm, Ash what's wrong?" I ask, worried as to why he was saying what he was about Calum.

"He fucked with my car so our date wouldn't go well, but I don't think he expected us to make it far." He says, slamming the hood down on calling someone.

"Can you come pick us up?" He asks whoever it was.

"Calum, I know you are the one who messed my car up, and we need a lift." He says angrily, obviously because it was Calum that he had called.

"We made it to the movie theater." Ashton states, his anger becoming worse as he talked on the phone.

"You messed with it before Ella came over earlier and then you just forgot about it?" Ashton asks, his eyes bugging out because of Calum's motives.

"Just come get us or bring what I need to fix my car, you prick." He says, and then hangs the phone up.

"I can't believe he would go that far!" He yells, thrashing his arms in the air.

"Hey, just chill out. We'll give this date another shot." I say getting up and rubbing his arms to try to get him to calm down.

"I don't care about the date anymore, Ella. I just can't believe he ruined our date just because he still wants to win. God, I am so sick of him." He says, sitting down on the ground and laying his head in his hands.

"Ashton, please look at me." I say, sitting down beside him, and wait for him to look at me. He slowly lifted his head, and his hazel eyes had turned a dark green because of the anger that Calum had caused. Ashton's hair was a mess and he was beginning to sweat.

"You know, you are really cute, even when you are angry." I state, laying my head down on his shoulder.

"And no matter what you do or wear, I will always think you are beautiful." He says, laying his head on mine, and letting out a sigh.

"Ash?" I ask, feeling the butterflies in my tummy like how Calum set off.

"Yeah, Ella?" He asks, not moving his head off of mine.

"I think I may actually like you." I state, causing his head to shoot up and him to have a look of shock on his face.

"Even after this shitty date, you still want to give me a try? Give us a try?" He asks, hope entirely written on his face and in his eyes.

"Yeah Ash, I really do." I say, nodding my head at him.

Even if our date didn't go as planned, I still wanted to give him a chance, especially since it was all Calum's fault. I may still just be a little teenaged girl, well not little, but in the future I know that Ashton would be the best choice. He had had problems with family when he was younger and I knew that if we were to ever have kids, in the far far future if I shall add, he wouldn't walk out on me, and there was no telling what Calum would ever do in the future. I mean even if he is trying to change, his reputation is still going to follow him around for the rest of his life.

Ok, I'm sorry but this isn't the best chapter. I was far too distracted by watching Easy A and I'm sorry. Either way, if you still liked the chapter please vote and maybe even comment. I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes that are most likely in this chapter and that are still throughout this entire story. Thanks for sticking with me. I am going to try to start making these chapters longer again, but I've been a bit stuck with my stories. Again, thanks for reading and I'll see you on the next update!

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