Ch. 31- Independence Day

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School had flown by because I wasn't really paying attention in my classes. Ariel and Elizabeth both refused to even look at me when I walked in with Ashton this morning, and I honestly didn't care. Elizabeth was pissed off at me, but I had the boys. If she no longer wanted to be my friend because I was hanging out with the guys, I didn't care.

The reason I hadn't been paying any attention in my classes today is because Ashton was going to drop his car off at the house and come straight over because neither of my parents would be home. He kept saying how he wanted to repay me because of what I had done for him this morning, but I wasn't sure if  I was even remotely ready for Ashton.

I rode home with Ashton and we sat in a comfortable silence. The other boys had rode home with Calum so it was only Ashton and myself. He placed his hand on my leg and squeezed my thigh, probably trying to reassure me, but instead it made me jump out of my skin.

"Ella, we don't have to do anything if you aren't comfortable. I understand." He says, squeezing my leg again and sending me a quick smile.

"I'm just thinking, Ash. Sorry." I say, biting my lip and looking up at him, giving him the best smile that I could.

We weren't even dating yet. Like, maybe I should just wait. Maybe I shouldn't have done what I did this morning. Oh god, he said I was going to regret it. No, I do not regret it. I'm 18 and if I want to have sex, I can. It's alright. Just chill and breathe, Ella.

Ashton pulled up into his driveway and parked the car, getting out of the vehicle and throwing his backpack into the garage. He grabbed my bag as well and lead me out of his car over to my house. Of course my parents weren't home as we had both figured was going to happen, and I was beginning to get even more nervous than I had been this morning. I unlocked the door and Ashton placed my bag on the floor and stood off to the side biting his lip.

"Ashton, I really do want to do this, I'm just a bit scared and nervous." I say, looking him dead in the eyes, showing him that I was still extremely scared.

"I don't know if we should do anything, Ella. I mean, technically we still aren't even dating." He simply states, having had thought the same thing I had.

"Well, why don't we make that official?" I ask, beginning to get even more nervous at the thought of Ashton being my boyfriend. He smiled an extremely big smile and walked over to me, grabbing my hands and making me place them on his waist.

"Ella Greene, will you pretty please with a cherry on top be my girlfriend even if we haven't had our first proper date, yet?" He asks, looking down into my eyes. His hazel eyes showed so much care, and I couldn't believe that anyone could care for me like that way his eyes reflected.

I leaned in and quickly pecked him on the lips. "Of course, Ashton." He quickly leaned in and kissed me after my response, as if he thought I was going to tell him no.

*Smut but not smut. idk what to call it. meh*

Ashton began to make his way down down my jawline again like he had done yesterday and sucked on the sweet spot that he had left a mark on, causing me to moan.

"Let's make our way up to your bedroom." He says, pulling away and grabbing my hand and leading me up to my own room.

We didn't say much, but through Ashton's sweet gestures I knew that all he wanted to do was make me happy, even if that meant that we had to stop here. He lead me to my bed and we slowly fell onto the bed together. Ashton lifted my shirt over my head again, but this time I didn't try to cover myself up. He made his way down to my chest and massaged my boobs, causing me to let out another moan. I shouldn't like this as much as I do probably, but damn this felt really good.

He unclapsed my bra and sat up, looking at my chest.

"The only good thing about my weight. I've been blessed with big knockers." I say, laughing, trying not to make it awkward, but by saying that I probably did. Ashton chuckled and leaned back down and took my left breast into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the nub. He leaned his left hand up to my right breast and began to massage it, causing my head to go back and for me to emit the loudest moan that I had this entire time. Ashton pulled away and looked me in the eyes with a very sorrowful look written on his face.

"I'm sorry, but I have to stop. I can't do this yet. I really do want to, but I really really don't want you to regret this. Maybe we can try again sometime soon. Maybe after we've been really dating for a bit and we know that we are both ready for each other." He says, being the gentleman that he was.

"I believe that I am ready, but I agree with you, Ashton. Thank you. Thank you for being so freaking awesome and kind." I say, quickly grabbing my bra up and placing it back over my body and throwing my shirt I had been wearing back on. I was however very turned on, and didn't know what to do because Ashton was here, and that's just awkward. I looked down and saw that he also had a boner.

"We really gotta figure something out though or we are going to become sexually frustrated." I say, shaking my head and pointing down at his bulge.

"Are you saying that you basically have a lady boner right now?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows at me with a funny face.

"You are such a dork, but yes." I say, laughing so hard that tears were in my eyes.

"I may be a dork, but I'm your dork." He says, moving himself closer to me and pecking my on the lips.

"You've got to do something about that." I say, pointing at his bulge again.

"It's too early for that! It'll just get hard again later." He says with a very discomforted face.

"I'm sorry, and I know. I woke up to it this morning. You were saying my name too." I state, giving him a knowing look, which causes his face to darken a color I had not quite seen Ashton's face turn yet.

"Be quiet, Ella." He says, turning even darker.

"What was your dream about this morning, Ashton." I ask, fluttering my eyelashes up at him.

"It's embarrassing." He mumbles out, not wanting to talk about it.

"Just tell me, please." I say, smiling up at him and giving him the best puppy dog face I could.

"We had just gotten married and were going on our honeymoon. We were a lot older than what we are now and we already had a child together but your mom and dad were watching them for us. We had a lot of fun. That's all I'm going to say." He says, his face still as red as it had been about a minute ago.

"That's really cute. I want to have a dream like that." I say, trying to help him no longer be embarrassed about his dream.

"Stop trying to make me feel better about myself." He mutters.

"I had a dream once that I was going on a water slide ride with Harry Styles." I say, telling him the first embarrassing dream I could remember.

"Are you serious?" He asks, a smile growing on his face and the redness beginning to fade away from his cheeks.

"Yeah. I've had some weird dreams. The sad thing about that dream though is that I've never really liked Harry. I had a crush on him for like a day. Now Niall is another story." I state, basically beginning to drool over Niall.

"Thank you for making me feel better about my dream, Ella." He says, kissing my forehead and smile down at me.

"You're welcome, Ashton. It was just a dream anyways, but it's still super cute and I want to have a dream like that." I state, smiling at him.

"Maybe you will have one tonight." He smirks, leaning in and kissing me on the lips.

I think I could stay like this forever. Just me and Ashton.

I know it's shorter and I'm sorry. I still really really want Ashton and Ella together, but I don't want it to happen yet. Like this is such a contradiction. Like It's so hard for me to write them together like this because I still want her to be with Calum too, but I just don't know anymore. Gah!!! More to come soon! Thanks for reading and as usual I'm sorry for those shitty grammar mistakes that are probably throughout the chapter. See you on the next update!

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