Ch. 1- I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy

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*the amazing cover was made by my friend, Emma. _unicxrn thank you so much!*

Recently my car had broken down, and I haven't had the money to get it into the shop. So here I am, walking to school by myself. It was either that or I take the bus. Senior in high school having to take the bus with all those obnoxious children? I'd rather not. Plus I'd just get picked at even more over my weight. I didn't really mind it but it did kind of suck.

I've always been the chubby/fat kid of the class. Overweight my entire life. I just really like pasta and pizza a little too much. If I could legally marry them I would. I've also never been a really active person. I prefer to scroll tumblr then go outside and play a sport. I mean, tumblr is where all my friends are. Not saying I don't have any friends at school or anything, though.

I have a few close friends at school consisting of band geeks and nerds. Ariel is my crazy band geek friend that I've known since 6th grade. Elizabeth is my best friend whom is also the biggest nerd I have ever met. We became best friends in Vocal Music being put into the same voice range. If it hadn't been for that class and band, I wouldn't have my two best friends.

My school says that they are against bullying, but every day I get picked at by the four biggest jocks at my school. Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, and Michael Clifford. Luke is the leader of the group and also the cutest. Yeah, yeah, I know. You aren't supposed to crush on your bully but I just can't help it. He's so hot with his lip ring, blonde hair and blue eyes, and his tallness.

Speaking of the four jocks, there they are at the front of school as always, looking for something. Ashton's eyes land on me and he nudges Luke who turns around and smirks. I gulp and try to walk as quickly as possible away from the boys. They followed after me, chasing me into the school, calling me names as always.

"Come back here, fat ass!"

"Get you fat ass back here, Ella."

"You know we can move faster than you."

They are getting closer to me, yet no teachers are trying to stop them.

One of the boys grab my wrist and slam me against the wall. I can tell that it's Ashton because he's the one with the biggest hands of the four boys.

"Ashton, please let me go." I say, looking down at the ground.

"Now why would I do such a thing, Ella. We haven't had our fun quite yet." He says, grabbing my chin and making me look him in the eyes.

He's biting his lip, which is something he never does unless he's attracted to someone. I look around, trying to find a girl he could be doing that to, but I'm the only one around. I'm so confused!

"Ashton, just let me go and leave me be." I say, trying to rip my arm out of his grasp, but he just holds on tighter.

Ashton places his hand on my waist and smiles at me, trying to see my reaction to his touch. To this I just squirm under his touch, trying to get loose. What is happening? Am I dreaming? Am I in an alternate universe where the guys actually like me? Still confused over here!

Ashton leans in and kisses my collarbone, making me squirm even more under his touch. I push him off of me, taking him aback and run off to my first period even if it wasn't time to go to class, yet.

"We aren't finished here, Greene." I hear Ashton say as I retreat away from the boys.

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