Ch. 10- Shake it Off by Taylor Swift

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Calum rushed me to the hospital, somehow managing not to kill us in his hurry. He didn't talk to me until we were officially out of the hospital, and when he did finally talk, he was only telling me to be careful with my hand. We walked in to the ER at about 12 in the morning with angry looks on just about everyones faces. They gave me a bunch of paperwork to sign and I just give Calum a look.

"That's your writing hand isn't it?" He asks, looking kind of mad.

"I can try to write with my right, but it will be so badly written that they will never, ever want me to come to this hospital again." I say, feeling sorry for both myself and him.

"Middle name?" He asks, starting to write.

He continues asking questions, but hestitates at a specific one.

"Sexually active?" He asks, even though he knows the answer.

"Not yet." I mutter back.

"Last menustral period?" He asks, his face growing red.

"Jesus, Calum. Like a week and a half ago, I don't know. I've never been one to keep track if my vagina was bleeding or not." I say, huffing.

"I'm sorry. It's what the paperwork wants. They probably think that we are boyfriend and girlfriend and that we got into some huge fight which caused you to do this to your hand." He mutters.

"Well, they don't know my story and I don't know theirs. They can mind their own damn business." I say, starting to feel tired, causing me to be as grumpy as I was being at this current moment.

Calum ignores me and continues filling out the paperwork, asking questions here and there, but never trying to make full conversation with me again. I deserved that, too, but I didn't want to go to the hospital anyways. I knew what they were going to say.

Calum got up and gave the nurse working up at the front my paperwork and came back and sat with me. I laid my head down on his shoulder, slowly starting to drift into a world of sleep. I was awaken quickly and marched into a hospital room by Calum. Soon a doctor, at least I think she was a doctor, came in and told me to show her my hand. Afterwards she left, and then came back about twenty minutes later with bandages.

"Ms. Greene, your hand is definitely broken. However, because it is only your hand, we can't put a cast on, so your hand will be healed by using bandages. I'll put the first bandages on for the next two days at the most, then you will have to have someone rebangage your hand. If they get wet, they should be ok, but if they are soaked, you will have to have someone rebandage that as well. Just be careful and take good care of your hand. Do you need a note for school?" She asks.

All I do is nod, then she leaves and comes back in with a note for school, saying that I had broken my hand and that I needed to be careful when it came to using it. Then the worst part of my night came. She wrapped the bandages around so tightly that there was no way I would be able to even move my left hand until I took off the bandages. Soon after she dismissed us to go home.

"Are you ok? Do you need anything? How badly does it hurt?" Calum says as we walk out of the hospital and back to his car, which had three other boys with the names of Michael, Luke, and Ashton, surrounding it, Ashton's car being parked beside Calum's.

"Why are you all here?" Calum asks, anger rising in his voice.

"She said to forget about the pact, so we did." Michael says, looking down at his feet.

"We wanted to come and make sure you were ok, since Calum wasn't answering any of his texts and we were starting to get worried." Luke says, looking sincere.

Of course, the only one who didn't say anything was Ashton. He was just sitting there, on top of his car hood with a grumpy look on his face.

"What's wrong with Ashton?" I ask curisouly.

"He's mad at himself, plus he still doesn't want to forget about the pact, but some of us still don't have our licenses, so we needed a ride." Michael explains.

"Oh, ok. Well, if you and Luke would like to come over and stay the night and protect me from any other storms to come, you are more then welcome, but if something comes up and I start to suck face with Calum or something, don't rip us apart from each other, because I was actually having a good time until that happened." I say, glaring at Ashton.

"You all ride back with Calum. I'm going to stick around this area for a bit. Ella, I'm sorry. If you'd like to break your other hand on my face, go for it." Ashton says, getting off of the vehicle and into the drivers side, starting up his car and driving off.

I actually felt a bit bad for him, but then remember that my hand was broken, and it was because of him making me mad that I had broken it. Sometimes I wish I had taken anger management just so I wouldn't have done that.

"Are you ready to go back?" Calum asks, opening up the passenger door for me to get into the car.

I nod and I sit down, getting comfy into the seat. The boys walked over to the drivers side and climbed into the back seat, also getting comfortable. Calum got into the drivers seat and started the car, heading back home.

yes I realize that this isn't as long as the other two or three chapters have been, and I'm sorry. I'm afraid my writers block may be coming back again, but I'm still trying to stick with this story at least since I haven't actually finished a fanfiction in quite sometime. I hope that you still like the story and can forgive me for my short chapters. Thanks for reading.

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