Ch. 36- Move, Shake, Hide by Marmozets

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*Almost a Month Later*

The boys are leaving in a few days, and I've for the last couple of days I've been feeling very nauseous. No throwing up of course, but I have felt very sick. Ash went out and bought five different pregnancy tests today and has basically made me drink an entire gallon of water just to make sure I have enough pee for the tests.

"Are you ready for this?" He asks, coming into the bathroom that I was currently squirming in because I really really had to pee.

"Yes. Get them all out of the boxes before I pee myself." I say, squirming around the room a bit more. Ashton broke into all of the boxes and get them all set up and prepared for me.

"I know you probably don't want me in here, but I think it would be best if I stay to hand you the sticks." He simply states, sitting down on the side of the bathtub and handing me one of the five pregnancy tests.

"When I give you the look, hand me another test." I say, sitting down on the toilet and preparing myself for the worse to come.


Ten minutes have passed and I don't want to go inside and look at the results. I'm extremely worried that they are all going to say positive and if they do, I may cry, and not out of joy either.

"Ash I can't do it. You go in." I state, pacing in front of the bathroom door, sweat building up on my face from my nerves.

"Ok, Ella. Here I go." He says, pushing the door open and walking over to the tub, where each and every one of the tests lay. As I watched him, I became nervous. He turned around and looked at me with a very pale face and started to fall to the ground, but I fortunately caught him and looked at the pregnancy tests.

Each and every single one of them read that I was pregnant. Not a single negative was on the five tests, which means I was definitely pregnant and that I was definitely going to be a mother soon, and the baby or babies could be either Ashton's, Michael's, or both.


"Guys we have something very important to tell you." Ashton says, running his hand through his crazy hair and looking at each and every single one of his friends with a very nervous look appearing on his face.

"Well stop all this suppense. Tell us." Luke says, a look of worry spreading across the other three's faces.

"I'm pregnant." I simply state, biting my lip and looking between Ash and Michael.

"And we have both decided that since she's pregnant that she will be joining us after this semester is over with and she's gotten all of her credits so there will be at least two of us with a completed high school diploma around." Ashton states, walking over to me and grabbing my right hand in his left and placing his right hand on my tummy.

"There's still a possibility that the child may be mine, right?" Michael asks, a look of pure happiness in his eyes.

"Yes Mikey." I say, barely audible. I felt like a whore. Like a complete piece of trash. Why did I have to sleep with Mikey? Why did I have to cheat on Ashton. Why did I have to be such a terrible person?

"Ella stop beating yourself up. We can all tell you are. It was a mistake. None of us are mad at you, and we all love you like we did before that night. Maybe even more now that we are going to be uncles." Luke says, getting up and basically shoving Ashton away, clutching me to his chest.

"I love you guys so freaking much. I'm so glad that you all finally came back into my life. Even though I basically made biggest mistake a teenager can make, I'm going to be glad to let my future children call you all their uncles and Ashton or Mikey their dad. Who's ever kid it is, both of these boys will love and cherish it, biologically theirs or not. All four of you will." I say, feeling tears begin to fall. Stupid pregnancy hormones.

"Ok now that we've told you, we've got to go break the news to Ella's mom and dad. They both took off of work today for some reason or another, but it's a great thing that they did so we can inform them of the news." Ashton says, taking my hand in his again and beginning to lead me out the door to my home.

"Ash, I don't think I'm going to be able to tell them. I especially can't tell them that the child could be another mans." I say as we quickly approached my porch.

We entered the house and Ashton rounded up my parents, whom sat down on the living room couch with a very worried look on their faces.

"Mr. and Mrs. Greene, I need you to listen and hear me out before we even start this chat." Ashton starts, beads of sweat beginning to form on his forehead from his nervousness. I just stood off to the side, playing with my fingers and becoming even more nervous as he waited for my parents to nod and say continue, which seemed to take forever.

"Ella's pregnant with my child. Once this semester is done and-" He's forced to stop from the angered look on both my mom and dads faces.

"What the fuck do you mean that you're pregnant? You didn't even tell me you had sex with Ashton." Mom says, raising her voice in a tone I hadn't heard from her before.

"I didn't tell you I slept with Michael either. I was scared. I would have eventually told you. I promise." I say, instantly regretting my words as usual.

"So is there a possibility your child may be Michael's as well?" Dad asks, being the calm one out of them both.

"Yes daddy." Was all I said, which caused Ashton to stiffen up beside me.

"Ella, we love you so so much. I hope you know that. We aren't happy of course, but we will support you in every way possible." My dad says, shocking all three of us, including my mom.

"The guys and I want to bring her on tour once she's finished this semester. We will have doctor appointments set up for both her and the baby or babies. We will care for her and do everything possible to help her through the pregnancy and we will also keep you all informed." Ashton begins again, looking to and from my parents for their permission.

"I don't think spending time pregnant on a tour bus will be a lot of fun, but you do whatever you want to do, Ella. I do want you to at least get your 28 credits that you need to graduate from school." Mom states, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Yes, ma'am. That's the plan." I state, not wanting to upset her anymore than I already had.

"Then their plan is perfectly fine by me, but you have to promise that you will keep us informed. Send us ultrasound pictures and tell us how the child is growing. Also once that baby or babies are born, please get a dna test done, because I'd like to know who their father is." Mom states, giving me a knowing look.

I nodded my head and we left it at that. My dad wanted to go and talk to Ashton and mom sent me up to my room to make sure that I wouldn't eavesdrop on them, which I wasn't planning on doing, so I stayed up in my room until Ashton walked in.

"All I'm going to say is that your father is a very great man. Also I'm so glad that they are alright with you coming with us on tour. You're going to have so much fun in England with us even if you're throwing up and such. We'll make sure you will have a blast." Ashton says, walking up to me and hugging me to his chest.

"I can't wait, Ash. I really can't." I simply state, lifting my head to look up at his face, which seemed to be nothing but happy. I leaned up and brought my lips to Ashton's, kissing him passionately, never wanting him to let me go and never wanting me to let him go.

Ok everyone. This is the final chapter before the sequel to the next story. I think that the title is going to be A Lot Could Happen, which I actually just came up with. Please keep an eye out in the future for the sequel and I hope that this isn't a bad ending to the story. Thanks for reading and sticking with me til the very end! It means so much to me! Love you guys so much! Lots of drama(probably not but I'll try) to come in the next story! I've gotta finish all my other stories first though and start on the Soul Mate story before starting the sequel. Hope you understand, and thanks so much for reading. I apologize for my grammar mistakes which will be fixed eventually to the best of my ability!

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