Ch. 24- Epiphany by Staind

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Ok, so I realize that I left this at a bad point and after going back and rereading the story, which I actually enjoyed minus all my stupid grammar mistakes, I realize that I need to continue with this story and I'm sorry for "ending" it the way I had. I hope you can forgive me.

"Hey Cal?" I ask, looking up at him, hoping that he was still awake. We had been just laying in bed watching episodes of Doctor Who on his Netflix. He said that he wasn't a very big fan of Doctor Who, but he would gladly watch it if it made me happy.

"Yeah Ella?" He says, sitting up and looking me straight in the eyes.

"I still think that I need to go out on that date with Ashton. It's only right." I say, feelings the guilt eating me alive.

"But I thought you wanted to be with me?" He says. The hurt in his eyes hurt me as well, but I couldn't just leave Ashton hanging.

"I still don't know yet, Calum. Just let me go on this date with Ashton and we'll see what happens." I say, biting my lip from nervousness.

"I thought I finally had you. That I had finally won you over. Dammit Ella. Just go. I don't care." He says, getting up off his bed and storming out of his room.

The boys had fortunately moved the object that had been blocking the door, so Calum hadn't broken anything and was able to storm out in his tantrum.

"What's wrong with him?" Michael asks, coming into the room and sitting down beside me.

"I told him that I thought I should still go out on that date with Ashton and he got pissed off and stormed out of the room. Said something about finally winning me over or something." I state, letting a tear slide down the side of my face.

"Ashton's pretty torn up. I don't know if you are going to want to go on a date with him. He's pretty upset." Michael says, a look of sorrow washing over his face.

"I at least have to do this one thing, Michael or it's going to eat at me for the rest of my life. Like maybe I'll come to see that Ashton is really the best option for me and that Calum was never good for me. Maybe I'll actually begin to fall for him." I say, gushing my feelings out to Michael.

"I don't think one date is going to change your mind that quickly, but go for it. Just try not to hurt him anymore than what you already have." Michael says, walking out of the room.

I headed straight down to Ashton's and heard him and Calum talking loudly to each other.

"I thought that I had finally got her. That this was all done and over with and that I had finally won her over, but she still wants to go on that fucking date with you." Calum says, anger in his voice.

"That's not my fault. You are still in it for the pact aren't you. That's all you care about." Ashton says, raging at Calum.

"No, I am not in it for the pact anymore. I truly believe that I have come to love her and that I can change for her." Calum says, some form of sorrow being heard in his voice.

"No, I don't believe you. You can't just change because you kissed her. There's no way you have already changed so quickly. You're just using her still." Ashton says, beginning to get even more angrier.

"I am trying to change! For her at that!" Calum yells, his voice cracking and rising.

"Can you both just stop please? Ashton, I'd like to still go on that date. Even if I don't have feelings like I do for Calum, I feel like you are the best option for me at this point in my life," I say looking straight at Ashton and then switching my attention to Calum, "and even if you are still trying to change. I can't just forget about all the stuff that we've gone through these last couple of weeks. Yes, I like you Calum, but until I know that you can truly change, I just don't think it's best for us to see each other. Are you up to still going on a date?" I ask, looking to Ashton who had a very big grin on his face.

"Of course I am, Ella. Just let me get ready and we can leave in a few minutes or whenever you feel like going." He says, beginning to frantically run around his room.

I smiled and walked down to the living room and almost ran straight into Liz.

"Oh, hey Ella. What's going on? I've heard a lot of fighting going on between Calum and Ashton." She says, giving me the knowingly mother look.

"It's a long story that will just cause you to dislike me even more than what you already do." I state, going to sit on the couch and wait on Ashton.

"I don't dislike you, Ella. It's quite the opposite actually. I'm just trying to look out for my boys and well because two of them really like you, there's going to be fighting. Just try to pick right and may the odds be ever in your favor." Liz says just as Ashton walks down the stairs and into the living room.

He was wearing what he would normally wear, but he had put his glasses on and I thought that they looked absolutely adorable on him.

"Are you ready to go, or do you wanna stay here a little longer?" He asks just as Calum comes flying down the stairs. He looked straight at me with an evil look in his eyes, as if he wanted to kill, but continued on into the kitchen.

"I think it would be best if we left now, Ashton." I say, getting up and heading to the front door.

The date will be the next chapter! Hope you all enjoyed reading this and I hope that this is what you all wanted. As in to continue on with the story. Vote if you liked the story maybe and comment if you want to : ] thanks for reading and I hope to see you again the next time I update. Sorry for any grammar mistakes <3

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