Ch. 14- American Eulogy by Green Day

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"Calum, get the fuck away from my car! How did you even find us anyways?" Ashton yells at Calum, whom has the biggest grin on his face I've ever seen on anyone.

"There's this little thing called tracking on all of our phones, and I know how to use it, so I found you. Now Ella, please come into my car and get away from them." Calum says.

"I'm not going with you, whether you like it or not." I spat at him, hoping he would understand that I was quoting him.

He looked over to his left side, as if trying to remember something, then his stupid grin turned into a frown.

"You recorded me, eh. Well, whether you like it or not, Ella, I'll still be winning this pact, no matter if it means I have to force myself on you or not." He says, getting into his car and slamming his door.

"Good luck getting home. Your tires are flat." He says and drives away with an evil laugh.

I sat down on the curb and started to cry. I need to get out of this town or something. Just move away. Legally I can do that, but I don't have a vehicle anymore and my parents would never let me leave them. One of the guys came over and wrapped his arm around me, comforting me. I wanted to shrug him off, but I couldn't do it.

"Ella, we won't let him hurt you." Luke says, kneeling down beside me, forcing a smile onto his face.

"What are you going to do? Stay around my house 24/7 and make sure he never gets in." I harshly say to him.

"One of us will stay at your house. Be guard dogs." Michael says, sitting on the opposite side of where Ashton was apparentally sitting.

"Yes, because that will go over with my parents so well. Hi, mom and dad. Calum recently threatened to force himself on me and now one of the guys are planning on staying at the house from now on to make sure Calum doesn't come in. Sorry not sorry." I say sarcastically.

"We'll just have to sneak in to your house. I mean it's not that hard to get into a bedroom on the second floor." Ashton says, letting out a chuckle.

"Well, however you are going to decide who stays with me, you have to explain to my parents if we get caught. So, no one stays tonight since mom and dad should be back with Mary in the morning." I simply state.

"We can't take that risk. Calum knows your parents aren't home either, so he may try to make a move tonight." Luke says.

"What are you going to do then, Luke? Sleep under my bed?" I question.

"If that's what you want. And if you get afraid one of will be there for you in an instant. Especially if a thunder storm comes around again." Ashton says, teasing me.

"I can't help my fears, Ashton." I state.

"None of us can. I mean I'm not a big fan of heights or being stranded in the middle of no where, which at this moment, we are." Michael says, going back to the problem that we had at hand.

"Well, if we can drive on the flats for a few miles, there's a Food City just over there and they normally have free air to fill your tires with." I say, pointing over towards the sign that said Food City. It didn't seem too far away, but when you had to drive on probably three or four flats, it would be very hard to get to our destination. Plus we had to worry if one of the tires would pop.

"Well, Calum doesn't realize that I keep an air pump in the trunk and I also have a spare. He also doesn't have a key to my car, so there's no possible way he was able to take either. Always come prepared." Ashton says, getting up and leaving my side and going straight to the trunk of his Ford Escape, pulling out the spare tire and air pump.

Luke walked over and helped Ashton while Michael stayed by my side.

"So... Not to change the subject or anything, but what are some of your favorite video games?" He asks, curiosity filling his eyes.

"I love Grand Theft Auto, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Amoung Us, and the two Silent Hill Games I own, all for Playstation 3 though. I don't own an X-box. What about you?" I ask him, taking an interest in what types of games he likes to play.

"I really like to play FIFA, but I've played some of those games as well and really enjoyed them, especially The Walking Dead. Who did you let die the first time around at the drug store?" He asks.

"I left Doug the first time, but the second time around I left Carly. I mean they both die either way because of stupid Ben. Why couldn't he have just told the truth to Lilly. Did you leave her? Lilly that is." I ask him.

"Yeah, she was a bitch before and after her father was killed by Kenny." He says and then shrugs.

"So you chose to try and save him, also?" I ask.

"Every single time I play. I don't like killing people like that. Have you played the new game?" His eyes filling up with happiness by just talking about video games.

Somewhat spoiler alert for anyone who wants to play the second season, but hasn't had as much free time as I had this summer.

"Of course I have. Did you kill Sam the dog? What was your reaction to Omid's death. What about Sarah? Did you let her die or save Jane? So many hard choices were in that game!" I ask him, rambling off questions.

"Ok, it's nice to see that you are both bonding and such, but the tires are filled. I vote Michael stays with you tonight just so you guys can obsess over The Walking Dead and maybe even play together." Ashton says, putting away the air tank and getting into his vehicle, ready to leave the restaurant.

"Its really up to you guys. If you really think that Calum will come into my room tonight, it doesn't matter which one of you comes over. My Playstation is in my room anyways, so whatever floats your boat, Michael." I state, getting into the passanger side and looking back at Michael.

All he did was nod his and look out the window all the way back to my house. Calum's mustang was parked outside and he was sitting on their porch with a smirk on his face, looking straight at me.

"Umm... Do you all want to stay over for a bit? I can order a movie for us to watch or something." I say, scared for my life.

All the guys nod and follow me into the house. I never thought I would say or think it, but I feel really safe around the guys now. I'm actually really grateful for their second pact now, just because we are all becoming friends.

So... Hi again guys! I really hope that you are enjoying this story. Ella will slowly be moving in on one of the boys soon, but I still haven't quite decided which guy I want her to be with yet. Like I think I need to do a poll at some point in the future just to see who you guys want her to be with. Through this chapter I kind of want her with Michael... I think I'm going to make Calum have some serious character development in the future just because I don't like this Calum. As usual, if you liked the story please vote and comment if you want to. Quick question. Do you think I should do a Question of the Chapter at the end from now on? I've been reading a lot of fanfictions lately and a lot of them end off with a question of the day type thing. Thanks for reading, and I'll hopefully see you next chapter : ]

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