Ch. 7- Pens and Needles by Hawthorne Heights

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I've been sitting in my bedroom for the last two hours thinking about what Calum had told me. The boys had liked me when they first moved here, but because they all liked me, they made some weird pact to where none of them could date me and now they've made another pact of which I am most definitely not ok with. Like how about we ask permission of the person that they are fighting over or maybe just tell her instead of being prude assholes.

I could hear that the boys were home because they were all practicing for their silly band. They actually didn't sound that bad. I like to listen to them when they practice, sometimes. They have this super catchy song about a girl standing out in a crowd at their show and I really like it, but I've never actually sat down and listened to their music. I guess I should make today the day I listen to them since we have to deal with each other for the next couple of weeks.

I walk out of the house and straight over to their garage and sit down in front of the boys. They didn't notice me at first so they continued to play the song they were working on. Ashton was the first one to notice me and he instantly stopped playing his drums, which caused Calum to stop, then Michael, and finally the last one was Luke.

"Ella? Why are you here?" Ashton asks, confusion completely written all over his face.

"I hear you all practicing a lot, so I thought today should be the day I finally came out and listened. See if you're any good." I say, with a smirk on my face.

"Why all of a sudden, though? You've never showed an interest in our music before." Michael says, curiosity in his eyes.

"Well, you all have never showed an interest in me until today, so why not change up the rest of the day. Plus, you paid our teacher to have me work with you all, apparently." I state.

"Calum! You told her? Let me guess, you told her you weren't apart of the pact. Fucking prick." Luke says to Calum.

"I never agreed to your stupid pact! I said I was staying out of it, so shut your mouth, Hemmings." Calum shouts at Luke.

"Do I have to remind you who's house you are staying in?" Luke says, anger showing in his eyes.

"All of our families help your mother with taking care of us, Luke, including paying for the house." Ashton says.

"Who's side are you on?" Luke asks.

"I'm on the right side, and right now that's standing up for Cal." Ashton says, walking away from his drums and into the house.

Michael and Cal followed in behind him.

"I think I should leave. I'm sorry I made you all fight. I think this little pact of yours needs to be resolved. Also, I don't want any of you in my pants, anyways. All you guys are, are a bunch of stuck up, cocky jerks and that is definitely not my type. Especially you, Luke." I say, getting up and heading back to my house, seeing as I had already done enough damage to the guys for the day.

"We'll see, Ella." He says, sighing and heading into the house.

"Luke?" I quietly say, hoping he doesn't actually hear me.

"Yes, Ella?" He asks, sounding mad.

"Please don't hurt him. Even if he lied or not about the pact, I don't want Cal to get hurt. He's been the only one honest out of the four of you." I say and run off to my house before Luke could say anything back to me.

I looked at the clock to see what time it was. It was six. Mom and dad were on vacation or something with my baby sister, so I was home alone at least for the next week, so that meant I got to make whatever I wanted for dinner. Because it was Friday, I called up the closest pizza joint to me and ordered a large cheese pizza with marinara sauce to dip it in. Mom and dad had left me about $200 dollars, but I also had my emergency credit card if I spent all the money before they came home. They trusted me far too much.

While waiting on my pizza to arrive, I went to Netflix to watch a movie or an entire season of doctor who or something along those lines, but I decided on watching a creepy looking movie. The doorbell rang at about ten minutes into the movie so I paused it, grabbed my pizza, paid the delivery guy, and went back to my movie.

The movie wasn't that scary, but there was this one scene that kind of scared the hell out of me, so I ended up shutting the movie off and watching some doctor who. Unfortunately I put on the episode Silence in the Library, which creeps me out a bit as well, but I couldn't just stop watching it.

"Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved." The face resembling Donna says on a mannequin.

A storm was heading into my area of Tennessee, so I shut off the television, put my pizza into the fridge and went into my bedroom to prepare for the storm. Ever since 2nd grade I've always been scared of thunder storms. The lightning and the noise the thunder makes scares me so much that I can't sleep through a storm. One time I woke up in the middle of a storm, turned on my MP3 player, and listened to my music until my dad came into my room and told me the storm would be over soon. That's how much they bother me.

I laid down onto my bed and tried to sleep but before I knew it the storm was here and I was hiding under my covers. It was a bad one and there was no one in the house to help me calm down because of the storm.

I ended up going back downstairs to watch the next episode of doctor who to calm myself. About halfway through the episode though, the power went out and I shrieked out. I'm also not a big fan of the dark. I sat there, with my eyes closed, hoping for the power to come back on.

"Ella! Are you alright? We heard someone yell over here! Open the door." You hear one of the Aussie boys say, banging on your door.

"It's unlocked. Come in!" I yell, not even thinking about it.

In walks Ashton with a smug grin on his face.

"You know, that's not safe. Anyone could walk in and come in and murder you." He says with a childish glint in his eyes.

"Yeah I know. It's just I'm home alone, I watched a really scary movie, and then the storm came and I don't like storms so I got scared. Then the power went out and I was in a good episode of doctor who. I wasn't thinking about locking the damn door at that point in time." I say, blabbering to him.

"It's just a storm, Ella. Nothing to be worried about. Do you want me to stay until the storm is over.?" He asks, actually looking sincere.

Do I want him to stay with me? At least I'll have someone to comfort me from the storm. What if he tries to make a move because of their pact, though? I can't trust him.

"Go get the other guys and sure." I say.

He nodded and walked out of the house to fetch the boys.

~(a/n) please remember that I type these up on my iPod, so there's probably a lot of grammar mistakes and such. This is the last chapter that I have typed up as of this update, but I want to try and work on some this weekend. Hope you guys like the story and thank you for voting <3 ~ also, please remember that I am back in school and it's my senior year so I have a lot of work to do this year. At least this semester.

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